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YOURSAY ‘It is Umno Baru, Perkasa and Isma Malays who are the real bigots.’


Isma says Malays most tolerant in the world

Telestai!: Isma deputy president Aminuddin Yahaya, I do agree with you that the Malays are one of the most tolerant people in the world. Not only are they tolerant, they are the nicest people but unfortunately, they are non-Umno Malays.


During the May 13 riots, the non-Malay families in area I grew up were "protected' by the Malays. They collected our rations and would warn us whenever there are potential threats. I have also met polite and extremely helpful Malays in Singapore.


No thanks to bigots like Isma, race relations in Malaysia is deteriorating by the day.


Swot Strategist: Aminuddin, similarly, there are no other races in the world who are more tolerant than the non-Malays in Malaysia. Is it fair that the non-Malays are being hurt day in day out without doing anything about it by the racists?


Non-Malays consist of races that do not want to create conflicts but love peace. Non-Malays have observed patience for the sake of racial harmony. Non-Malays merely react to actions taken by racists who are chauvinistic and hurt the feelings of non-Malays.


In short, I can list more actions by non-Malays in wanting to have peace and harmony when demanding for equal rights, equal opportunities, respecting different mediums of schools, respecting constitution and respecting Islam as the official religion.


The racists started first by 'throwing stones and then hiding their hands' then blame it on the non-Malays. I am confident if the racists stop hurting the non-Malays, the non-Malays will not react as such.


Anonymous_3e86: Most tolerant? No single race is "most" tolerant. Tolerance is not race related. Every individual has different tolerance level. As for Isma, it is perhaps the most intolerant group in existence in Malaysia. Next being Perkasa.


Spartacus: Yes, Malays are the most tolerant in the world but they cannot tolerate on corruption, unfairness and GST (Goods and Services Tax) and they came out strongly with other races during Bersih rally, GST rally. But where was Isma?


MZ: I couldn't agree with Isma more on this. Umno-BN has been the sole maleficent source of Malay's agony, and they have been putting up to it for some 57 years. This is really very, very tolerant.


Umno-BN should really be grateful for Malay's kindness, and it's time they do justice to such an unfailing love.


Survivor: We agree that generally Malays are peace-loving. But it is Umno Baru, Perkasa and Isma Malays who are the real bigots who keep calling the non-Malays ‘pendatang’ and ‘intruders’.


When you call others ‘pendating’ or ‘intruders’, do you not know that you are calling yourself the same as well.


Casey: Aminuddin is right to say that (the great majority of) Malays - like the great majority of non-Malays - are tolerant. But he got everything else wrong.


The voice of justice - be it from those righteous Malays, Muslims, non-Malay or non-Muslim alike - did not dispute the rights of Malays nor dispute the dignity of Islam and that of the rulers as provided under the Federal Constitution.


It is obvious that Isma, Perkasa and some bigots from Umno are the minority who promote and incite hatred for their own selfish ends. Unfortunately, if such callous actions are left unchecked they could bring about unintended consequences.


For hatred can corrode a person's wisdom and conscience. The mentality of hostility and animosity can poison the nation's spirit, destroy the society's tolerance and humanity, and block the nation from progressing.


Joker: For once I agree with Isma. My Malay friends are among the best examples of a friend that I can show to people. They are friendly, helpful, understanding, undemanding and courteous. Everything that Isma is not.


Changeagent: Malaysiakini , why are you publishing all these hate  articles? Are you promoting  racism and hatred? Do you want to people to fight one another? Just quit this kind of articles spiced with incendiary remarks before things explode.


Whatshappenning: No, don't blame Malaysiakini . It’s better to know the true colours of Isma.


Hplooi: Isma, what is most grievous to citizens not defined as Malays, is despite the massive allocation to the Malays, the non-Malays are still being blamed for perceived failures of the Malay community and we are constantly being asked, sometimes demanded, to "share" what we have.


And this despite the fact that almost all national resources (including taxation) have been commandeered by the Umno government for the past 50 years.


IMO (in my opinion), I am surprise that Isma claims to represent a network of professionals when your organisation cannot even string together a coherent and consistent argument.


In reality most non-Malays have resigned to the fact of massive lopsided allocation of national resources plus indirect taxation of the non-Malays to 'uplift' the Malays (again for the past 40 odd years).


But what cross the line is, despite all above, we the non-Malays are constantly being demonised and blamed for the perceived failures of your community.

Milosevic: Like all organisations with power and political intent, Isma has to engage in abstract, meaningless concepts. Any claim about a group’s uniformity and singular characteristic is a political and not an empirical construction.


Even in physical characteristics, it is difficult to stereotype a group regarding their height or color, let alone some character trait. To make people fit the abstraction requires enormous in-group bullying. So Malays who disagree with Isma will, by fascist tactics, not be  considered real Malays.


They will not be given agency, made non-human, and called puppets or sell-outs. An obviously self-identified Malay and Muslim  person like DAP’s Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud will have to be belittled.


This is what so-called Malay Isma does to other real, confident, smart articulate Malays - turn them into some kind of failure.


So the question before Malaysia is how convincing are the failed humans who have to try so hard to self- proclaim their generosity, tolerance, and humanity.


Hopeful123: Yes, the Malays are a very polite, tolerant race. Nobody is saying no. I have no qualms with my Malay neighbours. The ordinary Malays too have no problems with the non-Malays.


Therefore, who are the Malays who are out to create all the trouble? They are the Malay wannabes who is out to suck the rakyat dry. And they don't care whom they pounce upon. I personally would love to see an intelligent, far-thinking moderate Malay to be our PM.


There are many such Malays out there. Please come forward, my Malay brothers and sisters.

Let us together bring our beloved Malaysia to greater heights. Let us all work together where race, religion and creed does not matter at all.

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