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Thanks to Dr M, we're facing Malay Dilemma II
Published:  Nov 13, 2013 8:38 AM
Updated: 4:33 AM

YOURSAY 'If only Mahathir had followed his own advice during his term as PM, the country would be a much better place than it is today.'

Don't just think about the afterlife, Dr M tells Muslims

your say, YoursayProarte: For once, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad is talking some sense. If only he had put into practice his new-found ideas when he first became PM, this country would not have faced such a terrible brain drain and Malays would have been better served.

Instead, for purely selfish reasons he sacrificed the interest of the nation and the Malays for his own personal power and that of Umno.

He introduced 'Islamisation' and the concept of ‘Ketuanan Melayu'. English was relegated to an 'optional extra' and Bahasa Malaysia foisted on the education system even at the tertiary level. The terrible consequences of his destructive policies will be felt for generations to come.

When Mahathir introduced English for Maths and Science just before he retired, it was a case of too little too late and smacked of insincerity and revealed his political cowardice and opportunism. The burning question is why did he not introduce English 20 years earlier?

Not Confused: Oh my God! I really don't believe myself. For once, I actually find myself agreeing with Mahathir. Perhaps I should go and lie down in a dark room.

In my humble opinion, there is too much emphasis on religion everywhere, almost to the exclusion of everything else.

There is too much hypocrisy - all religions preach peace, harmony, compassion and tolerance for others, but the practise of these virtues is all too often totally forgotten.

Fair Play: I am sure after reading Mahathir's message, Muslim Malaysians would be more confused than ever with this flip-flop on the use of English to teach Maths and Science.

My Opinion: I thought the Malays are more concerned with the present than in having knowledge of Islam? Otherwise, why are they so easily confused when others use the word 'Allah'?

Fairnsquare: If only Mahathir had followed his own advice during his term as PM, the country would be a much better place than it is today.

Twenty-two years of his tenure have made the Malays as they are today and PM Najib Razak has the difficult task of re-engineering and uniting a divided nation of Malays and non-Malays.

JamesBond007: "Let us be realistic, the Malay language is not yet the language of Maths and Science," said Mahathir.

I wonder, if anyone from opposition had uttered such words what would happen to that person?

Swipenter: Mahathir is the one who messed up the minds of the Malays by using race and religion as a form of thought control over them.

He is now preaching to them to acquire worldly knowledge in order for them to progress? But if the Arab/Islamic world has been retreating/stagnating for centuries, why insist on the Islamisation of the country?

The answer lies in racial politics, advocated at all costs by Mahathir and Umno Baru. The competition to see who is holier than the other between Umno Baru and PAS is also taking the country further down the drain.

The reality now is when issues regarding religion are being discussed, the power of reasoning is gone.

That is why we are asking - where are all the reasonable, smart, educated and intelligent Muslims when their religion is being hijacked by a small minority of religious bigots and hardliners for politics and their self-interest?

Hplooi: This is typical half-truths and obfuscation. Mahathir failed to mention that in most societies (especially theocracies), it is not the people or the Muslim ummah who decides, it's the leader (whether secular or religious) who actually decides the philosophical approach of his people towards life.

Such philosophies also seek to internalise any contradictions that may arise from 'the official line'.

Look critically at the history of Islam. When the ruler so decides, the ummah will move towards a more liberal interpretation of the 'here and now', leading to a more dynamic and invigorating period in Islamic history. But if the leader reacts inwards, the ummah will follow suit.

Geronimo: Mahathir, what makes you think that Muslims are just thinking about the afterlife?

If they had, then we would be enjoying Utopia on Earth,for everyone would be adhering to God's will - no rape, no corruption, no killing, no incest, no stealing, no adultery, no slandering and all the other evil deeds that we are witnessing today.

I hope you are just addressing this to Umno Baru Malays and not the Malays in general because I know many of the latter who behavd differently from those of Umno Baru, who are kind and compassionate.

Jeremy Ng: Mahathir is right, and he is the key contributor to the present Malay mentality. Malays (excluding the Umnoputras) are now caught in the second Malay dilemma. All these are the result of Umno's actions.

In playing the Malay supremacy games, it has retarded the real development of the Malay masses. Worsening the situation is the 'playing' of the game of Islamic protection.

Race, language and religion ‘protection' policy will continue to maintain Umno political control but at the expense of true progressive development of the Malays.

Umno may appear as a saviour and protector superficially. But in the long run these are real 'poisons' that will put the Malays in a dilemma, generation after generation.

Thorninflesh: "But if we ask something from God without our own effort, it will not be granted. We don't seem to emphasise that," said Mahathir.

I don't agree. It comes in the form of the NEP (New Economic Policy), does it not?

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