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Cold War tactics bombed, rakyat not spooked
Published:  Jan 2, 2014 7:53 AM
Updated: Jan 3, 2014 5:10 AM

YOURSAY 'So who's been lying? Anwar about the '40,000 Bangladeshi voters' or Najib about the bombs and toppling the government?’

10,000 defy warning, police give in to protesters

Gerard Lourdesamy: I am proud of the tens of thousands of Malaysians who braved the Kafkasque and frankly stupid threats and provocations by the police and other brainless NGOs aligned to the BN trying to use tactics from the Cold War to scare the rakyat from protesting for their rights and economic well-being.

What is there to celebrate or party on New Year’s Eve? Life has just got a lot harder for us ordinary Malaysians.

The 47 percent of BN voters can go on and party till they become bankrupt. When their problems overwhelm them, then they will be crying over their own stupidity.

Expect 2014 to be an even more difficult year for PM Najib Razak and Umno-BN. If the Umno-BN government goes on with its corrupt ways, wastage and extravagant spending, the rakyat are not going to wait until GE14 to actually topple the government.

The leadership has lost all respect, thanks also to PM’s wife Rosmah Mansor. While we did not ‘topple’ the government with this New Year’s Eve protest, we have succeeded in embarrassing it.

Amalgam: When we arrived at Dataran Merdeka, the place was swarmed by men in blue, Rela and DBKL (City Hall) officials - the New Year’s Eve concert was in full swing.

We sat around to watch and at 10pm walked a short distance to join the rally. There were two rows of police and DBKL personnel. We walked through the two rows of blue and luminous yellow men.

The rally mainly composed of young folks and my heart went out to them, striving to live honestly while prices are being jacked up to support BN ministers' lifestyle.

My main concern was praying for our Lord’s battle shield to protect them and keep them safe - I kept shouting “stay calm and keep calm” as they walked past me, chanting.

We left at 10.45pm. The fireworks have started and I am now home, still praying for the safety and well-being of everyone in Dataran and thank God that all was well.

Happy New Year to all the brave Malaysians and let us continue to stand together to tell Umno Baru it cannot bully us.

Basically: So who's been lying? Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim about the “40,000 Bangladeshi voters” or PM Najib Razak about the bombs and toppling the government?

We regular folk don’t have the money and time to make bombs. We are too busy trying to earn extra money to pay for all the price hikes, while our leaders splurge on fancy new year parties that probably cost tens of thousands.

We all know who are so free, and even paid, to cause trouble in this country, and it’s not us hardworking folks.

So the next time some BN leaders think about repeating the Anwar 'lie', think of the millions of fingers that will be pointing back at you.

Bamboo: The peaceful protest proved that the government and police lied about the attempt to topple the government.

Without provocations from the police, the protest will be peaceful. Ironically, police who are supposed to maintain peace are the ones inciting violence like what they had done during Bersih protest.

Thank you to the thousands of Malaysians who made our voices heard. The government can’t say we are quiet and agree to the price hikes.

Clever Voter: The BN government can afford to put up with the dissent as they have easily four years in power. Interestingly, growing intolerance among the youth is a trend which both BN and opposition parties must take note.

There is growing convergence of commonalities among all ethnic groups, and racial parties will soon be marginalised.

Guna Otak Sikit: The police, with full intelligence resources, said there will be grenades and pipe bombs to create chaos and violence in the bid to overthrow the government on New Year’s Eve.

Did anything close to this happen? I did not see a single thing except the protestors having a very peaceful rally.

Again, I am not surprised the police and Utusan Malaysia have spun lies about the rally, as claimed by DAP leader Lim Kit Siang.

Bender: If there was a clash, it would be an epic meet between two classes: on the one hand we have the elites who turned up to show off how they can spend RM15 million in one night without any care in the world (except for their own selfish selves) and on the other, we have the poor and the genuinely concerned citizens who risked their own safety (from an onslaught by their own government) to voice out the concerns of the masses.

SpongeBob: The is a new beginning and a renewed spirit from our mahasiswa (university students). I am very proud of your struggle.

Osaki Delight: The Malaysians have disappointed me again. I was telling my overseas friends that the police would be spot on with their claim of grenades and violence in Kuala Lumpur.

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