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When is an apology not an apology?
Published:  Oct 31, 2013 9:38 AM
Updated: 12:04 PM

YOURSAY 'When a person, especially a leader, realises his remarks has hurt someone, he should apologise unreservedly.'

DPM 'apologises' to Azizan's family

your say, YoursayKee Thuan Chye: What kind of an apology is this? Muhyiddin Yassin shows no true contrition at all. Still trying to defend his distasteful remark and blaming others, i.e. social media, for the harm caused.

He is the sole perpetrator of the harm. He should be gracious and admit it. Show some class, please, you're the deputy prime minister, for crying out loud.

R Venugopal: Why do we have to make such remarks and then blame others for distorting our message?

A leader should think before he speaks instead of speaking what he thinks. You are a DPM of a nation and cannot afford to make such mistakes or rude statements.

Hibiscus: When a person, especially a leader, realises his remarks has hurt someone, he should apologise unreservedly. There should not be any 'if' in his statement of apology. To do so smacks of insincerity and cannot be considered an apology.

It is a time of grief for former Kedah MB Azizan Abdul Razak's family. Instead of exploiting the passing of Azizan's for political capital, Muhyiddin would do well to offer condolences to the family of Azizan.

Progressive: Muhyiddin said he was sorry. And he said as a human, he might have made a mistake. He was humble enough to apologise. Let's be humble enough too and accept it - political differences should be set aside.

KhorSE: Progressive, if Muhyiddin is as sincere as you had suggested, he would have apologised the very next day. Why wait until a huge hue and cry before apologising? Anyway, what makes you his spokesperson?

Paul Warren: "Muhyiddin said he apologised ‘if' Azizan's family felt insulted."

So how is Malaysian morals going to be taught? Tick the one which is true. Question: You have made a mistake. What should you do?

1) Apologise

2) Don't apologise

3) Apologise with reservations and conditions

4) Apologise only if the target is insulted or hurt

Malaysiawatch4: A sincere apology is "I am sorry I said that and I hope your family can forgive me." No ifs or buts.

Muhyiddin ayes RM2.25mil for Chinese schools

SS Dhaliwal: Muhyiddin makes it look that the Chinese owe BN a living and that the money promised to the schools is a privilege or a gift, subject to good behaviour.

The money given to support Chinese and other schools is what the government is supposed to be doing in the first place. That is their job. After all, it is the country's money and not Umno's, which it clearly spends as if it were theirs.

Do not fall for this empty talk, no one owes Umno any favours. Let's see if they retract the funding if Umno loses the by-election. To Sg Limau residents, do the right thing and vote BN out like what you have previously done.

Wira: Must the Chinese be again ridiculed with another "Apa lagi Cina mahu?" by Umno for a mere RM2.25 million after the ‘buy election'? Think before you accept the Umno promise of money on behalf of your community.

Neutral Stance: The Chinese has been bashed since 505 (May 5). Now it is time for Chinese votes to swing back to BN and observe how BN will reciprocate.

There is no harm in doing that. Please don't oppose for the sake of opposing. The Chinese should give the government a chance to make amends.

Banzai: Voting BN will mean agreeing to their racial and corrupted policies. We have given BN too many chances and it's time to kick them out in an election or by-election.

It's not opposing for the sake of opposing but to tell this idiotic BN government that enough is enough.

Anonymous#007: This is nothing compared to what is being poured into Mara institutions, and to upkeep the PM/DPM's and other ministers' lifestyles.

Education and funding is a serious matter for all Malaysians, but BN turns it into a political tool yet again, soon after the cow slaughter incident.

Lionking: Instead of pursuing an excellent education system that meets the highest standards for all Malaysians, what we have today is an education system divided along racial lines.

Then we keep giving money for votes. It looks like 50 years of BN has practically destroyed our education standards.

CiViC: So what? Whose money is it? Why must the schools beg for it? Why must it be ‘approved' only when there's an election? Shouldn't all schools be allocated funds equally at all times?

Odin: Dear Chinese residents of Sg Limau, I don't envy your position. The RM2.25 million is to buy your votes, while one single Umno family got RM250 million for doing nothing.

If you don't vote for BN, your race will be insulted. Yet if you do, you'll be seen as cheapskates.

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