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Kamalanathan, stay resolute and stand your ground
Published:  Oct 30, 2013 9:35 AM
Updated: 5:46 AM

YOURSAY 'Don't be cowed by Ibrahim Ali. Everybody cares for their children and will never want them to be bigots like Ibrahim.'

Take it up with the sultans, Perkasa tells Kamalanathan

your say, YoursayFaz: Perkasa, being the extension of Umno Baru, behaves just like Umno Baru but more. Its basic tenets are Malays, Islam and sultan/raja. Its shadow-plays will always be related to all or any one of the above tenets.

Never mind about cleanliness, the suitability of the location as temporary abattoir and the more important ‘Halalan Thoi'iban' (halal, suci dan bersih). Muslims should be thinking of providing better facilities at mosques and surau to facilitate these Korbans.

This is the 21st century and Muslims should be addressing these issues in line with modern practice. What our past generation did was to utilise what was available then. Surely, we Muslims have come a long way since then.

RR: Deputy Education Minister II P Kamalanathan's statement is a rational one. Schools are not slaughtering houses. Children of any race cannot stand to see the pain and struggle of an animal being killed.

Since it is a ritual, do it in a place of worship. It is as simple as that. This should be the decision of the 1Malaysia and the schools be advised accordingly. Why drag the sultans into this simple matter?

Let us be reasonable and rational, and maintain peace and harmony in this nation.

Worried Sick: Kamalanathan, stand firm! Don't be cowed by Ibrahim Ali. I can assure you that 99.99% of our Malay and Muslim brothers do not want schools to be turned into slaughter houses.

Everybody cares for their children and will never want them to be bigots like Ibrahim. If you feel that you cannot get the support of your minister or the PM, then the honourable thing for you to do is to tender your resignation. Everyone will respect you for that.

It is time for you to be a man. Do not be like KTK (former Gerakan chief Koh Tsu Koon). See what happened to him.

Be like MIC leader S Sothinathan and please do not go hand-kissing again. If you act like a deputy minister following all rules and laws, the people will be behind you and not behind those who slaughter cows among school kids. I wish you well.

Anonymous #039163649: I appeal to the Chinese not to be a ‘batu api' (instigators) between Hindus and Muslims by making a big issue of this matter.

Many Hindu parents I talked to, said cow slaughtering in schools was no big deal as long as their children were not forced to attend and watch.

Also there are Umno instigators who are pretending to be the Hindus and making an issue out of this so that it can claim that Islam is under siege and Umno is the sole protector and so vote for Umno.

I suspect many attacks on Islam are made by these instigators who want to make Muslims feel insecure.

Hplooi: This is as stark as you can get. Ibrahim Ali and his gang control the government, both inside and outside. Mr 'Chinese-Tsunami' CEO of Malaysia is deathly (or elegantly) silent, which means the power behind the scene is now the extreme right-wing.

Note that key policy posts (Home, Defence Ministry) are held by key elements of the extreme right-wing. This extreme right-wing is now flexing its muscles by pushing the limits of tolerance. e.g. korban in school has never been the norm but is now peddled by the extreme right-wing as the norm.

The message is not for us but the common rural constituent who will tend to believe such stories. Therein the danger. Malaysia, as a nation originally conceived, is now being slowly destroyed.

What say you MCA, Gerakan, MIC? This is not about partisan politics but about the very future of our next generation.

People Power: Nobody is asking the Muslim to stop this religious ritual. Just don't do it in schools. Is that too hard to understand?

Perkasa: Gerakan should dissolve and join MCA

LogicalMalaysian: Now that both of Perkasa's leaders (Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Nordin) bit the dust in the last elections, signifying that the very Malays they are trying to defend have defied them, wouldn't this advice to Gerakan to dissolve itself more befitting to Perkasa?

When you can't even win in Malay areas, what right do you have to talk about others? Look at Ali Rustam, who kept on blaming the Chinese for his electoral loss but finally the Malays, what more even from his own state, dumped him.

Ferdtan: Perkasa is only an NGO and not even a political party in the BN coalition, so who gives the right for its president, Ibrahim Ali, to voice his unasked and uncalled-for advice?

If Perkasa wants to dabble in BN internal politics they should, like they demanded Gerakan to do, dissolve the NGO to join BN as another arm of Umno.

We have unjustifiably given too much weight to a non-entity who did not even win a seat in Parliament in the last general election. It is time not only the mainstream and alternative media, also the opposition parties and the BN including PM Najib Razak, to ignore Ibrahim and his party patron, Mahathir.

Not Smart: "If the prime minister does not support Perkasa, it means he does not support the Malays in Perkasa," said Ibrahim Ali.

This says it all on why the PM has never opened his mouth to caution Perkasa for its unbecoming, rude and hurting comments against other ethnic groups.

Perkasa will not or be allowed to join Umno, but it is doing the party's dirty job and gets rewarded and protected for it.

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