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PKR supremo moves to Selangor to check Azmin

YOURSAY ‘If Azmin were to be MB, he will be too powerful - he may even eclipse Anwar.’

PKR Kajang rep quits, Anwar to contest

Ferdtan: The idea of PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim taking over as MB may be a good idea; at least it can stall the advance of deputy president Azmin Ali’s ambition of taking over the top post in Selangor.

The fact is politically Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is not strong at all. He has no grassroots support. He was lucky to be the MB, though he has the stature to be one. After the unexpected and surprised Pakatan Rakyat win in GE 2008 in Selangor, he was at the right place and right time.

If Azmin were to be the MB replacing Khalid, he (with huge political grassroots support) will be too powerful - he may even eclipse Anwar.

This is especially so if he were to hold such a powerful government position as MB with given authority of possibly rewarding his supporters with contracts and state positions, not forgetting the control of large state agencies like PKNS.

If Anwar is taking over the job, it means that the existing PKR Aduns (state assembly representatives), beside Azmin, are not suitable (or politically strong enough to withstand any undue pressure from Azmin).

Same problem/conflict would arise if another candidate (not Azmin) is chosen. Anwar is not getting younger. Forget about to be a PM for a while. Start from basic; put the MB’s office with its huge funding into good use for Pakatan to capture Putrajaya.

Of course, be mindful of legalities of using state funds - the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) would be watching closely.

Milosevic: What ever happened to Anwar’s Sodomy II case? Is the government giving him enough time to ruin Pakatan? Is that part of the secret talks between PKR and Umno? Or has Anwar run out of money, as the crony money he received while in the government runs dry?

And if he gets foreign funds, are his foreign backers tightening the tap of money flowing to him? So does he need to suck money from the Selangor government coffers to fuel his ambitions?

He has for sometime wanted more release of Selangor money, and surely the concern is less about money reaching the population than to flow to his clique.

While it is clear former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is devilish, corrupt, profoundly unscrupulous, and has bought much ruination on the country - and no amount of posturing as a Malay hero will erase his terrible legacy - it is sad that his former deputy has hardly made a useful contribution to the country, and is also willing to dismantle institutions if he does not get to wield power himself.

Debater: Why not just give Selangor menteri besar’s post to a PAS member of the assembly? In this case, it will strengthen the opposition as a block of trusting parties and will do better in the GE14.

The main problem is that a few politicians seemed bend on taking as many top positions as possible. Indeed, I wonder how can they handle so many positions.

In mature democracies, the responsibilities are pretty well distributed. In United States, for example, you don't find a senator sitting in the House of Representatives or the state government. In Malaysia, you can see MPs who are also state assembly representatives.

SusahKes: If this is how Pakatan solves problem - by calling for a by-election instead of internal resolutions - then you wonder, what would they do when they are in Putrajaya?

Dumbo: This resignation by Lee Chin Cheh is a betrayal of the electorate who voted in Kajang DUN (state seat). It is a total waste of Election Commission’s funds to hold a by-election.

Azmin Ali and his cohorts who want Abdul Khalid replaced should be sacked from PKR. DSAI (Anwar) who is withering and becoming a dinosaur in Pakatan should now give up politics for good and start the succession process and stop being power hungry.

The peoples’ faith in Pakatan is already waning. Get out of the scene, DSAI, before you drown Pakatan and its aspirations.

Hank Marvin: Excellent move by Anwar - killing two birds with one stone. Sidelining troublemaker Azmin and substituting an aloof MB who ignored the grassroots so that Pakatan in Selangor will put in a fifth gear. Like Penang.

Without this, Selangor will become another Kedah.

Sleepy: At the end of the day, there must be a balance between politics (Azmin) and business (Khalid). Anwar will be the right balance between these two.

AnesthMO: I am disappointed in PKR. I am disappointed because they are busy playing political games instead of governing. Govern well and give the rakyat a good reason to return you to power.

This political play when the rakyat is hit by hardship of increased cost of living is despicable. This is actually the best time to showcase leadership and integrity. PKR is squandering this opportunity.

Abasir: This proves once again that you cannot remove the stain and stench of Umno from anyone who has been dipped in it.

PKR will continue to be Pakatan's Achilles Heel regardless of the outcome of this sordid affair. And it is through PKR that the pact will fall apart. Abdul Khalid, who is clearly the best MB Selangor has had, will be missed.

Ronald: I am all for it. Let’s face it - it is only appropriate that the leader of the Malaysian opposition should be the CEO of a state and for the position of Selangor MB. One could not ask for a more qualified person than Anwar himself.

Onyourtoes: The writing is on the wall - the unity government is on the way already. Have you noticed or not - suddenly DAP’s Lim Kit Siang asked that PKR’s Lee Khai Loon to apologise, Penang CM Lim Guan Eng pleaded for postponement of price hike rally, Anwar asked for talk to smooth things over, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi immediately agreed and PM Najib Razak now said cabinet to discuss and consider Anwar’s proposal.

I can wager with anyone, the deal was sealed; the unity government is on the way. Good for the country as I see it - Najib and Anwar come together, along with PAS and DAP.

Those kicked out will be of half of Umno led by DPM Muhyiddin Yassin. MCA, MIC and PPP and Hindraf can all go Timbuktu.

Fair Play: In politics, there is no such thing as a permanent friend or enemy. And politics is the art of the possible. It is likely for a unity government to be formed in the near future to diffuse the present highly-charged situation.

Now, if DSAI is MB of Selangor, he is not likely be a threat to Najib, at least during the current term of government. This would enable both sides of the political divide to work out a deal in GE14, especially for DSAI.

The nation needs a credible national leader. MB Abdul Khalid would make a good finance minister in the likely set-up of a unity government.

The said word would be settled with a win-win formula for Muslims and Christians with strict conditions for Christians to use it only in their prayers. A very happy ending indeed. A win-win for the rakyat? Only time will tell.

ABS: This is a reminder that at the end of the day, politics is politics - regardless which side. Still, one must keep hoping for the best (for the people).

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