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Dr M, not every son can be like his father
Published:  Oct 23, 2013 9:04 AM
Updated: 2:50 AM

YOURSAY 'The ‘colourless' Mukhriz is not the type of leader that can inspire confidence, whether in Umno or the country.'

Dr M: I foresaw Mukhriz's defeat

your say, YoursayFerdtan: The influence of Dr Mahathir Mohamad alone is not enough to put his son, Mukhriz, as winner of the recent vice-president's post in Umno.

It was because the ‘colourless' Mukhriz is not the type of leader that can inspire confidence, whether in Umno or the country.

As stated in Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman's memoir, it was allegedly stated that Mahathir told Ismail's eldest son, Tawfik Ismail when he was dropped from contesting in a general election, "You know not every son can be like his father."

If it is true, his sarcastic biting words had caught up on Mahathir. It is certainly "Mukhriz is not Mahathir." What goes around comes around. Tawfik is somewhere happy that he got his pound of flesh.

James1067: Mukhriz knows that the most important ingredient in his rise in politics is his father. Age, the most valuable asset, is not on Mahathir's side and whatever needs to be done for the political survival of Mukhriz must be done now.

Mukhriz knows he needs to do it on his own otherwise he may not last even the next party elections. The only surprise can only come from Mahathir and what cards he have to keep his son's political future alive.

Armageddon: Umno's mentality is already cast in stone - it can never change. No matter who runs the party, transformation is only a word in the dictionary which means nothing but ‘money, money, money' to Umno.

Slumdog: Congratulations to all candidates who won positions in last Saturday's Umno elections. You should all be proud of your membership in one of the most corrupt, racist and petty-minded political parties in the world.

With your limited collective intellect and PM Najib Razak's so-called transformation programme you and your fellow Umno leaders will no doubt continue your plunder and promote your racist policies.

While you back slap one another over your victories, remember the conniving Mahathir, who is in the background scheming on his next move.

Milosevic: Mukhriz did not get the expected the boost from his busybody father. Despite trying to undermine existing leaders to make way for his son, Mahathir failed.

Mahathir will be a pain in the future but we know his aim is not to reform Malaysia - just look at his support for all the racist, religiously intolerant and authoritarian measures that have been promoted by Umno.

Onyourtoes: Put it this way, it is not like we love the old faces better. We are just fed up of your old divisive, hate and race politics.

I hope the old faces will mellow down and bring about more inclusive politics for the benefits of all, not just the network of cronies and family members. Ordinary Umno members and ordinary Malaysians deserved better.

Fair Play: Mahathir, I doubt it is the defeat of Mukhriz that was more disappointing than your declining influence in Umno.

Post-GE13, Mukhriz had demonstrated to the non-Muslim communities that he is more suited to be a partisan political leader than a national leader who could contribute to the transformation process not just for the Malay community but for the entire country.

SS Dhaliwal: Mukhriz won more popular votes than Hishammuddin Hussein - this is called gerrymandering where the popular vote loses out to an electoral system which is manipulated to favour the incumbent. You made your bed, now sleep in it.

Anonymous #039163649: Last time, Dr M, you said Anwar Ibrahim should not be greedy for the PM's post but wait for his turn. Go tell the same thing to your son not to be so greedy and suddenly want to be Umno vice-president.

He should wait and fight for a supreme council seat first. Now that he had lost, he wants to be appointed into the supreme council. Just because his father is Dr M, he thinks he can get everything.

After Mukhriz's loss, apa lagi bapak mahu?

Anonymous_4031: In any election, there will be winners and losers. So papa's boy was defeated in the VP race. At the MCA showdown, party president Chua Soi Lek lost one resolution - the censure of his deputy - and won one - no cabinet posts. So it is Chua, 1, Liow, 1.

Now, MCA members must look for a new leader. Who will it be? As for Umno, the winners in VP race can celebrate while the losers will have to eat humble pie.

Oldman57: Whichever way Umno voted, it is clear that the party is very shallow in talent. A silent eunuch PM, a loudmouth DPM, a racist VP, a token VP who only got post because of Sabah, and a useless, meek VP who uses family ties to the PM to cling on to the post, helped by the Cowgate-stained Wanita chief and an opportunistic Youth wing.

Meanwhile, the rest of supreme council are mainly a bunch of ‘yesmen'.

EvenSteven: I am my own man. Am I not, dad?

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