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Demonisation of Kit Siang may no longer work
Published:  Nov 15, 2013 9:29 AM
Updated: 2:28 AM

YOURSAY 'Disinformation and misinformation are no longer as effective as before. Take Utusan Malaysia's falling readership as a living example.'

'Sorry for believing you were an evil racist', Kit Siang told

your say, YoursaySwipenter: Slowly but surely the fight for a Malaysian Malaysia is coming to fruition. We are also witnessing the dying days of racial politics thanks to the indomitable staying power and fighting spirit of DAP political veterans.

Mahathirism is waning and racial politics is on the way out. The power of the Internet and the forces of globalisation are things that Umno Baru cannot control. These two phenomena contribute to the awakening of the rakyat to the corruption, abuses and misgovernance of Umno Baru-BN.

Knowledge and information is not the prerogative of Umno Baru-BN anymore. It belongs to anyone willing to search for them.

Disinformation and misinformation are no longer as effective as before. Take Utusan Malaysia's falling readership as a living example. The corruption and antics of Umno Baru-BN politicians are also turning the rakyat against them.

Reason, knowledge and the dignity of humanity would eventually triumph over falsehoods - past, present and future.

Fogbom: The act of the Malay woman in apologising to DAP leader Lim Kit Siang is another signal that the end of racialist parties is coming soon.

LKS is not a genuine or fake Tun, Tan Sri or Datuk, but his standing among Malaysians greatly exceeds such pompous folks.

May he live long, to see the end of these grotesque, ugly political parties and to help usher in a new democracy, free of feudalism, race and government meddling with religion.

Anonymous_5fb: All I can say is this, Malaysia, if without veteran politicians such as Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Chen Man Hin, Tan Seng Giaw, Nik Aziz Nik Mat, etc, who are steadfast in their principles - and who have outlived so many Umno PMs - would be even worse than what it is now.

It is ironic for those racists in BN - in particular Umno, MCA and MIC - due to their monopoly of the mainstream media, has resulted in the Malays having the wrong perception of these elders, especially LKS (Lim Kit Siang).

In actual fact, not only the Malays have wrongly perceived LKS, but many Chinese as well. But the perseverance of these veteran politicians shall prevail.

Heavenly King: LKS is the most courageous and loyal politician in Malaysia, followed by Karpal. I have not identified a Malay politician of their stature.

Of course, at the other extreme end is Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Sirach: Indeed, no prizes for guessing who the chief perpetrator of that falsehood is. The term 'evil racist' was coined for someone like that awful man, not for Kit Siang.

Anonymous #85701391: Umno Baru will at any cost continued to manufacture lies and create hatred amongst Malaysians. That's their only weapon to continue their divide-and-rule politics in our country.

That is also their sole weapon of survival and stay away from prison as punishment for their evil deeds, robbery and raping of the people and country.

The Umno Baru today is no longer a political party to serve the people and country but solely for the enrichment of its leaders, elites, cronies and family members.

Anonymous_4056: All who believed and subscribed to the Malaysian Dream must contribute in some small ways to negate Umno propaganda among the rural Malays.

Together, we will destroy Umno relentlessly. Speak to any rural Malays at the slightest opportunity and tell them Umno is playing the race-and-religious card to divide us.

We, the rakyat, will eventually triumph with God's help. Do not be discouraged or give up. Start now in time for GE14.

Anonymously: Dear YB LKS. You have been vindicated and will be vindicated, again and again. Your contribution as a champion for all races are well known. Syabas!

Harapanbaru: People with vested interests in maintaining the ‘Ketuanan Melayu' status quo will of course feel very threatened by indomitable warriors like Kit Siang and Karpal, the two DAP veterans who between them have fought for justice and accountability for close to 100 years.

We know who these unscrupulous people who serve their paymasters in Umno Baru are - those who write inflammatory articles in Utusan, pseudo-artists like filmmaker Shuhaimi Baba and killer androids like Ridhuan Tee Abdullah.

Ipohcrite: With technology and the Internet, more people are aware of the evil ways of self-serving Umno and what selfless politicians like Lim Kit Siang really struggle for.

Of course, there are still racist and rent-seeking people who stubbornly support the cause of Umno, who refuse to see the light of truth but choose to moan in the dark.

Louis: Mr Lim, the truth is out. You are indeed a true Malaysian who cares for all races. Only Umno refuses to acknowledge it. Never mind, God know your true values.

Sleepy: The important takeaway is that technology and education will see change. As the saying goes "You can fool some people some of the time but not all the people all the time."

Kit P: But the daily barrage of racial propaganda from the Umno media machine continues unabated.

Even if less than 30 percent of the people who read or hear it believe, it has served their purpose. Those who dream of a non-racist Malaysia will continue to have a long, hard slog ahead.

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