VOXPOP 'I can't blame him for trying to be more Malay than the Malays. After all, it worked out well for Mahathir.'
'Ridhuan Tee's deviant teaching upsets colleagues'
Ferdtan: For doing what he has to do, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah benefitted much from his column periodically in Utusan Malaysia and is paid well as professor at the Universiti Pertahanan Malaysia (UPNM).
Throughout history you have such lowly piece of human garbage in any society who would work against his own people for a few pieces of gold. There is no pride and dignity, nor conscience. Only money matters.
We saw many Chinese acting as ‘running dogs' during the Japanese occupation in Malaya to betray their fellow neighbours. This may not be different from what Ridhuan Tee is doing, no?
The ultras in Umno are using Ridhuan Tee to ‘mock' his fellow Chinese brethren (former, if only he can get his way to change his race).
A Malay cannot say bad things against another race for it may be construed as racist. However, it is different (possibly allowed?) when a Chinese made a strong statement against his community, though a Muslim. It is not deemed to be racist.
Gotcha: Ridhuan is not fit as a lecturer. Although I am a BN member, I fully agree with Seputeh MP Teresa Kok's comments. Tee should be immediately removed once and for all for his negative thoughts.
Geronimo: If the university is so hard up to have a lecturer with a doctorate degree, have some class, go get the likes of Dr Stephen Hawkings.
Fortunately, the lecturers and students could see through Ridhuan's devious scheme and now have to undo the damage he has caused. Why is the university still condoning and keeping a bogus and unqualified lecturer like him is beyond me.
Hang Tuah PJ: A spiritually wise person, especially a convert, would just propound his new-found religion and the glory of it. He will remain silent on his former religion or other religions.
Ridhuan Tee took advantage of the fact the many Malays like to hear religious scholars making a comparison with the various religions and condemning their previous religion. No? Come on, I have attended many such talks.
Ridhuan Tee, just praise Allah for saving your soul; no need to condemn other races and religion.
Fair Play: Is there a perceptible shift in the psyche of right-thinking but compliant Malay Malaysians? Wow! At one time, the rakyat thought Ridhuan Tee was untouchable.
Now, his antics are being discussed in Parliament. Any action to be taken (or the lack of it) might give an indication of the direction of the powers-that-be.
Bad Feng Shui: I can't blame him for trying to be more Malay than the Malays. After all, it worked out well for former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Private gov't aircraft trips cost RM470k per flight
Problem Problem Problem: Singapore is richer than us. If their PM can travel by Singapore Airlines to the last heads of government meeting in Jakarta, why not our PM?
Anticonmen: What a waste on opulence for incompetent politicians who cannot lead and manage the country, especially when so many of the rakyat are poor and having to struggle daily to earn a living. These expenses have no real benefit for the people.
Old Timer: What a waste of taxpayers' money. Many schools don't have enough money for upgrade or repairs, and here we are burning money with the PM and his entourage.
Doc: So now we know where the money that has been saved by the government in slashing petrol and sugar subsidies is going to.
EvenSteven: The very existence of the PM's residence sickens me. To learn that tens of millions were spent just to renovate it shows the mentality of these people.
They are no different from the likes of Robert Mugabe and Saddam Hussein. Just spend, spend, spend and the people be damned, and yet the PM has the audacity to advise us to tighten our belts and change our lifestyles.
Will the National Feedlot Centre become NFA?
Matteropong RM12.5 billion gone for Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) and RM250 million gone for the National Feedlot Centre (NFC).
I pity fellow Malaysians for having to experience all the sad stories from one case to another before the nation could become a developed nation by 2020.
Balachan Cili: But the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has said you can't charge the government officers for stupidity, so it's case closed.
Fourtan Millions and billions lost, decade after decade. Please PJ Utara MP Tony Pua, don't give them more face. It's not stupidity, it's corruption.
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