VOXPOP ‘After all the 'bantuan' giveaways since the last general election, they certainly need to recoup their costs.'
DBKL raising assessment tax by up to 260pct, decry MPs
Thana55: Whilst the notification is about annual value (AV) valuation, it is Kuala Lumpur City Hall's (DBKL) responsibility to provide a compelling rationale for the increase.
They should take out full-page advertisements in all mainstream media (MSM) to explain why they need to increase the assessment tax and how the income was spent. Otherwise it is like a gangster seeking extortion money.
The unfortunate situation we KLites are in is that our elected representatives do not have a say in what DBKL does. The mayor reports to the Federal Territories minister and Umno government.
We have structural problems which requires major surgery. It's not fair to blame our FT MPs.
Touche: It's true. My AV has just been revised from about RM5,000 to RM12,000. At an assumed same rate of 6 percent, my assessment has more than doubled from RM300 to RM720 per year, RM35 extra per month. This is a big increase.
For investors and speculators whose units are unlet and vacant, they will have to bear the additional financial burden.
Hplooi: An increase of over 200 percent, phew. After all the 'bantuan' giveaways since the last general election, they certainly need to recoup their costs.
Luckily I do not own any property in Kuala Lumpur, only in Selangor and Perak. No rise in assessment in these two states, I hope.
Don'tLeaveName: DBKL charged RM14 for postage/billing on its half-yearly assessment bill in 2013. Can you believe that we have to pay RM28 yearly for DBKL to bill us?
Oomph: There should be continuous protests. This increase is plain daylight robbery by the licensed bouncer i.e. DBKL, which is supported by Umno.
MockingYou: It must be an insidious plan to chase Malaysians out of KL to make way for legions of CIMBs (foreign workers from China, Indonesia, Myanmar and Bangladesh).
Well Thats Fantastic: I am still at a loss as to how BN thinks it's okay to install their man as mayor of KL when Pakatan Rakyat hold most of the seats.
Touche: KL must be managed by the people, of the people and by the people. As such, the mayor must be elected by the people of KL, just like London, and not appointed by Umno.
KDP: I just want to say that assessment rates are too low in Malaysia. No wonder town councils need federal and state funding. We are not realistic. Consumers only value services when they are made to pay an appropriate amount for it.
Rober727: Every time you pay the rate you will be paying the Goods and Services Tax (GST) as well.
Doc: Yes, rakyat ‘bayar' (pay). Umno government spends.
Terengganu Islamic officers 'already carry guns'
Swipenter: Religious officers should be armed with their respective holy books and not guns to "re-educate" those who have strayed from their religion.
If they are to be armed with guns, what is the standard operating procedure (SOP) for these religious enforcement officers for carrying and discharging their firearms during a raid?
For our Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) officers, they shoot first , talk later once they identify their targets as criminals, according to our home minister.
Fair&Just: Ha, ha, ha. Carrying guns when performing religious duties. It looks like the wild wild west where some preachers carried guns while travelling across Indian and bandit-infested places.
Malaccan: This news comes on the heels of reports of plans to arm Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) officers. This is the stuff of nightmares.
As it is, Jakim has not shown much rationality or maturity in their handling of the ‘Allah' issue. How are they expected to exercise good judgement and fairness with the use of guns?
Some may argue that the firearms are for self-protection and that only senior officers will be armed, but they do not have the established rules and laws to control them like police personnel e.g. the Police Act and inspector-general of police's Standing Orders (IGSO).
As before, they should go on their raids along with the presence of police officers, who may be armed. Imagine if religious officers one day should attempt to raid, or claim to visit, a church or temple and come armed.
They will not be adequately trained on the use of the firearms. Even trained police officers are known to misuse their weapons or lose them in toilets, etc.
Sabahan: If religious officers are to bear arms, then something is wrong in the way they carry out their duties. Possibly no other religious officers in the world carry arms. It is an anathema to their work. But then, only in Malaysia can this occur.
Well Thats Fantastic: Yes, all "good" Malaysians should be allowed to arm themselves, then once armed, it is much simpler to know when a good person has gone bad, we can just listen for the gunshots.
MockingYou: These are people tasked at making sure the Muslims of this country don't stray. Are you belittling or casting aspersion that our Muslim brethren are so violent as to justify religious enforcers carry guns for self-protection?
Even Perkasa clowns should not be treated that way even though they border on threats of violence.
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