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Dr M and Co circling for the kill?
Published:  Nov 7, 2013 9:44 AM
Updated: 3:43 AM

YOURSAY ‘Hell hath no fury than a devil scorned, I'd say. And he dared to ask Malaysians to trust the devil we know than the angel we don't.'

Mystery meeting with Dr M suggests move against AG

your say, YoursayKingfisher: Former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigations Department director Mat Zain Ibrahim seems an honourable man who claims to have suffered severe victimisation while in active service.

It is alleged that those responsible are some of the most powerful officials in the judicial system and internal security. And these individuals identified had apparently subverted the rules of justice and fair play for their insidious aims.

It is right and honourable for Mat Zain to seek retribution. He will not be persuaded to compromise.

FairGame: This is a case of Satan vs Devil. Both are equally evil. And these are leaders with high positions. Not comforting at all.

6th Generation Immigrant: The AG has kept everyone's hidden skeletons in his lockers. It is now filled to the brim and a spring cleaning is due.

No one is safe, so let's see how it plays out - spy versus spy and musical chairs type of situations are about to happen.

Well Thats Fantastic: This is Mahathir flexing his muscles, saying to the PM, ‘See how much trouble I can cause these fellows, you want the same?

‘You better start listening to me again and make sure my son advances to deputy prime minister (DPM) very quickly...'

Anonymous #85701391: Maybe, this retiree with all the locked-away skeletons inside the cupboard, is now getting uncomfortable with the keyholder becoming too powerful and disobedient.

MockingYou: Hell hath no fury than a devil scorned, I'd say. And he dared to ask Malaysians to trust the devil we know than the angel we don't.

The emperor has opened his ‘buku 555' and is lashing out in cold fury. Stay clear especially you, Hishammuddin Hussein.

Anonymous_5fb: We will see that the buck will finally stop at Mahathir. He was the architect of this fiasco. AG Abdul Gani Patail, senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, former police chiefs Abdul Rahim Noor and Musa Hassan are where they are because of Mahathir.

Ironically, Mahathir wants to get rid of Gani for whatever reason known to him. My guess is there is something related to PM Najib Razak that Gani refused to oblige.

Mat Zain was there to put credibility on Mahathir's plan, but Mat Zain is smart enough not to be used and made a statutory declaration to protect himself.

Well, worms will be coming out from the can. Whatever, who cares? These people are devils. They take our country for granted.

Star Wars: It looks like there is a power play between Gani and Shafee.

Yummy: Anyone care to place a wager that all these clandestine meetings that are now "exposed" are meant to bring Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim back into the fold? We know that Anwar and Najib don't get along, right?

The attorney-general (AG) bungled the case of Batu Puteh? I thought I read somewhere that the Malaysian team used a clearly photoshopped picture of the island. Are you seriously telling me that the Malaysian team is that stupid to do so?

If the picture was indeed photoshopped, it is not stupidity but smacks of collusion. Perhaps, with Singapore?

Fair Play: Is there a significant shift or re-alignment within Umno (moderates vs extreme right)? Never ever underestimate Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Post-Umno elections and subsequent events, he really has no legitimacy to train his gun at the attorney-general, so now he is training his gun at the next most vulnerable person, the attorney-general's bodyguard.

It also seems he is going for broke in order to open the closet to expose the skeletons. At his age, there is not much left to lose since he has lost as evidenced by recent events. This might be his last trump card to go for the jugular.

In politics, there is no such thing as a permanent friend or enemy. Is Dr M paving the way to kiss and make up with Anwar for mutual benefit?

Anonymous_4031: It seems that something big is cooking. Who is the cook boiling the cauldron for the frogs, snakes, lizards, ants, bees to be cooked?

Though much water has flowed under the bridge, you cannot simply whitewash this whole shoddy episode. What is mystifying is the Batu Puteh case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) where 15 or 16 eminent judges heard the case.

Whether the AG bungled the case, only God knows; mortals may not know the whole truth. Never forget that eminent lawyers were employed by both nations - Malaysia and Singapore. So, you cannot fix the case in your favour, for the judges could not be bought with 12 pieces of silver, gold or diamond.

When Malaysia lost the case, the foreign minister announced that it was just a piece of rock. Was it sour grapes?

If it was a mere piece of rock, why fight the case at the highest court in the world, the ICJ? Might as well surrender the island to Singapore.

VP Biden: I wouldn't touch the ex-premier and his cohorts with a 10-foot pole. It remains to be seen whether Mat Zain and former Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director Ramli Yusuff will succumb to the time and tested temptations of the Umno godfather.

He is only interested to ‘jaga his own belakang' (watch his own back). Never trust him and those who choose to collude with him.

Anticonmen: Why now after so many years? The old cunning fox is trying to deflect blame on the AG when everyone knows that he was behind Anwar's black-eye and incarceration, which was actually a power struggle.

As to Pulau Batu Puteh, documentary proof was given by Singapore as to the Johor sultan having given away the rights to it.

Armageddon: If at the end of the day, the AG is fired, we would be equally disappointed. We expect a thorough independent investigation and case brought up to court and judged by a fair judge. Then continue the clean-up among all BN VIPs. Only then, would I vote for BN.

My Opinion: Evil men versus evil men. I am still wondering why the majority of the Muslims still allow such leaders to control and defend their Islamic faith?

Your relationship with God will grow into a deeper level if you separate the state from your religion. Umno is not an expert in managing your souls.

Abasir: Malaysia, despite (or because of) its very expensive Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) has a chronically non-performing AG who delivered Pulau Batu Puteh to Singapore, enabled the freeing of killers from Najib's security detail and facilitated the escape of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scoundrels, among others.

But Mahathir should be happy as this kind of ‘performance' is entirely in line with his 'no meritocracy for Malays' campaign which Umno has bought into.

Hermit: Time and again, a lesson is learnt that one is only to discharge one's job professionally, and never to overdo to please one's master. When your time is up, just pack and go, and never turn back.

Chipmunk: This is one show I am not going miss. Let's call it ‘1Malaysia - Doom of the AG (Part 1)'.

We will have subsequent shows such as ‘1Malaysia - The Last Days of TDM', followed by ‘1Malaysia - Najib: You Scratch My Back.' Sure sold out!

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