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Taxpayers will have to foot MH370 liabilities

YOURSAY ‘It's the reputation of a once-best-airline that will forever be in doubt.’


MAS is wide open to lawsuits, say experts

ACR: MAS would not be able to limit liability for damages up to 113,100 SDRs (special drawing rights) - at current SDR to US dollar rate, this amounts to US$175,000.



In other words, this is what MAS is liable for at a minimum per passenger. For liabilities above 113,100 SDRs, MAS has to prove that it was not negligent or acted wrongfully or in omission of its duty of care or that a third party was negligent and committed a wrongful act or omission.


In the absence of debris from a plane crash, bad maintenance is not one of the charges the plaintiffs of which MAS could be accused. A reasonable conclusion to make was the plane was hijacked. There are 30-40 Bermuda Triangle incidents MAS lawyers could study.


The Montreal Convention allows cases to be filed in the jurisdiction where the families reside hence China and other countries whose nationals were on MH370. This will be detrimental to MAS.


Haveagreatday: At the end of the day, it'll probably be the tax-paying rakyat of Malaysia who will have to bear some of the damages awarded to the next-of-kin.


MAS was already in its death throes before the MH370 disaster - now it's in the intensive care unit (ICU). Expect some of the Petronas oil money will again be used to lighten the burden of this financial disaster.


ABC Tan: This crisis has exposed Bolehland’s huge weakness in defence and everything about the country. The bumbling, bungling Umno-BN government has very low capability, and this has put our Malaysia in mortal danger.



All our tens of billions of ringgit in the defence budget every year have actually gone down the drain: no one manning the radar, jets engines stolen, submarines can’t dive, the defence minister and his generals are all sleeping on the job.


This, I believe, is only the tip of the iceberg, the rot goes much deeper.


Corgito Ergo Sum: This, unfortunately, is proof that the lackadaisical attitude of officials, the poor English comprehension, the massive corruption, the politics of patronage and affirmative action, etc, have failed and failed catastrophically.


Now the very finances of not just MAS but the whole country is in peril because of short-sightedness and decades of parochial policies. In the end, it’s clear that 'Malaysia really tak boleh,' in all subjects.


Anonymous #88803376: Monetary issue aren't the only concern here. It's the reputation of a once-best-airline tag and the ‘Malaysian brand’ that will forever be in doubt.


All the advertising and promotion (Cardiff City jersey sponsor, fancy tourism board offices worldwide, etc) will all come to naught in the face of how we bungled in the handling of MH370.


Mohgui: Sad to say, it really takes a tragedy to wake Malaysia up. Wake up all you 47 percent (who voted for BN in GE13) and think for yourselves and for your future. Lives can't be bought with money. They are lost because of gross incompetence.


Our leaders can't handle questioning. They think they are high and mighty. But when put to the test, they failed miserably.


It disgusts me reading news about their ineptness in handling the crisis. I bet they will just flee the country if serious trouble befell on her.


The plane will never be found. We don't even know where it went. All of these could have been avoided if not for the RMAF's (Royal Malaysian Air Force’s) "tidak apa" attitude.


But then again, who are we to pass judgements? Those involved will just get a slap on the wrist and all is well.


DrumBeat: The media should stop being played by some vultures in the legal profession. These vultures are out to stir up sentiments and try to make big bucks out of victims' sufferings.


Don't be greedy as no plane wreckage found also mean there is no proof of plane down nor negligence of anybody being perished and as long as this fact remains, there is hope that all passengers and pilots and crews are safe and sound somewhere.


So my plea to the media is don't give any vultures the coverage to stir up the feelings of the family members who are going through a difficult time.


Anonymous_39d1: With all these comments, it shows how much we really love our country. Something to ponder on why we have no love for this country in times like this?


Idiot: Anonymous_39d1, you’ve got your facts totally wrong. We love our country. It is Umno and people like you who screwed this country up and made a mess of the incident.


This country is bleeding day by day and yet the Umno government is ripping us off every day.


Anonymous #05023297: The last general election proves a point. So many Umno-BN appointed proxies, cronies, family members, the whole lot were already one foot out of the door in case they lost.

Trust me, they will bolt and leave the mess they created to burden us and our children.


The Malaysian government will deflect it by blaming it on Anwar Ibrahim. They will find some sort of genetic evidence linking him to the disaster and jail him for thousands of years.


Overlord: The extremely huge sum of compensation as well as the expenditure to continue searching in the middle of nowhere without any trail will bankrupt the arrogant and idiotic BN government, which in turn will impose suffering on the whole of Malaysia.


Fair&Just: To pay all the liabilities, lease out Penang like the 100-year lease of Hong Kong, which now has top universities, an efficient and effective anti-corruption agency, prosperity and beautiful skyscrapers.


At least, those not-rich minority talents can 'migrate' to Penang for a life of fairness, justice and level-playing fields away from a dastardly and severely corrupt regime.


Hateyou: BN, it's easy. Just blame it on Ultraman and the case will be closed.

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