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Shahidan, as ye sow, so shall ye reap
Published:  Nov 8, 2013 10:45 AM
Updated: 3:33 AM

VOXPOP 'Shouldn't EC be the one who should be blamed if all parties, both ruling and opposition, are not happy with its performance?'

'Dreamboat' Shahidan sore over Sg Limau experience

voxpop, voxFerdtan: Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim, you say that there were phantom voters and political violence in Sg Limau by-election.

Pakatan Rakyat had said the same thing regarding the 13th general election and they went to court to seek redress but failed in all their attempts.

That means that BN and Pakatan are agreeable with this same issue - the sorry state of affairs in conducting an election, whether a by-election or a national one, by the Election Commission.

Shouldn't EC be the one who should be blamed if all parties, both ruling and opposition, are not happy with its performance? Is Shahidan agreeable to censure the heads of EC, chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof and his deputy Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, for doing a bad job?

To really improve EC is to put them under the control of Parliament. Shahidan, do you agree with that? If not, just shut up.

Armageddon: Shahidan, if true then what you saying is that Pakatan was cheating in the by-election, I am sure glad to hear that.

They must have learned that art of cheating from the super-guru of cheaters, Umno. There is a saying, if you can't beat them, join them.

Slumdog: This is a case of sour grapes and now Umno has to reap what it sows. They are at the receiving end of what their supporters inflicted on the opposition during GE13.

Shahidan is upset over what he claims as a trend of "undetectable voters" and found "many" voters on the electoral roll who do not live there nor related to the locals. This is exactly what the opposition and Bersih have been complaining about before and after GE13.

Umno and the EC took no notice and dismissed the complaints as without evidence or foundation and now when Umno has lost the Sg Limau by-election, they complained.

We can only hope that Shahidan has finally woken up to the deceitful acts by individual voters, the EC, the National Registration Department (NRD) and party officials.

It was alright for Umno thugs to disrupt opposition ceramah and the PDRM (Royal Malaysia Police) did nothing. Now he has the hide to complain.

YouAreNotAlone: The EC is just acting to show it is not pro-Umno. Sg Limau is a small constituency. What Umno wants is Putrajaya.

Shahidan, please stop the play acting of saying EC is not doing its job. This is just a ‘sandiwara' to show the rakyat that EC is not with Umno. You think we are idiots?

Faz: Pakatan had been saying this out loud for years but since Umno Baru-BN is winning the game through this loophole, you pretend not to know it.

Now the table is turned on you, you are crying wolf. Only matured adults will have the courtesy to acknowledge the electoral fraud. Rogues like Shahidan, will never understand such culture.

Not Confused: It very much looks as though the tortoise has poked his head out from beneath his protective shell and actually realised something that the remaining population has known for decades.

What ye sow, so shall ye reap. Umno and BN are masters at voter manipulation and this has-been has the temerity to complain about it.

Jessie Ooi: What RM200k from MCA boss?

Anonymous #02382443: MCA's Jessie Ooi, you are a young coddling. You have a long way to go. Hopefully you will learn as you progress in your political career which is what I call, "the art of the impossible".

Please reflect over this because politics is not for the faint hearted, honest and fair minded. Good luck to you.

Rubystar_4037: I am quite amused by all these comments on Jessie Ooi. A number of these comments are harsh, unkind and below the belt. However, some the comments came from excellent commentators who wrote well, argued well and are very responsible readers.

One can't help but ponder why MCA leaders attract all these negative comments. This can only be traced to the source - their president was caught with his pants down and yet he was still voted into power.

Geronimo: Malaysiakini, why are you featuring nondescript news as this? The space on your portal could be dedicated to something far more important than Jessie Ooi.

MCA and Jessie Ooi are history. Please focus on relevant and more important issues at hand.

My Opinion: Geronimo, sometimes clowns like Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Noordin, Jati president Hasan Ali, Jessie Ooi, Utusan Malaysia columnist Ridhuan Tee Abdullah are notorious and comical.

The readers wants to know what their latest circus tricks are. Usually they are the same but are wearing different costumes.

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