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Right or not, that's no way for a minister to speak
Published:  Oct 23, 2013 10:50 AM
Updated: 2:59 AM

YOURSAY ‘If a member of the rakyat spoke like Nazri, he will be in the police lock-up by now with no access to a lawyer.'

Nazri to Chin Woo school: Fight me and I'll 'kill' you

your say, YoursayBeyond: Legally, SJK (C) Chin Woo in Pudu is at fault. You can't just claim the land. How different is SJK Chin Woo compared to illegal squatters?

But I don't like Tourism and Culture Minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz's tone as well. Why used the word "kill"? That's outright arrogant. But then again, that's his personality.

Mohamad Abdul Malik: Does the land belong to the ministry or to the school? This is the gist of the matter. No one, least of all the school has the right to claim land that were not theirs in the first place even though they may have built a basketball court on the land.

In this particular instance, the school should have negotiated or try to 'kowtim' (settle) with the ministry on the possible use of the land.

I do not think this is a big problem. But of course, if the school was adamant in 'claiming' the land even though it is not legally theirs, then they should be prepared for an unfavourable response from Nazri. The school has only themselves to blame if they choose the confrontational approach.

Now any Umno politician seen not appeasing the Chinese will be regarded as a hero. You people have created a 'hero' out of Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and has indirectly contributed immensely towards his Umno vice-president campaign.

Now you want to create another hero out of Nazri? Be my guest.

Hplooi: What happen to the principle of 'possession is nine-tenths of the law' or 'uti possiditus' (as you possess, so may you continue to possess'). Does our law also accommodate the principle of 'adverse possession'?

KhorSE: If the land belongs to the government, then the school board should admit so. The bottom line is to try to obtain usage for another 15 years.

There should not be any racial/religious tones attached to the discussion for the lease of the land. Remember, as long as you continue to educate your students properly, 'they' won't be able to steal the knowledge implanted the students' brains.

Slumdog: Nazri, why used such threatening and forceful language? It is very unbecoming of a senior government minister.

If a member of the rakyat spoke to you in that manner, he will be in handcuffs and in a police lock-up by now with no access to a lawyer. Just calm down, throw away your anger pills and take some happy ones instead.

Fair Play: Nazri has a point although his method left much to be desired. Suppose SJK (C) Chin Woo takes the matter to court, what are the chances of winning against the powers-that-be?

There is a time to fight, a time to run and also a time to eat humble pie. Ask nicely and you might get it when you deal with people like him, especially when they are in power.

StoptheRot: Both parties are working for the people. What do you mean by "your land" and "my land"? The land belongs to the people, not Nazri. The BN government is truly looking at the Chinese as outsiders whose interests are at its mercy.

Wiser: Your land? Nazri's land? Apologise or I'll kill you? What an arrogant gangster have we got for a minister? He forgets that the people voted for him. The people pay his salary. He is a government servant.

Nazri, you are nothing without the people. Talk to former Malacca chief minister Mohd Ahli Rustam. Today, he is nobody without the people. The people will dump you too if you think you can use your position to bully the rakyat.

Anonymous#007: This seems like simply another case of the BN government trying to create more racial tension to get Malay support by being seen to be openly oppressing the Chinese Malaysian community.

Remember the 101-year old Indian temple (and many others) that was demolished? Let's hope Pakatan Rakyat is more sincere in repairing the racial divide that has been created by greedy bigots in BN simply to stay in power so that they can keep their hands in the jar that contains taxpayers' monies and the power to award lucrative contracts to themselves and related parties.

NextView: Nazri is right in that these squatters should approach him to seek an amiable solution because Chin Woo is exactly that - a squatter. The same goes to all the BN folks who have been looting the national coffers for the past 50 years. Own up and return the loot.

CiViC: Now we all know where Nazri's son Nedim got his traits. Like father, like son. "You fight with me, I fight you, I kill you. I take back the land, don't mess around with me. It's government land, it's my land" - is this not considered a threat? Are the police going to act on it?

Well, we are clear this is how Umno is. They think the government is theirs, they think Malaysia is theirs. The general election is a process to appoint the country's management, and not a tender or auction to own it. That is why Malaysian democracy is a joke.

Tehachapi: It is unimaginable how mean and how badly our national leaders now behave. They are certainly no role models. Some talk and behave like gangsters. What are we teaching our younger generation?

If ministers occupying responsible positions behave in such a manner, one can imagine how the department heads, public servants, police and others conduct themselves.

Have we really lost our moral compass? Do words have really lost their effects. Are Malaysians now turned into ferocious animals that the only way of dealing with on another is to slug it out, to kill or be killed.

If that is the case for Malaysia, why bother to come to such a jungle where you are putting your life at risk.

To the rest of the world, especially to the Chinese visitors, the message is clearly to avoid Malaysia as they will be tempting fate. What is the use of having TV advertisements that Malaysia is Truly Asia. We are certainly not worthy of the slogan.

Anonymous#007: Nazri should apologise to the rakyat. The government owns nothing - it is merely the caretaker for the rakyat. And he certainly owes it to Chin Woo and the rakyat to assure them that it is not "my (his) land".

PS: The truth is to established whether it's government land. Period. If at all the land is public (not Nazri's land) then all rakyat has a stake in it and the offer is legitimate.

The school board should seriously be humble to accept it on lease. What unpleasant words that spewed out from the minister's mouth is secondary. You cannot change the leopard's spots, or can you?

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