YOURSAY 'I wonder why he deemed the meeting as a plot against the AG, which he was fast to deny. It's interesting to see if there was any mention about such a plot in the SD.'
Dr M mum on 'AG ouster plot', wants to see SD
It is gratifying to know this time round former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is under pressure to give answers that he was involved in a meeting regarding a plot to oust the AG (attorney-general).
The mere fact that former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief Mat Zain Ibrahim, as revealed to Malaysiakini , decided to have a statutory declaration is testimony of his seriousness, and the truth of his exposure.
He knows that he can be sued when he put the allegation in a legal document and yet, he still did it.
This is most unlike of Mahathir, who is always quick on the draw, when asked to comment by reporters. After all, he often entertains them with his characteristic witty and sarcastic remarks.
However, this time he guardedly refused to be drawn into making any comments. He is not dealing with any Tom, Dick and Harry but AG Abdul Gani Patail, who most probably has the confidence of PM Najib Razak.
If he takes on Abdul Gani, he is indirectly taking on the PM himself. We would like to ask Mahathir, and he has not denied it yet, was there a meeting between him and a group of people that included Mat Zain, former Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director Ramli Yusuff, Mahathir's former political secretary Mathias Chang and the controversial lawyer Muhammad Shafee?
Don't forget that Mat Zain and Ramli Yusuff are not Mahathir's regular buddies.
Not Smart: Is Najib still the PM or has he outsourced his duties to the former PM? The former PM seems to be in the limelight more frequently.
Maybe the former PM can decide on the Court of Appeal's ruling on The Herald , since there is no firm and clear decision yet.
Shafee denies plot against AG Gani Patail
Anonymous_5fb: First of all, I wonder if Shafee would even be bothered to give his responses if Malaysiakini did not make known to him a SD (statutory declaration) was made by Mat Zain pertaining to the meeting purportedly about AG Abdul Gani.
But since he already told about the existence of the SD, at least he and Mahathir can't deny that the meeting took place.
Secondly, I wonder why he deemed the meeting as a plot against the AG, which he was fast to deny. It's interesting to see if there was any mention about such a plot in the SD.
Thirdly, why he is fast to protect Mahathir and that the former PM has nothing to do with "all this rubbish"? Who called for the meeting in the first place? Who invited Mat Zain to the meeting? Since Mat Zain is not an international lawyer, why was he at the meeting?
Fourthly, why "rubbish"? Don't you realise that the maker of any SD is liable for its contents? Would you dare to come up with a SD of your own to counteract the one made by Mat Zain?
Finally, why you insist to have a copy of Mat Zain's SD in order to make further comments?
The Reaper: "Tun (Mahathir) is certainly not involved in all this rubbish. It was I who wanted to pay my respects to Tun. There were others who wanted to do the same," said Shafee.
Then what other "rubbish" was he and you involved in? Pray tell us some the "rubbish".
Angel: Shafee, why then did you call Mat Zain to meet Mahathir?
James1067: Denial is a very common way of trying to escape from the truth. Even though if there was a meeting to remove the AG, they have to thread very carefully.
After all, the AG is very powerful person. His loyalty to his political masters and the many secrets he holds will put him in a secure position.
Changeagent: Dr M involved in a political plot? No, that will never happen.
IGP: Not for police to probe AG's alleged wrongdoing
Onyourtoes: Is fabrication of evidence a criminal offence, IGP (inspector-general of police)? Also, if you don't know about the alleged hiring of two American agents in the AG's Chambers, then it is for you to find out.
What do you mean "ask him"? Do you ask a criminal to state whether he/she has committed a crime?
Oh Ya?: When there is an alleged plot to oust the AG, it is a treacherous act for it is an attack on another independent institution. This is no different from attacking the judiciary.
And interestingly is the famous lawyer involved gunning for the AG job too? How could the IGP wash his hands unless he is a ‘kowtow' boy to the ruling elite.
James_3392: The AG's alleged wrongdoing does not warrant an investigation by PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), but Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's alleged sodomy warranted the involvement of even the IGP. What logic is this?
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