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For many ministers, facts are unimportant
Published:  Nov 12, 2013 8:20 AM
Updated: 3:28 AM

YOURSAY 'If Shahidan has made no specific comparison, how can he have the decency to make in Parliament such a statement not based on facts?'

'Utility costs for Seri Perdana among lowest in the world'

your say, Yoursay Doc Dungu!: If Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim does not know the electricity bill of the residence of any of the heads of states, how can he say that Sri Perdana's electricity bill is "among the lowest in the world"?

Well Thats Fantastic: So Shahidan researched this but brought no proof to Parliament? How typical of a useless politician.

Besides, isn't he one of the leaders who once asked why we should follow other countries since Malaysia is unique? Yes, about as unique as my left foot.

Ah Gu, Ah Beh: I think I can do a better comparison with facts and figures instead of vague statement like "specific comparison".

Even if the power bill in the White House is higher than Putrajaya, consideration must be taken of the country's GDP, the population, etc.

Not Smart: Shahidan, previously you were only a MB in a tiny state up north, but now a minister in the federal government. You cannot be plucking justification from the air without any reasonable facts or comparisons.

You may have managed the state's affairs with this sort of mentality due to the limitations in your capabilities and intelligence. And you may have gotten away with it.

Now being elected as an MP, you cannot apply your MB's style anymore, as nowadays, the rakyat are smarter.

You have to change from your MB (menteri bodoh) style to MP (menteri pandai) style. This is not the first time you have given a stupid explanation. Too bad, there were no other quality MPs elected this time around.

Chks: When it comes to expenditure, they will compare us with the top (expensive) countries of the world like United States and United Kingdom, and therefore we can pat ourselves on the back.

When it comes to quality (e.g. quality of education), they will compare us with the worst countries in the world, and again we can pat ourselves on the back. This is called ‘syiok sendiri'!

Anonymous #24936590: Talk first, facts later - it is just like you've got to be a minister first, and the qualifications come second.

Haveagreatday: They just shoot from the hip, or it is the mouth in this case. If Shahidan has made no specific comparison, how can he have the decency to make in the Dewan Rakyat such a statement not based on facts?

Pissed Off: A good educational background together with high IQ and EQ must be made mandatory for civil servants and persons holding key positions, especially the MPs. I am embarrassed at the kind of answers these elected reps give.

If we follow Shahidan's logic, there are a lot of things lower in other parts of the world: low petrol prices, low crime rate, lower cost of living, lower wages for MP and ministers, etc. How come they don't talk about those when similar issues in our country are highlighted?

JoanH: Is this man really one of our ministers? How can we have have ministers who make statements which are not substantiated? If he needs more time to do a comparison, shouldn't he just say so? How irresponsible are these so-called ministers.

Doc: Shahidan is vying for the prestigious 'Most Idiotic Umno Politicians of the Year' award. He would like to walk in the footsteps of the famous past recipients like ministers Hishammuddin Hussein, Nazri Abdul Aziz and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Bystander: It is typical of Malaysian ministers to talk faster than their brain. How could Shahidan made a statement that utility bill such as electricity alone raking in the tune of RM2.2 million was frugal with no available appropriate comparison?

On what basis did his deduction come from?

88: Information on energy (electricity and gas) consumed at British Prime Minister's Office at 10 Downing Street is available for the whole world to see. Just search Google.

For 10 Downing Street, energy used per hour is 14 pounds. Per year, it is 14 x 24 x 365 = 122,640 pounds (RM625,464).

Now compare that with PM's power bill.

Wira: It is typical of moronic BN ministers who speak like experts without any supporting data or information to substantiate their claims.

Lamborghini: Irrespective of the brightness of the lights in Seri Perdana, what a bleak future we have with fools like this so-called minister running our country.

This is a boast based on "observation" that can't be substantiated by any facts or comparisons with other countries.

I weep for our beloved country going down the slippery road towards bankruptcy, of not only money but intelligence.

Alicescat: It is always fun to spend other people's money. It's a crime that the PM should spend so much on utilities when many of the rakyat toil to put food on the table.

Unfortunately, our leaders don't give a cat's poop for the rakyat's well-being, do they?

Anonymous #24936590: Shahidan might as well say, "Don't ask me so many questions, else I will eject you all from the House with my stupidity."

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