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Anwar skewered by voters over Kajang move

YOURSAY ‘This is your internal party problem, don't let the voters settle it for you.’

S'gor MB confirms Anwar to run for Kajang

Abasir: Are these machinations specifically to save Selangor from the sharp clutches of the regime of vultures circling above? Are the moves merely to manage an internal PKR schism?

Or are they really to give PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim a top position in Selangor to make up for his inability to win the ultimate prize in Putrajaya?

All three perhaps? Whatever the reason, it exposes the fact that there is very little to differentiate between PKR and Umno when it comes to politicking in third-world fashion... especially when third-world poverty, corruption and lawlessness is in the immediate future of Bodohland.

Henggh: Kajang voters are not stupid. They may vote out Anwar. They know Pakatan will still remain in power even if Anwar lost in Kajang and Abdul Khalid Ibrahim will still the menteri besar.

Why must we support Anwar? Just to settle the conflict between Abdul Khalid and Selangor PKR chief Azmin Ali? This is your internal party problem, don't let the voters settle it for you.

Moontime: What's wrong with retaining the current MB, Abdul Khalid? Just because Anwar can't resolve the 'proxy war' between the two bickering leaders, does it really have to be him to replace Abdul Khalid as MB?

I feel this is the beginning of the end for Pakatan’s rule in Selangor. I blame the power hungry deputy president of PKR for his overambitious bid to become MB. If Pakatan falls in the next GE, we’ll have Azmin to thank for that.

Pemerhati: Putting Anwar to contest with the aim of making him the Selangor MB would be a risky move. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may tell his ‘kangaroos’ to imprison Anwar during the forthcoming sodomy appeal hearing.

If Anwar is the MB at that time, it would create a lot of problems for Pakatan Rakyat. Perhaps PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli would be a better choice for MB.

Bamboo: If Anwar runs for Kajang, don’t vote PKR. If Rafizi runs, maybe the Kajang people can consider voting PKR. But this move of taking the people's support for granted is really an insult to the voters.

Azmin, you only get support due to your promise of pork barrelling. We will see if your supporters will stick to you when your hope to take over as MB of Selangor evaporates.

SusahKes: It's funny as one of the apparent 'complaints' against Abdul Khalid was that he was administering the state unilaterally, without consultation in the Pakatan team.

And yet, this latest move by PKR shows anything but consultation amongst members of the coalition. Which makes one wonder - is PKR really serious about Putrajaya?

Shanghaifish: Abdul Khalid is popular and if Anwar loses the Kajang by-election, it will be the biggest blow to Pakatan. Don't play the Russian roulette. There is no guarantee Anwar will win. After all, BN has a powerful election machinery.

The Kajang residents might also teach Anwar a lesson. Historically, voters in Kajang have voted for BN.

Kanasai: I am not sure of why Anwar wants to contest in a state seat. To support Abdul Khalid in situations like the Allah issue where BN is using their full force to ensure that the state under PKR will topple?

If the ambition is to be an MB, Anwar is an unlikely character as he always thinks big. Don't be surprise that DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang may contest for a state seat in Penang to support his son the chief minister, Lim Guan Eng, due to the pressure Umno is creating for the opposition state.

Neutral Stance: I am defiantly not going to vote Anwar. The whole ‘sandiwara’ (show) is outrageous. Let 's vote Anwar out this time. The rakyat are the boss, not politicians.

Hank Marvin: Anwar is a cunning politician and Selangor needs fixing. Those who say they don't like him or not going to vote for him actually are Umno lackeys. Remember we need to make Asalkan bukan Umno (Anything but Umno) a reality.

We need to kick Umno out and for this, Selangor must be in the forefront; something which Abdul Khalid has failed to do. GE14 is the target and this move is one that will make that happen.

It's Time To Change!!: It’s a very good move. Selangor needs Anwar to counter more intense attack on Selangor as well as BN’s dirty plans to topple Selangor in the coming months and years.

Selangor is the richest state so it’s better that Anwar is the MB and also opposition leader so he can fully utilise and mobilise all resources to make a stronger Pakatan to counter BN in the next GE14.

Simplecitizen: I do not see the logic in this unfolding drama. What can Anwar do that the ex-Kajang assemblyperson Lee Chin Cheh cannot do?

I support Pakatan but I smell a big rat behind this Anwar-Azmin-Abdul Khalid tussle. There is no point letting Anwar be the new Kajang assemblyperson. Rethink your strategies, PKR.

KB Menon: Anwar, there is such a thing as overplaying your card. Using and manipulating the good folks of Kajang for political ends is not a good thing to do. Do not take the voters for granted.

Why a properly elected state assemblyman has to resign to make way for you has to be justified in every way and explained to the voters. This reeks of politics at its worst.

I am not a Kajang voter but if I were, I would be totally miffed at this turn of the political event.

ChaSL: Anwar should come clean to explain to Kajang voters why CC Lee resigned in the first place. It's a huge gamble to keep voters in the dark on the real agenda behind this suddenly manoeuvre. Nobody likes to shoot in the dark.

A by-election just for the sake of Azmin?

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