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What we want, Hisham? How about you resigning

YOURSAY 'We want your perennially hibernating cousin Najib Razak and all to take full responsibility for MH370.'

Hisham: What more do people want?


Dalvik: Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, I start to sense ignorance in your latest statement, "What more do the people want from..." First, the Air Force (RMAF) failed to scramble a jet to intercept the 'unknown but alleged friendly aircraft' that turned out to be MH370. Secondly, the first point is enough to get your head to roll, but you are still here.


Thirdly, it is the people behind the systems who need to be improved. Not the system. This is not the first case where Malaysia has first world facilities, but operated by people with third world mentality.


You can upgrade the defense system for another 100 times, but what more can you do if RMAF still won't send a jet to scramble those 'unknown but friendly aircraft'? It is us who are supposed to ask you: What more do you want from us?


Anonymous #85701391: That's what Malaysians want, the truth! Tell us, which foreign country would dare to invade Malaysia in the first place? Do you think the world of nations would sit back and allow that to happen, especially with the Straits of Malacca being an important and strategic shipping lane?


The Umno/BN government could continue to believe in their own bullshit to justify their "take" of commissions for the purchase of useless submarines, warships, fighter jets, radars, but don't expect the present generation of Malaysians to do so!


EvenSteven: Any equipment ‑ even state of the art ones ‑ is as good as the personnel manning it. In this case the radar worked fine, so why fix it when it ain't broke? What needs changing are the people that were charged with operating it.


Those on duty at the material time ought to be charged for dereliction of duty and the Air Farce chief held accountable as the buck stops at his desk.


J Ng: Frankly, what is needed is not just on upgrading of our defence equipment alone. The best equipment would be useless if personnel managing and handling them are ineffective and are not held accountable for inefficiency.


Odin: The Defence Ministry seems to us to be one of the highest‑yielding gold mines for the Umno Baru elites. Over many years, very many kinds of defence equipment have been acquired by the said ministry at grossly inflated prices.


We all know that. And now the present defence minister is looking into getting a new radar system. But only last year - last year! - a system touted to be super duper has been acquired for an undisclosed sum.


Interestingly, the supplier was Thales Raytheon Systems. Does the name ‘Thales' not ring a bell for us?


As I have already commented a few days ago, what is the use of getting and having even the world's best‑est when you have incompetent, unconscientious, lazy people using the items?


In the case of this MH370 disaster, do we not surmise that the radar operators did not monitor their radar screens on that fateful morning? And when they checked the recorded radar readings, they simply assumed that the blips represented a non‑hostile aircraft?


By the way, it is the 23rd day after the flight disappeared, and it is only on this day that the RMAF has joined in the search. That does not speak very much of the air force, does it?


Mushiro: It is not only about Malaysia's defence incapabilities, it is also about the attitude and the weaknesses of our leadership. They are forever spending money to buy or upgrade assets but none of these assets seem to work in times of need. With this insincere and corrupt leadership, Malaysia will become a failed state


Idiot: New radar equipment? Umno will find any excuses to make money. The missing MH370 incident is Umno's excuse to make money.


Siang Malam: And all these years, wasn't Najib Razak himself the defence minister? What was he doing then? Spending time with the generals in officers' mess in Port Dickson?


Real Truth: When your Umno leadership thinks of commissions from the purchase of military hardware, you will get poor quality stuff. The sellers have to factor the cost of doing business with the corrupt regime, and the Scorpene submarines purchase is an example.


Thana55: Before you ask for more money to upgrade, we need a thorough and independent investigation of the current episode. Was it the limitation of the radar or human failure? Stop jumping to conclusions.


There should be no additional spending, until a formal and independent inquiry (not the Umno style inquiries) is initiated and the findings published. Do not think the public are stupid.


Angel: If you are honest sack those in charge of radar at time, right from office boy to the general in charge in army and also those in the control tower. Take tycoon Tajuddin Ramli, former PMs Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Badawi, as well as the attorney-general to court for making MAS bankrupt.


Please do not say "what more do people want"? It is very hurtful, like "Apa lagi cina mahu?"


Drngsc: What more do the people want? That's easy.

1. We want you, Hishammuddin, to resign as a minister because you have shamed us in the eyes of the world.

2. We want to form an independent body to handle this MH 370 crisis, so that the truth be told and for us to restore our pride and position in the eyes of the world.

3. That you the 47% form a unity government with Pakatan who has 52% support, so that Malaysians know that Umno and you respect democracy.


James TCLow: Hisham, are you getting a little 'impatient' now? Sorry that you have to deal with foreigners this time around. Good that you can't raise your keris, play the race and religious cards, you can't hide behind the time‑tested 'against Malay leaders and sultans' façade which have been used so effectively hitherto.


Before this, Umno asked 'What more he local Chinese want?' Now, you are posing this question to the foreigners, albeit, in a very defensive manner. It serves you just right although I grieve for the passengers of MH 370 and my country.


Capo: Here is what we want. Your perennially hibernating cousin PM Najib Razak, you as defence and acting transport minister and the armed forces chief to take full responsibility for the loss of MH370, and to clear the mega mess the country is in right now due to your own government's catastrophic failings.


Apologise to all Malaysians and the affected families and then honourably resign. This should be your priority, and not thinking of making more money out of people's misfortune. We Malaysians don't deserve to be cursed by the international community just because the current government failed them big‑time.

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