YOURSAY 'This only goes to show that, all that has been said by them about Muslims being converted to Christianity are utter lies.'
Activist decries apostasy deception in cyberspace
Apa Nama: The wooden bench has existed in all kinds of halls built a long time ago. It is not necessary that only churches should have them. If you do not know how to spin and twist, do not do so. It will backfire.
P.B.Win : The photograph was indeed taken at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization’s (Istac). When will the government ever start taking action on these extremists? They are getting more daring by the day.
Squad: This only goes to show that all that has been said by them about Muslims being converted to Christianity are utter lies - what a shame. One wonders why these people are saying this when it is not true. Surely this is to cause disharmony and hatred among us, and yet the authorities are not taking any action.
Anonymous #57156558: Now a wooden bench has been copyrighted to the Christians? Only Christians are allowed to use it?
Chks: It is alleged that the 'conversion' took place at one St Joseph's church. How many St Joseph's churches do we have in Malaysia? Can people send screenshots of these churches and show the proof of the foolishness of the blogger? Then sue him for another RM 800,000.
Swipenter: Are such doctored photos the evidence that Jati chief Hasan Ali was threatening to unleash to Malays to show them that Christians were allegedly trying to convert Muslims into their faith?
CiViC: Everyone in the photo has every right to sue the blogger and very likely they will win, taking precedence of PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim winning his case against blogger Papagomo for RM800,000.
Oriole: This is defamation and libel against those in the photo, so those whose faces are in the picture should lodge reports against parties responsible for circulating this picture and bringing disrepute to them. Silence is no longer an option. Bullies should be taught a lesson, especially when they do so in the name of religion.
Negarawan: Is it Islamic to falsely and maliciously accuse others? This is the motto of the new Umno Islamic sect headed by Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali, spewing racial and religious hatred all over the country. Is this not seditious?
James TCLow: It is the one‑eyed man leading the blind. It has been time and again proven that some Muslims are using all sorts of 'fitnah' (slander) and falsehoods to hoodwink their fellow Muslims, but when the truth comes to light, nothing happens!
Why aren't the smart, educated and moderate Muslims taking these religious bigots to task for their despicable acts? Why is there no public outcry regarding these happenings in our midst? Are the so‑called moderate Muslims complicit in these acts or are they blind and dumb?
Silence is not golden here, it demeans Islam and the intellectuals among the Muslim community are made to look so silly.
Apa Ini?: Lying and cheating is part of the battle for the hearts ad minds of the Malays. Maybe it is also just a mistake, these guys make mistakes all the time - a question of bad filing system only.
Not Confused: Why is this country populated by such a large bunch of brainless morons ‑ always paranoid about conversions to Christianity? I've yet to see any real proof of any such activity. I thought such actions were illegal in Malaysia? Time for these who froth and foam with such lies and deceit to grow up.
Proarte: Do Malays believe in the constitution? Do they accept the special privileges accorded to Malays stated therein? Do they support the monarchy and their vested powers as defined by the constitution?
If Malays do, then they also have to accept that Malays have freedom of worship as guaranteed in the constitution. As such, converting to Christianity is a non‑issue. Do Christians go berserk when a Christian converts to Islam? They don't because their religion teaches them that there is freedom of worship.
Islam too defends the right to freedom of worship, but only Malays are told otherwise by Umno, PAS and PKR Muslims. It is about time Malays stand up and tell PAS, PKR Muslims Umno, Jakim, Perkasa, Isma etc to stop all this bull about conversion as it is none of their business and it is not illegal.
Malays must get educated and that even means being educated about their own religion, which is not really the Islam the Muslim world recognises.
Lim Chong Leong: More Umno bigoted rubbish. How do I know it is Umno that is behind this? Who else would put the blame on DAP and PAS? It is like the Umno bigots who threw a pig head into a mosque.
The pig head was wrapped in a garbage bag and sealed, showing they did not want to touch the pig head, proving it is not done by Chinese or Christians. Like the police who had planted petrol bombs in Bersih supporters' cars that were really just plastic mineral water bottles.
Multi Racial: Those who are responsible for this photo and the claim that churches were converting Muslims should be brought to task.
The authorities must act against these people otherwise it would be seen the government and authorities condone this and to a certain extent, back these trouble makers. So we are waiting for the authorities to charge someone.
Yap CS: Let's see whether they will investigate the racists/supremacists who had made this false claim and arrest and charge them for sedition.
Kangkung: This is expected of the desperate, racist Umno party members. They are trying very hard to spark a racial or religious riot.
Anonymous$&@?: Is lying and deception halal in Umno's version of Islam?
Relak Aje: If those ladies in the photo have indeed been converted they wouldn't be wearing tudung in the 'church'.
Only the mentally warped and incredulously stupid would try to fool the public with this. How much more stupid can one get?
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