Marina, tell us about daddy’s parenting style

YOURSAY ‘Badgering Dyana and her mother is not dignified and ethical.’


Disappointed with Dyana, Dr M gives parenting tip


Tholu: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, do you realise that by your 'parenting tip', you have exposed yourself to be an incontrovertible racist.



Do you also realise that by your exhortation to Umno members to forcefully 'indoctrinate' their children on Umno ideologies which smacks of rotten values such as corruption, abuse of power and arrogance, you have exposed your feudal mentality to the core.


You have inadvertently laid bare your machinations of suppressing and oppressing your people and their treasured democracy for your own unholy desire to be in power and abuse the government and the system for personal gains.


If the Umno Malays were to listen to you, they would remain in the abyss of ignorance and not able to progress and keep pace along with a rapidly growing world in science and modern technology.


Do you want the Malays to still engage the services of a bomoh instead of using modern and sophisticated equipment to trace lost planes?


Anonymous_3e0b: Surely many Malaysians are delighted to see Marina Mahathir has chosen a different path to seek justice and fight for real changes instead of following this written-off old man who sadly until now still does not know when to enjoy his twilight years but instead wasted his energy to continue blowing his own trumpet.



Mahathir is a pompous retired politician, who is still clinging to his "Do what I tell you to do but do not do what I do" attitude.


Pemerhati: Following Mahathir’s logic, since Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud’s mother was an Umno stalwart, she would have heard nice things about Umno from her and would have grown up to love the party and would have believed Umno’s false propaganda about DAP being a Chinese chauvinist party.


Dyana’s membership of DAP indicates that she and possibly many other young Malays cannot be hoodwinked by Mahathir’s and Umno’s propaganda.


They want a genuinely democratic Malaysia where all are treated fairly and equally under the law and the wealth of the country is used for the benefit of the people and not siphoned off by the top BN people and their families and cronies.


Onyourtoes: Precisely, Umno members should tell their children about the party, its history and what it has done to this country. Yes, why not?


It is a history of abuse, of conning, of deceit, and of nepotism and cronyism. It is a history of how leaders, in the name of ‘bangsa’, ‘agama’ and ‘negara’, enrich themselves and their families. 


And what have we got as a country today? Yes, a broken one - running out of water, abusing its oil wealth, deplorable living condition, poor housing, degraded environment, hopeless education, poor healthcare, low income and high cost of living. Do you want more?


Odysseus: Dr M, Dyana went to a university that was build by the BN government. Isn't a university a place which teaches its students to think and make decisions for the betterment of themselves and the nation?


It seems like you are disappointed that she is capable of thinking and making her own decision. In this case, UiTM (Universiti Teknologi Mara) is a failure in your eyes as they too failed to indoctrinate her with your failed policies.


Citizen_1b85: I thought of not going to Teluk Intan to vote since it is only a by-election, but after reading Mahathir’s comments, I have decided to close my clinic, never mind if I lose a few thousand ringgit, and drive to Teluk Intan and cast my vote. 


Your guess will be as good as mine as to who I’m going to vote for. Thanks Mahathir for helping me to make that decision. My son is going to be very proud of me.


Whatsup: Mahathir, you could be a great-grandfather to Dyana, and yet instead of being a learnt elderly giving advice, you poured scorn on an obviously highly capable young lady.


Shame on you Mahathir, shame on you. Continue to be bitter then and enjoy the bitterness. Surely there is more to come.


Negarawan: "As parents, Umno members should tell their children about Umno, its history and what it has done (for country and people). Otherwise when they grow up, they will do as they please," Mahathir was quoted as saying by Bernama .


The fact is Umno has done more damage to the whole country than good. Hasn't Umno been doing as it please in the last 50 years, raping the country of its wealth and dignity, destroying and corrupting the institutions of justice, law and order, education, and public service?


So Mahathir, you want parents to teach our children how to be immoral, unjust, and corrupt? You will never be an honourable and great statesman like Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew.


Mushiro: It is time for Mahathir and the current set of Umno leaders to realise that the young and middle-aged group of Malays are very well informed about the mismanagement of our country and they are very disillusioned with Umno.


The Malays realised that Malaysia is heading for bankruptcy and they will vote for alternative party to save Malaysia.


NNFC: We cannot be brainwashing our children - we should let them develop and make their choices.  How else are they going to grow? I think any government should accept the fact that not everyone will choose them. That is democracy.

Saddened: Marina, the poor, young and idealistic lass in Teluk Intan is receiving  missiles, projectiles and cannon balls from all sides.


As a liberated advocate of women's rights and honour, please come to Dyana's rescue. Badgering her and her mother is not dignified and ethical.


What has Dyana done wrong to deserve such vocal criticismsm especially from seasoned past leaders. Please go to her corner and blast the critics for their insolence, negativity, sexism, arrogance and et cetera.


Anonymous #57883242: Yes, Marina, you should speak up. What you say matters. If I’m not mistaken, you and your children too went to Bersih 2.0 .

Mahathir, our children can judge themselves


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