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Has Waytha finally found his voice?
Published:  Nov 13, 2013 8:15 AM
Updated: 4:32 AM

YOURSAY ‘You are again going to be told to ‘toe the line' by Najib, and you will soon go into hibernation, again.'

Waytha to Ku Nan: You've no business in Hindu affairs

Onyourtoes: Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia chairperson P Waythamoorthy, who are you to tell Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor that he has no business in Hindu affairs.

The Court of Appeal has just decided that Christians cannot use a certain word in the practise of their faith. So why should there be any difference when it comes to Hinduism? Because you are a deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department?

Anonymous #03815719: You are again going to be told to "toe the line" by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, and you will soon go into hibernation, again.

Enuf: Waytha, so you mean to say that you are qualified to speak on Hindu affairs? This, from the man who abandoned his comrades at the last minute and endorses their enemy while his own brother goes to jail?

You enjoyed your holiday on your so-called self-exile in Britain, while the rakyat believed that you will actually sue the Queen of England on their behalf.

Ketuanan Rakyat: Waytha, what are you still doing in the PM's Office? Cleaning Najib's table? If you have any self-respect left, you should resign from your position.

You betrayed your brother and sold out Hindu Malaysians. Please do not pretend to be a Hindu sympathiser when you continue to remain in government.

Meanwhile, those who say this temple was built illegally, please remember there was no master plan for Kuala Lumpur in 1912. When the master plan was drawn, it should have taken this temple into account.

Where is the RM5 billion plan to uplift the Indian community? BN does not have anything for others, except Umnoputras.

NCRWarrior: So the memorandum of understanding with Najib before GE13 has got Hindraf fooled. Waytha, what therefore is the value, purpose and meaning of your deputy ministership now?

To you, Waytha, you receive a guaranteed ministerial salary, allowances and perks and later, pension. But for Persatuan Hindraf Association members and supporters, it is only more temple demolitions and humiliation.

So the lesson is, don't trust Najib. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Babylon: Correct Waytha, he has no right... but he still speaks. But what are you going to do about it?. Shout from the rooftop? Do you think they care? Think again.

Robert Lim: Hindraf has always shown and displayed courage when it comes to the plight of Indians. It has the guts to say things, unlike other leaders who would serve their master.

Once again Waythamoorthy has shown he is willing to take the bull by its horn. The MIC leaders would not dare say this. If Waytha is asked to resign, I think he would do so.

Not Confused: Waythamoorthy, too little, too late, my friend. By keeping silent for so long after such blatant vandalism and ridiculous claims by the equally dim and nasty piece of work by Tengku Adnan, you have forfeited your position as spokesperson for Hindus and should resign immediately in protest.

Thana: As a Hindu, our religion has withstood time immemorial. So all human beings can comment on it because it is a tolerant religion.

The subject matter is important to all Malaysians, especially Hindus. I believe a lot of Hindus want an orderly development of Hindu temples, not on roadsides, junctions, near food stalls, etc.

More importantly, temples should not be in way of development. Please follow Singapore's example and form an apolitical group to resolve the relocation and amalgamation of the small Hindu temples.

Hindus in Malaysia must be proud of Batu Caves, the stone caves in Ipoh and the Waterfall Temple in Penang. They are tourist attractions too. So do not be emotional and support development programme which benefit all, including Hindus.

Chandra Palasingam: The primary purpose of a Hindu temple is for the Hindus to pray in. Why is our government under the impression that it is for tourists?

Franco: Dear Waytha, do you really think by making all this noise Ku Nan will shiver in his pants? Let's be objective here. Can you not broker a deal with the DBKL (City Hall), Hap Seng and the Sri Muneswarar Kaliyamman temple committee for a win-win solution?

Remember IGB and Mid-Valley development and the temple within its vicinity. What do you think took place when the powers at IGB decided to not only renovate but eventually beautify the entire temple and ever since have contributed to its running, monetary and in kind.

A good leader could be judged by how he/she can make the best of a difficult situation and turn it into a positive one without making any party coming out feeling like a fool. If everyone wants to stand their ground, then no one is a winner.

Odin: But Waythamoorthy, it is the business of those Umnoputras and their shameless, brainless, servile sycophants to be experts in anything and everything.

You have a judge who, after conducting a shallow, incompetent, quick research on the Internet, could determine what was or what was not integral to Christianity, a minister who voiced out his assumptions as if they were facts, yet another minister who didn't know a thing about advertising ordering GLCs to buy advertising space in those cheap, low-grade toilet rolls owned by his political party, etc.

Now watch it, Adnan may even ask you to return to India, or worse, ask that your citizenship be revoked.

Paul Warren: Waytha, you are now stopped from keeping Umno ministers from deciding what is and what is not part of Hinduism. Whether it is a shrine, temple or deity, it is for the relevant Umno minister to decide.

After all, you did maintain your dignified silence over the 'Allah' issue, allowing Umno to trample over Christian practice. You acquiesced in their actions. So now you learn from them what is and what is not a shrine.

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