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After 'Allah', it's the open sale of pork
Published:  Jan 25, 2014 10:45 AM
Updated: 4:26 AM

YOURSAY 'Why is it that they didn't complain about it when BN was in power?'

Group wants council to ban open sale of pork

Truth Really Hurts: So these extremists are calling for the cessation of open sale of pork. Non-Muslims would have no problem if there are dedicated markets or enclosed areas which sell pork and which will not offend these extremists.

However, they will then claim that under the NEP (New Economic Policy), 30 percent of these lots must be reserved for bumiputeras. And the problem will recur as these extremists will take up some of the quota and then claim that they are offended by pork sellers.

The Reaper: Why is the open sale of pork more sensitive now then before? After all, pork has always been haram to Muslims and still is, yet it has been sold openly for over the past 30 years or more.

So where is the logic of this request from Islamic Solidarity and Charity Organisation (Isco)? Am I missing something here?

Heavenly King: People who make demands need to be respectful of others' feelings. You shouldn't insult people who sell pork as if they are selling excrement.

They are selling food to other people, and they too have rights. People who don't like the pungent smell of belacan don't demand that the belacan sellers move away.

ACR: Isco is yet another outfit like Perkasa, Jati, JMM, Isma, etc, which are all Umno-inspired. Now that the 'Allah' issue has run its course, this is the next 'wonder' coming out of the magician's bag.

A response to this drivel by Isco would probably invite a reaction from Kepala Batas MP Reezal Merican Naina Merican type of heroes, all to up the temperature for political expediency.

Notice that the purveyors of these sensitive issues are creating them in either Selangor or Penang and we have all forgotten about the cost of living and other things that matter.

Aziz Bin Kader: I am from Penang and from observation, the conditions for the selling of pig meat improved compared to before 2008.

Debater: Why is it that they don't complain about these things when BN is in power? Why is it that only non-Muslims have to be sensitive to Muslims and Muslims do not have to be sensitive to others?

Do you know many of the handphones, motorcycles and all the modern amenities are invented by and made by pork eaters? Don't play the religious card. It is getting to be ridiculous.

Martha: There they go again, always looking for trouble. When BN was running the state government selling pork in the open was okay.

You fools go do something more constructive and look at the state of our country's economy. Why don't you go and ‘makan gaji’ properly instead of being Umno lapdogs? You should be worried for the future of your children.

Bnscum: These pea-brained group of people should go Kelantan and see how pork is being sold there (without any problems). Isco has just got nothing to do but create racial hatred.

Apapunboleh: I have seen pork sold next to a Muslim vendor selling fish in Miri.

Vijay47: I of course agree that Muslim sensitivities should be protected and cared for. The best way to achieve this would be for the Muslims themselves to stop this new-found utter idiocy of waking up each morning and trying to decide what else they could protest about.

I hope Penang CM Lim Guan Eng will ask these fanatics to all go and take a flying leap. Pork has been sold openly in Penang since Francis Light dropped by and if you suddenly after 400 years find pork sale to be unpalatable and not to your taste, hello brudder, you can always migrate.

So what do we have on tomorrow's menu, that pigs must be removed from the Chinese zodiac, that all Chinese must live in special reservations as otherwise the sight of these pork-eaters will confuse the Muslims and weaken their faith?

You could also come out with a new list of words that should be prohibited as their usage would upset the sensitivities of the sensitive Muslims. Yeah, why not do it? You may as well go the whole hog.

Fair Play: Respect is a two-way street. So is sensitivity. How about not slaughtering a cow in a school compound as that is sensitive to the Hindu community?

Finally, respect is earned, not given. Start showing your human side and all communities will automatically respect one another and their respective sensitivities.

Vijay47, I think this new complaint is a deliberate attempt to plunge Penang into an abyss like what we are seeing in Selangor.

Ace: All this trouble stirring is a direct result of the culture created by Umno-BN - where people get free and easy money without having to think and without having to work. Just support the party/leader blindly and contracts, even cash, will come your way.

When people do not have to work and have nothing to do and nothing to think about, they will spend their time cooking up imaginary "hurt feelings" and "sensitive this and sensitive that" and if this is condoned and supported by those in power.

Louis: If pork cannot be sold openly, so must beef not be sold openly. Beef is ‘haram’ to Hindus. As such, their sensitivities must be respected.

Just like a special section in the supermarket is meant to sell non-halal products like pork, a section in supermarket must be used only for selling beef.

Chipmunk: So when Umno cuts beef in public schools knowing that there are students of many races there, isn't this not considered being "not sensitive"?

So Umno can sell anything and anywhere without being sensitive to other races, but when others do that, it becomes an issue?

Daniel: Ban the display of all meat and meat products, because my vegan friends may be offended.

Anonymous_3dce: I think all markets and pasar malam should be segregated into Muslim and non-Muslim places, then all the sensitivities will be over and if you trespass, then don't blame others.

In fact, it would be a great idea if Malaysia is segregated, then everyone won't be so stressed out by all this nonsense.

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