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To survive, MCA must cut umbilical cord to Umno

YOURSAY ‘Tee Keat, in what way could you have done better?’

Tee Keat: Face it MCA, Kajang a severe defeat

Anonymous$&@?: Only former MCA president Ong Tee Keat (OTK) has the guts to implore the 'professed' party leaders to stop hallucinating. Many right-minded Chinese share the same view as OTK.

Articles in The Star (MCA's mouthpiece) shouted that the Chinese are flocking back to MCA and derided and ridiculed PKR's victory.

How bias can The Star be; giving one-sided stories that every right-minded Chinese knows that MCA is trying to 'grab sand to save face' and to show their master (Umno) that they (MCA) are still a force to be reckon with?

MCA, you can't fool the people all the time and now you have to eat humble pie. Keep on hallucinating and you will be wiped out in the next GE.

1Mockery: It is not that MCA alone was rejected by voters but BN as a whole that was rejected.

It’s just unfortunate that Kajang voters are largely educated group, apart from some old folks who feel that only Umno or BN is the only party that can run the country.

Going by the trend, BN is in its last few years in power. The old folks will soon be gone. The younger more educated ones will form the bulk of the voters.

My 30-year-old son was in Umno Youth a few years back. Where he is now? PKR.

ChaSL: You're right, OTK, but your assessment is a little too late. How typical, like some politicians in Malaysia, they seemed to be only capable of making sensible remarks or telling the truth after they are retired or have vacated their posts.

In the eyes of most Chinese Malaysians, MCA is an obsolete party, willing to be lap dogs to their Umno masters in return for crumbs and leftovers.

You can't blame the rakyat when they refer MCA members to be spineless, self serving, corrupted and shameless.

Third Eye: The right statement for MCA should have been:

“Although we made a slight gain in support from the Chinese, overall the Chinese still have no confidence in us. It's still a long struggle for MCA to convince the Chinese, especially by being part of BN.

“Unless Umno shows sincerity to its political partners, and be more rational in its policies towards the non-Malay community in Malaysia and strongly reject the racist elements within its fold, we will not be able to regain Chinese respect and support.”

Such a statement would at least gain the MCA some respect for its loss. Of course, MCA leaders would not be bold enough to put out such a statement because of personal vested interests.

Terjah: MCA has only have seven parliamentary seats and 11 state seats, meaning that it is no longer a principal partner of BN. You are just a small fry, so don't expect Umno to respect you any more.

Sirach: OTK was the most credible MCA leader in decades. That he was discarded by the party is to his credit and MCA's shame. It was the clearest sign that the party is a lost cause.

It has a near-impossible task of reclaiming any credibility. PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone) was the final nail in its coffin. OTK should quit and join Pakatan to have any future in politics.

Mushiro: MCA boasted as if Chinese support has returned to MCA when the fact points to a permanent Chinese abandonment of MCA. It leaders are dreaming about personal positions in the government at the expense of the Chinese community.

The Mask: I would like to address my comments to the 11,362 voters, especially the Chinese, who voted for the BN candidate.

For the life of me, I really cannot understand why you have voted thus. You have been called ‘pendatang’, ‘mata sepet’, ‘kaki botol’, chased out of your own country, denied to call God your way, unexplained death in police custody, selective investigation by MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission), selected persecution by the police and judiciary and the shoving of ‘ketuanan Melayu’ down your throat and yet you still meekly lap it all up.

Where is your dignity? Where is your conscience? Where is your honour? I would understand why your leaders cling on to Umno-BN, but you, the ordinary rakyat, what is in there for you? A few crumbs thrown under the table?

Tentarik: With the current leaders who can only ‘bodek’ Umno, rest assured they will continue to lose the support of the people.

Take the case of MCA secretary-general Ong Ka Chuan's disgraceful response to Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar's statement on incest and rape in Parliament. He is a big disgrace to the community.

The Chinese don't need an idiot like him who can't/dare not say the truth. A useless idiot who does not have any sense of what is right and what is wrong. What a shame to have the likes of him and Wan Junaidi in Parliament.

Onyourtoes: Ong Tee Keat, in what way could you have done better? You should leave the criticism to us.

If you are the MCA president today, the same pathetic scenario would have prevailed. What serious post-mortem you want the MCA to do? Are you saying the MCA and you are still not aware of the reasons?

You were the president and deputy minister and minister for many years. You ought to know that you too were a contributing factor to MCA's and the Chinese predicament today.

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