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Perhaps KJ should ask the cabinet about AG
Published:  Nov 12, 2013 8:34 AM
Updated: 3:30 AM

VOXPOP 'Khairy, are you part of the government or not? Don't go to the media to ask a question which should have been clarified at the cabinet level.'

Khairy urges AG to explain why Ling's case dropped

voxpop, vox Satay Satay: All Malaysians, except most BN ruling party members, will want attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail to explain why the case against former transport minister Ling Liong Sik was dropped and not being appealed.

He appealed against the use of ‘Allah' by bumiputera Christians, but not the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) case which involved billions of ringgit.

Thana55: Sports and Youth Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, are you part of the government or not? Don't go to the media to ask a question which should have been clarified at the cabinet level.

More importantly, if Ling is not guilty, who are the real culprits. This is where you should focus your energy - pushing for a new probe. Like in Altantuya Shaariibuu's case, how come no one has been held responsible.

Headhunter: Are you really that stupid, Khairy? Ling would sing like a canary and opened a can of rotten BN worms if he is found guilty.

Like the Altantuya case, there are victims but no perpetrators to pay for the crime. Just these two cases alone, the country lost a few billions of ringgit. Endless possibilities, yes?

Ipohcrite: This government gave the AG the power and discretion to prosecute, and this power cannot be questioned.

So, if Khairy wants the AG to explain, the AG is not bound to do so. Or even better, the AG can simply say this: I am not appealing the case because I can (do that).

YOM: I am delighted that for the first time in my recent memory, a government minister has come out so boldly. I just hope this is not a political ploy and that Khairy will continue to speak up on other issues of public interest.

Armchair Newspaper: Yes, it's a matter of public interest, Khairy. But there were other public interest cases that you and your Umno sycophants stayed mum.

Fair Play: This is definitely a ‘wayang kulit' as Khairy only made his stance public after the deadline for the AG to file an appeal had already lapsed.

Real change only exists in the dream of the rakyat. And so the ‘sandiwara' will continue for posterity to come.

Amalgam: Is it not obvious right from the start that Ling's hearing was all hogwash? Can one really persecute a Tun and put him in jail?

Didn't our PM say "you scratch my back and I scratch yours"? So what exactly is the agenda of the sports minister's comment? We are past believing any good can come out of what we read.

Mohamad Abdul Malik: Well, maybe the AG was just acting according the script. Hopefully Khairy was not part of the script.

Haji Budin: What justification is needed? Everyone in Malaysia knows that the Malaysian court is just one big washing machine and the AG and his bunch of public prosecutors are powerful detergents.

In go dirty politicians and out come clean politicians.

Datin Annie Chang: Tun Ling was acquitted by the High Court. He has suffered enough. The judge has delivered a judgment. Perhaps you should read the full judgment before asking the AG for reasons why the learned AG is not appealing.

Shibboleth: Datin Annie, no need to read the written judgment. The entire script was written by fiction writer Dan Brown before Ling was charged.

Anwar: PM's silence on AG's allegations deafening

Odin: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad dares to finger AG Abdul Gani Patail because he has virtually nothing to lose should the latter turn around and spill the beans on him.

He has the money to engage an army of the world's best lawyers to defend him, and even to buy off judges if need be.

But even if he is convicted at the apex court stage, and in the quite unlikely event that he is sentenced to dance in midair, he won't mind it much as he hasn't got long to live and all his children are already independently super-wealthy.

Now, PM Najib Razak is a different case altogether. He won't act against Abdul Gani because he has a great deal to lose - including his very life. Murder and high treason would ensure he dance in midair.

He isn't very old yet, and his children are still relatively young. So, he will, as usual, say nothing and do nothing, while Abdul Gani will continue to show all and sundry his middle finger.

Swipenter: Silence seems to be the best/only form of defence for Najib for so many issues confronting the nation.

It is typical of an ostrich burying its head under the sand hoping the problem will resolves by itself or go away. He is really not prime ministerial material.

Onyourtoes: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, be careful of what you wish for. The present AG could be replaced by one more vicious and dangerous than the present one.

We must look into the motivation of all allegations and accusations being tossed about. Is it really for integrity of public office? Is it internecine wars among the tribal chiefdoms? Is it to replace the present AG with someone more malicious?

Toffeesturn: This AG has become too powerful for even the PM, he can spring a surprise by getting Najib investigated for the Altantuya murder. I have said it so many times the integrity of the office of the prime minister has been compromised.

Appum: The first thought that came into my mind when I read this article is that our PM is like the three proverbial monkeys - see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing, but evil is everywhere.

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