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Dr M, what sovereignty when ICs are given to illegals?
Published:  Nov 8, 2013 9:42 AM
Updated: 4:23 AM

YOURSAY 'Why worry about a rocky outcrop if, out of deceit and greed for wealth and power, we sell our citizenship en masse to foreigners?'

Was AG responsible for Batu Puteh blunder?

your say, YoursayOnyourtoes: Former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief Mat Zain Ibrahim, I have great respect for you.

But I have trouble understanding and following the present initiative against the attorney-general was really due to our desire to seek the truth behind Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's ‘black-eye' incident and our sovereignty over Batu Puteh. It looks more like a proxy war between an old PM and the present PM.

By the way, do you know there are reasons why that piece of rock should now be called Pedra Branca, and not Batu Puteh?

If the situation is not resolved, we may lose more than that piece of rock but also the water and seabed around it. Frightening isn't it, if we have so many nincompoops in position of authority and power but can't hold more than two variables in their moronic heads?

When the AG included his inexperienced son as part of delegation to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), he might be under the illusion it was a holiday trip to Europe.

Quigonbond: After reading this, what I can get is that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) did make the right decision because there wasn't any facts being concealed by the Malaysian side in order to purposely lose the case.

For the fake photo, there lies dereliction of duty, breach of fiduciary duty and negligence. All of which are valid reasons for AG to be sacked.

I don't know what PM Najib Razak is waiting for. It's time for a new AG. And hopefully, the Conference of Rulers, for their own sake as much as for ordinary powerless Malaysians, demand someone who is smart, courageous and above all, incorruptible.

FairGame: Are we even a sovereign nation? Blatantly giving ICs (identity cards) to foreigners to "win" votes, losing an island that was once under our sovereignty, and what else?

This is downright treason and betrayal of the Agong and country. Will the people behind ‘Projek IC' be held accountable? Will the people responsible for the Batu Puteh fiasco, too, be held accountable?

Keropok Lekor: We might as well investigate how Malaysia, which was better off than Singapore, Korea, Taiwan in the 1960s, now trails each and every one of these countries after the supreme leadership of Umno and BN.

Fernz: Notwithstanding some desperate moves, the fact remains that the ICJ found that Malaysia did not continue to exercise sovereignty over Batu Puteh and ceded sovereignty to Singapore by its own inaction.

The ICJ determined the point up to which Malaysia had sovereignty and when Singapore assumed and exercised sovereignty over the island. The same situation arose with Sipadan and Ligitan islands in Sabah.

There's no way that Malaysia can "get back" Batu Puteh. What's the purpose of an RCI against Abdul Gani? To show that he doctored a photograph lifted off a blog? Mahathir needs to have his head examined for poking into matters that don't concern him.

Tembikai: The solution is very simple. Just take Ridhuan Tee Abdullah's advice - go to war with Singapore and get back the island.

Ridhuan Tee is a professor at the Defence University and a Maulidur Rasul's award winner. Surely his suggestions must be taken seriously since he also writes in our local newspapers all the time concerning our welfare.

Such is the quality of our academics in our local universities. Now you understand why we lost Batu Puteh.

Anonymous_4031: It looks like the Batu Puteh case at the ICJ will not lie in peace; it may force PM Najib's hand to have a RCI into the dismal showing by our legal experts at the Hague, Netherlands.

Will it be a test case for PM Najib? Will he bell the cat? But don't forget that the cat has claws.

MockingYou: Yawn. Even the threat (by Gani Patail) in the last paragraph could hardly elicit any excitement on my part.

Well, good luck Mat Zain and you're dead wrong about the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) in Sabah.

If the allegations of fake ICs and instant citizenships are true, then it has cost the rakyat a chance at justice - to prosecute the whole shipload of wrongdoers regardless of race and religion.

Dr Suresh Kumar: The million-dollar question is: Why is Mahathir and his partners taking aim at Abdul Gani now? This man should have been removed years ago.

If you folks have been following the legal cases he handled, especially in the past five years, you would probably understand where I am coming from.

The most malicious attacks in all probability would have been on lawyer Rosli Dahlan and Ramli Yusuff, the police officer who investigated the MAS-Tajuddin Ramli scandal, not to forget the Haj trip, the renovation of his bungalow, etc.

Mahathir's silence was deafening then. I smell a rat here. Whatever it is, I am very happy that once again karma is at play.

Yummy: You know what riles me up the most about all this? Isn't it treasonous for someone to cede Malaysian territory? What about giving away swathes of the sea to Brunei some time ago? What about those with permits to sell sand to Singapore?

And some BN politicians has the temerity to call me a ‘pendatang' and that I ought to ‘go home' to China if I cannot accept certain things about Malaysia.

Wira: Why worry about a rocky outcrop if, out of deceit and greed for wealth and power, we sell our citizenship en masse to foreigners? People are more valuable than land.

Geronimo: Sovereignty? As far as Umno Baru is concerned, the word does not exist in their vocabulary.

Had they known how serious the word sovereignty means, they would not have allowed illegal immigrants to enter our country by the thousands and they would not have spent two weeks having tea with the Sulu invaders.

Just by these two actions, our sovereignty has been compromised and the persons responsible for these wanton acts should be charged for treason, no less.

There's a big 'udang' beneath Batu Puteh rock

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