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Who'll win? Team Najib or Team Mahathir?
Published:  Oct 18, 2013 9:07 AM
Updated: 2:41 AM

VOXPOP ‘With Mohd Ali in, PM Najib won't be too strong and neither will former PM Mahathir if his son Mukhriz loses.'

Ali Rustam edging Hisham and Mukhriz in VP race

voxpop, voxAnonymous #039163649: Suppose former Malacca chief minister Mohd Ali Rustam wins, it is no big deal. Incumbent Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein is no big loss and while Mohd Ali is no great gain. Ali will never become prime minister, don't anybody worry.

With Mohd Ali in, PM Najib Abdul Razak won't be too strong and neither will former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad if his son Mukhriz loses.

So Mohd Ali is a good middle choice. These Umno delegates are smart. They know how to balance the situation.

Ferdtan: My bet is still on the incumbents. Just a gut feeling. This is Umno. The members cannot change. These incumbents who had been holding top government posts for so long and they obviously had made full use of their positions to strengthen their power base.

As Najib has successfully retained his presidency unchallenged he would not sit still and do nothing. He wants his ‘Team I' (as in incumbency) to be returned. Ali Rustam and Mukhriz are in ‘Team M' (Mahathir).

Will Team I win over Team M? We wait with bated breath for the results.

Nusantara: Zahid, Mohd Ali and Mukhriz will win as most of their votes will come from rural areas. Hishammuddin is an urbanite Umno. Shafie Apdal is not performing even among those in Umno Sabah.

Carpe Diem: It is indeed sad to see a political party with totally no depth in its leadership. None of the candidates are worthy and are incapable of bringing any change to the party. It will be more of the same for the foreseeable future.

Anonymous_4031: Using racism and racist remarks will not garner support from the people. In fact, racism and racists have no place in any society, least of all in Malaysia.

If racism was critical, United States president Barack Obama, or any other African American candidate, would have a ghost of a chance of becoming president in white-majority America. But Obama did win.

In Singapore, if racism is an important issue, no non-Chinese would have a ghost of a chance of winning an election. So the analysis that a racist would have a good chance of victory has no substance.

Note that Mahathir still has large pockets of support. He has been invited for conferences and meetings.

Apapunboleh: The secret to gaining a veep post is more Chinese-bashing. Hishammuddin may bring out his keris during the last lap.

MockingYou: Don't tell me you haven't seen that trick about the carpet being pulled from under played out in that nest of vipers? It ain't over till the fat lady sings.

Ksn: Mahathir is not popular in Umno Baru but popular with the public - this must be a joke or sarcasm, right?

I was under the impression or misconception that the man is all-powerful and popular in Umno Baru but despised by the public, by all sober Malaysians of all races who are the majority.

He had his first tight slap with Khairy Jamaluddin's win, the second one is coming soon with the defeat of his son for the vice- presidency.

Multi Racial: Well, we shall see what Umno members are made of? The results will show whether they are still living in the past by voting people like Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Mohd Ali.

The problem is all of them appear to be racists, so it is a matter of who is less racist.

Khris: Most of the rakyat did not vote for Umno yet those people in Umno seems to see nothing, hear nothing, do nothing, but think of their own benefit.

Gov't ignores Bersih 3.0 in report to UN rights council

Enlightened: First of all, no government of the day is going to tarnish its image by presenting actual human rights violations in the country. These presentations must be made by an independent human rights governing body.

Not Smart: "Hypocrites hiding a hippopotamus." This is possible in Malaysia. Wonder how the leaders can blatantly do such things when the truth is written all over. Even elephants with thick skin are sometimes sensitive, but these people seem to be senseless at all times.

Leaders have the cheek to call for special prayers to be held for the delegates representing the country at the Geneva meeting. Would it be fair to hold such prayers for great liars? Will we be part of their lies when we pray for them?

ACR: Umno and Najib, we are no longer in Mahathir's era. Now, the world knows when, where, who, why and how of events within countries at a touch of a button. You can lie, but you will be found out.

JBond: Najib can write what he wants, but in the Internet age, nothing can be covered up if the United Nations look hard enough. Otherwise it is just another talk shop.

Fair Play: If the United Nations Human Rights Council accepts the report from Malaysia as representing the facts and the truth, there is nothing Bersih can do about it.

Mob1900: Only the BN government can hide the giant pink elephant in the room with blatant denial, cover-ups and deception.

EvenSteven: This is akin to marking your own paper. How to fail?

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