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Expect Muhyiddin to pass the NFC monkey
Published:  Nov 8, 2013 10:30 AM
Updated: 2:53 AM

YOURSAY 'He can now say he has no 'mens rea' as it was done by his officers and as minister, he is not numero uno, much like former transport minister Ling Liong Sik.'

Explain 'sloppy' feedlot centre award, DPM told

your say, YoursaySwipenter: "The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) report released yesterday found that the Agriculture Ministry did not carry out due diligence, while the government failed to place clauses to safeguard the RM250 million soft loan disbursed to the (National Feedlot Corporation, NFC)."

One learned judge has recently passed a judgment that the boss is not responsible for the sloppy reports prepared by his officers and ministry that contained mistakes, false and misleading information that he signed and endorsed.

So Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has no need to explain himself for the sloppy feedlot centre award. Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin is just making noise. Pay no attention to her.

Senior: How is he to explain? Except to say he has no "mens rea" as it was done by his officers and as minister, he is not numero uno then, much like former transport minister Ling Liong Sik who was acquitted of cheating in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

MacMac: It will be another Ling Liong Sik story. Malaysians get the government they deserve.

MinahBulat: Kak Zuraida, why are you talking about due diligence on the award of the NFC project? The whole of Malaysia knows that this project was given to the present Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

They cannot give it to her directly so she pretends not to know that it was given to her husband and their children. Can you picture the husband coming home one day: "Hello sayang, abang dapat kontrak NFC dan dapat 250 juta dari goman."

Shahrizat replies, "Ya ka abang? Wah abang pandai ya dapat kontrak jaga lembu." Husband replies, "Tentu la, tengok siapa isteri abang?"

(Husband: Hi darling, I have gotten the NFC contract and got RM250 million from the government. Shahrizat: Really? You are indeed clever to get contract for cow rearing. Husband: Of course, look who's my wife.)

Ah Gu, Ah Beh: Muhyiddin will respond, "So what." It's the officer who did not brief him. In Bolehland, passing the monkey is normal. Pleading ignorance is yet another ploy, just like "I don't know what my husband is doing", when both of them sleep on the same bed.

Appum: In Malaysia, you can never see a culture of taking responsibility and accountability in the top positions, all the way from the executive to the civil service.

The Auditor-General's Report is the tip of the iceberg as we all can see. That is why it is so easy to run and ruin this nation in no time.

Anthony John: Has disciplinary action been taken/initiated against the chief secretary (KSU) who was in charge of the ministry?

Dumb politicians like the DPM may give an order, but as a civil servant it is the responsibility that all procedures are followed. The civil servant in this instance should be sacked for losing millions in taxpayers' funds.

Malaysian 001: Muhyiddin will not respond other than with some stupid remark with many Umno members cheering him. That is the level of responsibility and accountability the DPM has.

Look at the way the Education Ministry is being run. As for NFC, he will just ‘moo, moo' all the way.

He is protected by former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad in return for the continued propulsion of the latter's son Mukhriz in Umno. That is Muhyiddin's standard operating procedure.

Gen2indian: Shahrizat didn't know what her family was up to and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) cleared her? What idiots do they take us for?

My children have just graduated and will start work soon for about RM2,000 a month and yet Shahrizat's 'cowboy' children were each paid tens of thousands.

On top of that, my children have study loans to pay. This is what our country has become... it's all about the Umnoputras.

Kingfisher: Normal norms of ministerial responsibility and obligations would indicate that Muhyiddin should be held accountable for the failings of the Agriculture Ministry in awarding public funds for the NFC project without due regard for the project's viability.

Umno as the pre-eminent political party in government cannot afford to remain stubbornly arrogant in protecting and promoting an incompetent and corruption-influenced culture as it will eventually lose credibility and legitimacy as a governing ruling elite even if they continue to win elections.

Some sane minds in Umno must impress upon the fact that the party is presently governing with a minority of total electoral votes after GE13.

Umno may be successful in winning elections due to a number of factors but it needs to gain the credibility and trust of the general population to govern in dignity. One would think that Umno given its history, should have high regard for dignity.

Mob1900: MACC exists solely because Umno needs an expensive 'clean-up crew' to clear them of any wrongdoings at the expense of the taxpayers. Do not expect them to investigate anything or do their job.

Boeyks: Not only is this NFC project in trouble, but it's the same with so many other projects given to the BN cronies.

The reason for the sure failure will never be explained but it can be understood. The whole objective was not to achieve self-sufficiency in meat but to milk the cows.

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