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With party polls over, Umno MPs grow some spine
Published:  Oct 23, 2013 10:00 AM
Updated: 4:29 AM

YOURSAY 'Azalina commented that innocent people may go to jail along with rapists and murderers. She is wrong. In this country, murderers are shot dead...'

Umno MPs want Penal Code amendments retracted

your say, YoursayBamboo: Now that the dust for the Umno party elections has settled, these two MPs - Azalina Othman (BN-Pengerang) and Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) - who got elected as supreme council members, can afford to be 'moderate'.

ls this the ‘wayang' (show) in both pre- and post-Umno elections? This looks like a face-saving method to retract the Penal Code amendment, now that Ahmad Zahid Hamid has retained his vice-president's post.

CiViC: Azalina commented that innocent people may go to jail along with rapists and murderers. She is wrong. In this country, murderers are shot dead if they are spotted by the police, while rapists are usually let off because some of them have a "bright future".

The only people who go to jail in Malaysia are those who fly the wrong flag and those who step on PM Najib Razak's photo.

Anticonmen: This amendment to the Penal Code is to punish Bersih and anti-Lynas demonstrators, who are to be jailed for the slightest infringement. It is intended to put fear on people's power.

Only dictatorial governments which want total control will punish its citizens over petty things like showing disrespect to the national flag and stomping on politicians' photos and breaking man-made barricades to ‘protect' public property which belongs to the rakyat.

Stealing millions from the rakyat in the form of grossly-inflated contracts, projects, etc, and wasteful expenditure is not a crime but brushed off as display of 'stupidity'.

Luke: Is this the awakening I am longing for to see?

Fair Play: After reading the comments posted in Malaysiakini with most praising Azalina, it just occurred to me that perhaps this is exactly what the powers-that-be intended.

Just imagine, after due considerations, the objections are accepted and then withdrawn. Suddenly, the rakyat heap praises. The message sent out is that the powers-that-be are capable of changing and listening to all MPs regardless of which political divide they hail from.

But why include this clause in the first place? Good or bad, only time will tell.

Kit Siang: Will Ali Rustam blame the Chinese again?

Aries46: DAP leader Lim Kit Siang, what could be worse than the fact that a former chief minister, who rode on the powers of Malaya agenda for decades, could garner barely seven votes from his own flock that he claim to champion.

This despite his last-minute resort to the ‘Chinese bogey' hoping for some badly needed sympathy votes. He attributed his GE13 washout to the Chinese betrayal even though he stood in a Malay-majority seat.

Now that the Malays themselves have shown him the middle finger, is he brave enough to tell them off like what he did to the Chinese for his GE13 debacle?

The walls certainly seem to be caving in for race-mongering Mohd Ali Rustam and it is none other than those that he championed all this while who appear bent on consigning him to the dustbin of history for good measure.

Earthquake: Hardly four percent of 191 branches voted for Mohd Ali. What does this reflect? In the first place, how did he assess himself before going for a VP post?

When you go for such post you must belief in having equal chances. Look at Mukhriz Mahathir. At least, he can be proud of having lose narrowly.

As for Mohd Ali, after trying to bring down another race, his own race dumped him.

Quigonbond: Things could not be better for PM Najib Razak. He won GE13, and now he has secured his presidency. If there is ever a time to fix Malaysia without all the political distraction, now is the time.

Please do the right thing. It's time to roll back the PCA (Prevention of Crime Act) and end preventive detention, it's time to reverse the Allah decision, it's time to put an end to unilateral conversions, and it's time to rein back Perkasa and Jakim and make them answer to the rule of law.

Do that, and fix the economy, and there is still hope yet for Malaysia. But if Najib continues to fear the waning influence of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then we are very much stuck in a quagmire and can only continue to lose out to other emerging economies, never mind South Korea is steaming ahead.

Cogito Ergo Sum: The question - Will Ali Rustam blame the Chinese again? - while rhetorical, has an equally rhetorical answer. To answer LKS (Lim Kit Siang), it is ‘yes'. Why?

They are behind everything bad that happens in Umno or to Umno. And we know who really are behind the Chinese. The Jews.

Geronimo: Ali Rustam will now say that the Chinese used the money profited from their massage parlour and entertainment centre businesses to pay off the Umno delegates so as not to vote for him.

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