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Chinese tsunami - why didn't PM berate Utusan?
Published:  Jan 2, 2014 8:37 AM
Updated: Jan 3, 2014 5:09 AM

YOURSAY 'We will remember that you did nothing to stop the slew of poison that followed your ‘Chinese tsunami’ remark, like those by Utusan .’

Najib clarifies 'Chinese tsunami', defends price hikes

Onlooker: PM Najib Razak, saying 'the right words' does not make you honest or moderate. I too can string words together to make them say whatever needs to be said to sound believable, but where is the honesty in that?

I watched Najib spoke on election night. If he was misunderstood about his ‘Chinese tsunami’ remark, it wasn't just by me and Utusan Malaysia , even the people with him on the stage echoed his body language which made his meaning very clear.

And for him to take seven months to clarify this makes it clear that we saw what we saw and we understood it correctly.

1Melayu: Najib, there was nothing to misunderstand about your remark about the Chinese tsunami in the wake of GE13. It was nothing less than a wholly racist statement to create hatred and anger.

Lim Chong Leong: You can try to twist the meaning of "Chinese tsunami" but we will remember that you did nothing to stop the slew of poison that followed those words like those by the Umno propagandist, Utusan , "Apa lagi Cina mahu?"

Running_man: But Najib, you did and said nothing when your ministers blamed the Chinese. One minister up north even felt it was right to sideline the Chinese for their lack of support for BN.

Clever Voter: Indeed, there is nothing wrong with Najib’s remarks post-GE13. But there is everything wrong with the actions or inactions of Najib and his team.

The majority of them lack the intellect and moral authority to lead. While they continue to help themselves with the public kitty in the next four years, racial strife may be ignited to sustain their power. That's what past dictators do.

People consciousness and intolerance towards public abuses as well as the opposition agenda must contain these dangers.

Tholu: Yes Najib, ordinary Malaysians are strong and matured enough to survive heated debates but not you and your Umno-BN appendages. Otherwise, you would not have suspended The Heat news weekly.

If at all Malaysia is now bubbling into a polarised society, it is you - government leaders - who are to be blamed.

With your policies and programmes that are skewed towards seeking revenge against a minority ethnic group perceived to be the cause of your dismal performance in GE13, you are the perpetrators of this heinous crime.

You are unweaving the fabric of unity so painstakingly woven by our founding fathers of this multiracial, multireligious and multicultural nation.

If you didn’t mean to say that the Chinese denounced and ‘betrayed’ BN, why didn’t you come forward to clarify it immediately after the mainstream media, especially Utusan and TV3, had exacerbated your statement and causing racial rift and hatred among the people.

You are an unethical and unscrupulous man with no principles.

Jiminy Qrikert: So now all these Umno Malays are finally regretting their action and suffering from the pain of the price hikes.

If before GE13 Malays were not as rich as Chinese or Indians, after GE13, Malays are definitely now sliding into the poorhouse. More and more Malays will slip under the poverty line.

So, there you go, all those Malays who rejected Pakatan Rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim's promise of 'harga minyak turun.' Instead, you chose to believe Najib's promise of a better Malaysia.

Little did you Umno Malays realise, the 'better Malaysia' was only for him, Rosmah Mansor, her son and all the BN cronies and elites.

Emperor: Najib, it takes years to eradicate corruption? We already have a system in place - implement it without fear or favour. Our corruption meter can be zero within a year - get it done.

What is Economic Transformation Programme (ETP)? Who cares, no one knows. It looks good in books, but it is meaningless to the common people.

Cut down on wastage to bare minimum before increasing the cost of living. Why do we have unintelligent people running the country? How could the PM waste time playing golf when he has so much burning problems?

Vijay47: Great New Year speech, Najib, I was in tears reading it. Here are a few more moving profound lines that you might find suitable in your future speeches.

a. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this land... b. A government of the people, by the people, for the people... c. So, my fellow Malaysians, ask not what your government can do for you but ask what you can do for Rosmah... d. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, Malaysia will awake to life and freedom... e. There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.

Don't feel guilty, Najib, that these words have already been spoken by men greater than you, for the waking world knows that plagiarism is an attribute welcome and condoned in our fair nation.

Rather, you can take pride that these lines pale in comparison to your immortal words , "Even if our bodies are crushed and our lives lost, brothers and sisters, whatever happens, we must defend Putrajaya."

Winston Churchill could not have said it better.

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