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AmBank murder shows 40k Bangladeshi voters too few
Published:  Nov 5, 2013 9:57 AM
Updated: 5:06 AM

VOXPOP 'If so many of the security guards can have fake ICs, the 40,000 Bangladeshi voters may be an underestimation...'

Ambiga rapped for disputing PM's denial of GE13 fraud

voxpop, voxKingfisher: It must be said that this PM in his quest for international good image has sought after a number of high-profile interviews in press and TV and many of these obviously are not necessarily enhancing his personal stature profile nor his ideals about moderate reformation in Malaysia under his leadership.

If anything he has been bombarded with a number of negatives by way of questions about the moral imperatives of his administration and leadership. Don't misconstrue apparent civility in serious moral questions for ignorance of the real world situation in Malaysia nor a credulous acknowledgement of whatever the response is.

Many, especially international business interests and human rights organisations, know better that when a world renowned press/media group posits a moral point, denial remains mere denial.

Some would venture to say that his enthusiasm to appear in interviews might have an opportunity cost for Malaysia in notoriety.

Justice Pao: Umno is sending out its hired guns - Perkasa and Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) - to do their dirty work to cover up Prime Minister Najib Razak's lies and the BN/Election Commission's electoral fraud in GE13.

If so many of the security guards can have fake ICs (identity cards), the 40,000 Bangladeshi voters may be an underestimation of the number of instant citizens voting in GE13.

Ipohcrite: And what about the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Sabah who were given ICs so that they can support and vote for the BN regime?

Is that also false, even though so many civil servants have now come forth to testify at the royal commission of inquiry (RCI)?

Ketuanan Rakyat: An AmBank officer was killed cruelly by one of the illegally registered MyKad holders who might have voted for BN.

What more proof is needed to confirm illegally registering foreign voters by the highly corrupted Umnoputras?

Multi Racial: The problem is when you cheat and lie, you just do not know when and how to stop. Publicly you use religion and god to cover up your shortcomings, pretending to champion the religion.

It was clear there was massive cheating during GE13. It was clear BN would have lost if not because of the gerrymandering. Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan was merely pointing out the obvious.

If Perkasa and JMM would keep their mouths shut, nobody would say they are dumb. Now that they have spoken out, all of us just enjoy the show by those who are willing to do anything to keep their jobs.

The shame of these people. Thank you, Ambiga, for standing up to these cheaters.

Well Thats Fantastic: Perkasa should bear in mind, our PM is not a sultan, his words are not gospel and can be challenged and questioned, especially when people think he is lying.

Ksn: Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa, you are the least qualified person among the 28 million Malaysians to speak for the raykat for obvious reasons, among them is that you are a laughing stock.

Remember the rakyat rejected you in the last GE in spite of the support of your patron and Umno Baru. Does that not tell you something about yourself?

MockingYou: JMM president Azwanddin Hamzah said the "majority" of Malaysians are angry with Ambiga. Since when did the rakyat choose Perkasa and JMM to be their spokesperson?

The two of you please make up your minds who you claim to be representing - the Malays or the rakyat - because the last count of those who supposedly support you was at 47 percent.

Muslim support of LGBT 'blasphemous', says don

Pokarekare Ana: Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIA) professor Kamal Hassan, why then did Allah create these unfortunate living beings (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, LGBT). Are they to blame, did they ask to be born this way?

Wait till you have a child or a grandchild who is in this situation, we will see how great is your belief on whether it is blasphemous or not to be engaged with LGBT.

Should we not show more compassion and be accommodating to them?

Kairi Jamban: The country is sinking, corruption is rampant, the rule of law is almost nil and we have a professor who talks about the LGBT.

By the way professor, what happens if your loved one is gay or lesbian, would you disown them, shoot them, send them to a mental institution?

The Shrimp Warrior: To people like Kamal Hassan, what people do in their bedrooms is more important than what people do with money that doesn't belong to them.

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