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Let the battle between ex-top cops begin
Published:  Nov 5, 2013 8:42 AM
Updated: 4:44 AM

VOXPOP 'Musa, being sorry for your past deeds does not exempt you from being punished. If a mere apology is sufficient, then we do not need jails.'

'Shocked' Musa Hassan will defend 'puzzling' suit

voxpop, voxBash: People in high public office must always act and behave as expected of their roles with professionalism and integrity.

When a man was wrongly accused through falsehood and bad intentions, justice must be brought to bear. Then, and only then, will the people have trust in these high officials in public office.

It is not about saying sorry to the one man but about whether the law has been broken.

Sabahan: Being sorry for your past deeds does not exempt you from being punished. If a mere apology is sufficient, then we do not need jails. All the criminals have to do is just shake hands with their victims and apologise.

Former police chief Musa Hassan, face your punishment like a man.

Pencil Karat: Face the fact now Musa and tell the whole truth so that 'others' involved in your illegal work will start ‘shitting' bricks. And you know who they are, I suppose.

Anwar reminds Malays that Umno has kept them poor

Cala: Malaysia may have achieved independence, but in the post-colonial era, it is still being governed as though we are in the old days.

Replacing the colonial masters are the Third World ruling elites under the guise of ‘nationalism' whose politicians are practicing crony-capitalism thereby facilitating the looting and plundering of national resources.

Hence, as argued by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, it serves their purpose to keep the kampung people less educated and poor.

We saw that kind of development in the West in the 16th and 17th centuries, it is a repeat here no doubt.

The ruling elites in the West too were fearful of Industrial Revolution for the same reason. As the saying goes: "A good slave is one who just worked."

Cheong Sai Fah: No one does it better than Anwar in bringing simple truths to the common people in a way they can understand. No wonder they dare not put him on TV and debate the PM.

Mohican: Anwar was and he still is an iconic personality who forms a most important aspect of the Malaysian nation.

No other leader can match his prowess and oratory skills. When Anwar speaks, the crowd gets imbued with his words and goes into a trance but when other Umno leaders speak they go into a deep sleep.

That is the power of Anwar, who like Mahatma Gandhi, can wow the crowd.

Uthaya's Deepavali - alone, ill and in cold, dark cell

Not Confused: Hindraf leader P Uthayakumar's brother should be deeply, deeply ashamed for his inaction on the charge of sedition what was male fide and trumped up. Waythamoorthy will get his just deserts - just wait and see.

Onlooker: I agree with 'Not Confused'. If the brother cannot even look after his own sibling, how on earth is he going to get help for all the other Indians in the country?

Harapanbaru: There is absolutely no justification for such barbarity, no matter what anyone might have done or been accused of doing. BN's medieval mentality belongs in the Dark Ages. Free Uthayakumar now.

Hang Tuah PJ: Sir, there is a 'light' at the end of the tunnel. Endure and take care of your health. May God bless you and your family. Believe in karma. What goes around will come around and those who are 'zalim' (cruel) to you will pay.

Cala: Mencius once said to the effect that for a man that god regards as truly great, the man will be subjected to extreme torture and hardships so that he is better prepared for the great things in life.

If Uthaya is treated as such by the Umno-led BN regime, he is likely being prepared now for the benefit of his people in future. No giving up, my friend.

Black Mamba: Happy Deepavali to you, Uthaya. While your good work for Hindraf progresses on, others are celebrating outside bars rejoicing, ignorant of your plight in solitude, pain and suffering.

Good should triumph over evil in due course. May God bless you.

Greenie: Dear Sir, May you and your family be blessed for having to sacrifice so much for justice. God's peace, love and strength be with you.

We continue to pray for you every day... and with prayer you will overcome many obstacles even in the worst situations.

Anonymous_40f4: He fought for the Indians and he is prison. MIC swindled the Indians and they are celebrating the Deepavali open house in Batu Caves with people's money. What an irony.

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