FREE YOURSAY ‘Own up to your mistakes and resign like the South Korea PM.
Hisham: France even slower than us
Anonymous #85701391:
France took more than six hours in spite of the fact that air traffic over France/European air space was much heavier and transparent.
And its control tower was equip with far more superior equipment (not necessarily expensive with commissions paid to another country/account, this is only an assumption since Royal Malaysian Navy bought a submarine from France) and operated by purely technical staff (another assumption since idiots cannot be trained to operate these sophisticated equipment).
Or maybe, another reason why France took longer is because they do not have a director-general or minister of Malaysia calibre.
LifeFlier: Here are some key facts from preliminary report published by Malaysia's Transport Ministry on Thursday.
[1:19am] MH370 to KL ATC (Air Traffic Control): "Good night, Malaysian Three Seven Zero".
(17~19 minutes idle gap)
[1:38am] HCM (Ho Chi Minh) ATC to KL ATC: "Verbal contact was not established."
[2:03am] MAS to KL ATC, MH370 was in Cambodian airspace, then KL ATC passed the message to HCM ATC, and HCM ATC tried to confirm it with Cambodian ATC.
[Approx 2:19am] Vietnamese ATC to KL ATC, questioned MAS message because MH370 was not scheduled to fly over Cambodian airspace, Cambodian ATC had no information and no contact with MH370.
[2:35am] KL ATC to MAS, MAS reassured its message that MH370 was in Cambodian airspace. MAS claimed that it was "in normal condition based on signal download" off the coast of Vietnam. MAS believed the flight appeared to be on track to its destination Beijing.
[3:30am] MAS's new message, "The flight tracker information was based on flight projection and not reliable for aircraft positioning."
[5:20am] An unknown pilot pronounced, "MH370 never left Malaysian airspace."
[5:30am] KL ATC alerted rescue coordination centre.
Telestai!: Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, we now realise that you and your team are beyond reproach. You cannot be blamed for anything even though a Boeing 777 disappeared from the sky under the surveillance of your multi-million dollar military and civilian radar systems.
Despite missing the opportunity to scramble fighter jets to intercept a plane that went off course, you did the right thing to assume that it was a friendly flying object.
And Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, you too are blameless and it is all the fault of the Vietnamese control tower that MH370 went missing.
Swipenter: France took six hours to mount the SAR (search and rescue operation) but they managed to find the plane because they knew what happened to the plane and its location. MH370 was detected flying the opposite direction and we did nothing about for four hours.
You think talking like that makes you smart but in fact you are really trying to justify your lack of immediate response using the Air France crash and France as an excuse. That makes you really callously irresponsible and arrogantly stupid.
Apa Nama: Hishammuddin, let say Air France incident did not take place and MH370 incident is the first one in this world, with whom would you compare us with?
If someone took six to seven hours to look for the plane, it doesn't means you can relax for four hours and started to take action after that. Is it how your emergency respond works?
Overseas Malaysian: Stop being defensive. Own up to your mistakes and resign like South Korea PM over the ferry disaster. You are selfish and your fiasco is causing billions of lost tourist revenue, and more important, Malaysia's reputation internationally.
BernieBaby: You promised that you will find the plane. We are still waiting. The entire world, whilst searching for MH370, has found what 'Malaysia' is all about.
Expect more discoveries and more enlightenment for the free world. It appears that whoever's designed the fate of MH370 have achieved their purpose.
Basically: What an arrogant response. Air France was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean thousands of miles from France.
MH370 was right over your heads and you were all sleeping for four hours. The question is not so much the time, it's why RMAF (Royal Malaysian Air Force) wasn’t informed of the missing plane when it went missing, and why they didn’t check with control towers when they spotted a friendly plane that just happened to have all its comms shut off.
In all it's complete incompetence for someone guarding our borders from possible intruders. I'd like to see Hishammuddin’s "let the investigators decide" stand up to scrutiny when he's being grilled on the stand in an international court for negligence, and see if the jury buys his "Air France was worse" excuse.
Anonymous_3e21: You call yourself defence minister? Countries spend tons of money to have the best assets to protect their airspace and if you say we are better than France by a few hours and expect us to be satisfied, then you better resign now.
The situation with Air France is totally different from us. Here we have a plane in trouble, making a "turn back" and was picked up on RMAF radar and yet we decided to do nothing and happily claiming we did better then France.
Because of your failure (mind you, it was your ministry), we have failed to local the aircraft.
Uragt: Flight 370 was still in the air in that four hours. Had the radar information made available (obviously the radarman was sleeping) and international assistance sought in the early hours from the Diego Garcia military base and Sri Lanka, it would have been possible to intercept the plane.
Muhibbah: The core of the issue is RMAF failed to protect our air space by not intercepting the 'unknown' plane crossing our air space. They cannot assume it was ‘friendly’.
EvenSteven: For his dramatic disclosure that the 'friendly' aircraft had turned around, the Air Force chief deserves a hefty increment in his salary. That's the way things go in Bolehland.
Digressing a little, were the findings of the bomoh king of the world disclosed in the report?
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