YOURSAY 'It is blatantly obvious that PAS is playing to the gallery. The Allah issue involves all Malaysians, not just Muslims.'
PAS: Gov't should apologise to Muslims over 'Allah' issue
Bamboo: PAS, can you state clearly whether 'Allah' can be used by Christians or otherwise? PAS shouldn't change stance where ever the wind blows.
The right way should be to enlighten Muslims in Malaysia with the right teachings instead of allowing Umno's version of Islam gaining a foothold in Malaysia.
Swipenter: Why apologise to the Muslims only? It is blatantly obvious that PAS is playing to the gallery. The Allah issue involves all Malaysians, not just Muslims.
In fact the most aggrieved party is the Christians (and non-Muslims). PAS cannot have the cake and eat it too.
Proarte: PAS cannot back Umno over the Allah issue and then conveniently do a belly flip and pretend not to have any issue with Christians using the word ‘Allah' only when Umno is now in hot soup over their outrageous and insupportable position.
PAS was very clearly 'sekongkol' with Umno simply because they too thought that 'claiming Allah' for Muslims at the expense of Christians was a vote winner.
Now that the whole world is laughing at the Umno government for its irrationality and stupidity over this issue, and the fact that it is now politically damaging to Umno's and PAS' interest, PAS has now shamefully 'menjilat ludah sendiri' and pretends to have supported the Christians all along.
Very few Malaysians are 'mudah lupa' these days and PAS should learn not to insult their intelligence.
As the English idiom goes, "if you lie with dogs, you will get up with fleas" and this applies to PAS. It has been tainted by its moral cowardice and hypocrisy.
Hang Babeuf: ‘Allah' only for Muslims? Wa'allahu alam! And meanwhile, acknowledging divine wisdom and power, will mere humans please just shut up. That includes the ‘superman heroes' of Umno-BN who, after all, are just mortals, and very flawed ones at that.
As for the answer to this question that so vexes some impatient people, it is with Allah, who will certainly make the truth of the matter clear to all of us in good time. Until then, just back off everybody!
Those who do not, or will not do so, fail to recognise the transcendent power and wisdom of what that ‘name' denotes.
Cannot be patient? Of what poor faith such people must be. Patience is at least one-half of faith, no? Those who lack that patience simply will not let God be God. They want to do that job themselves.
Yet such people want to be the guardians and protectors of the Ultimate Truth. But they lack the character, and have failed the character test, to do so. They have proved it by their own attitude and actions. Usurpers!
Toffeesturn: It is not the Muslims who get confused if the Christians use the word ‘Allah'. It can be clearly seen in this case, it is Umno beginning at the very top that gets confused when ‘Allah' is used.
Does this not make the whole issue abundantly clear it is the crooked people who get confused when we call upon Allah. Over to you, PM Najib Razak, because you are the Umno leader and you too seem confused.
Religious enforcement head shot dead outside home
Swipenter: My condolence to the family of Pahang Islamic Religious Department (Jaip) enforcement chief Ahmad Raffli Ab Malik.
I hope that this vile killing and cold-blooded murder has nothing to do with intra-religious differences otherwise our country is facing a very dangerous and potentially explosive situation that threatens to undermine the very foundation of our Bolehland.
Sleepy: The day our the home minister said "shoot first talk later", he has opened the floodgates for gangsters and others to do the same. Take no prisoners is the name of the game now.
Anonymous #70881335: Religious officers should have no powers to carry out raids. It looks like a complicated case to me - more than it meets the eye.
Bianca Lee: This brutal murder has again proven that Malaysia is not safe. Will our home minister say our crime rate is still low? Is there anything good that Ahmad Zahid Hamidi will say?
As Malaysia's PM, will Najib continue to remain silent over these alarming threats to our country's security?
Fair Play: Has sectarian violence within the same community escalated to a new and higher level with this senseless killing? How would this affect the 'moderate Muslim nation' tag in the eyes of the world Muslim community if this (killing) goes unabated?
Cogito Ergo Sum: In the face of this tragedy, let's be sensible Malaysians. This is crime, no matter what religion you follow or don't follow.
As an intelligent form, let's keep our comments intelligent, without emotion. What is clear is that there are too many guns in the open.
Onyourtoes: Just a gentle reminder, Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar and Zahid: the murder of Customs deputy DG is still not solved yet. And now this.
I think there are limits to patience by even your not very competent bosses.
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