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Closing of the smart Malay mind
Published:  Oct 17, 2013 11:10 AM
Updated: 3:49 AM

YOURSAY 'Is this not the time for the students to broaden their outlook about life and Malaysia? What is the gov't afraid of?'

PSD scholars told not to go to Anwar event in Australia?

your say, Yoursay MockingYou: The Public Services Department (PSD) is there to serve the public and not to be a donkey for the government of the day.

No wonder the public's perception about this government department is not good, evidenced by the email sent by a not-so-intelligent person.

Ksn: Government scholars are funded by taxpayers' money, not by Umno Baru funds, right? So what is the logic and reason in issuing such instructions to the students on what talk and whose talk they can attend? What if the PM speaks?

Students should listen to all views from both the government and the opposition, and make their own opinions on matters affecting the country. Is this not the time for them to broaden their outlook about life and Malaysia? What is the Umno Baru government afraid of?

P Dev Anand Pillai: This is how much they fear smart Malays. For the Umnoians, the smarter the Malays, the more problematic it will be for them to continue with their brainwashing and mind moulding.

So the solution lies with the Malays themselves, until and unless they rise up, nothing will change.

Faz: For God's sake, these PSD students are the sponsored students using Malaysian taxpayers' money and Anwar Ibrahim is the opposition leader of the Malaysian Parliament.

There are no illegal elements involved here. Umno Baru through their 'extension' in the form of the PSD is flexing its muscles to forbid views other than theirs. This is truly sickening Umnophobia.

Speechless: I urge all PSD students to turn up for Anwar's event. No one should have the right to threaten you when you have done nothing wrong. Is there a clause in your scholarship that specifically prohibits you from attending Anwar's events?

Let no one trample on your constitutional rights and send a loud message to those who try: turn up in full force on Saturday.

Chandran Sukumaran: I suggest all those students who are PSD scholars who wish to attend Anwar's event wear masks to camouflage themselves from the scrutiny of Umno. The Australian media will take it from there.

NewMalaysia: Is this not an act of communism? They may argue that they practice democracy, but in actual fact they are more communist than the communists.

Yoong John Yen: On top of the threat, anyone noticed the horrible English in this letter? It makes you wonder what kind of standard the civil service that are serving scholars have. It highlights the education standards that this nation have, doesn't it?

Anticonmen: Hypocritical, double-standards thinking of Umno Baru whose former leader and current leader have professed a 'level playing field' , 'fair play', Islamic values and democracy to the West and Australia.

Bye bye: A very concerned student adviser thinks that the sponsored scholars will be confused by Anwar's message that our nation is in dire straits. Indeed, our nation is governed by a bunch of clowns.

ExJPA: By the way, this is an advisory by a student leader. Not an official PSD directive. No need to get our knickers in a twist. Chill.

Toonarmy: The PSD should demand that the Australians blank out Internet connection for these students, too. No smartphones, Internet, no iPads, no tablets, except for a specially-created tablet where the default page is Utusan Malaysia and nothing else can be downloaded or viewed.

Oh, and absolutely no mixing with the infidels - beer guzzling drunks who live on Fosters, Vic Bitter, Swan, etc, espouse liberal values and criticise their government and opposition whenever they like.

Plus they didn't object to having had a Malaysian-born Chinese lesbian as a federal minister. What an uncivilised society, eh?

Actually, PSD should just move those students out from such a dreadful beer-flowing Christian country like Australia and relocate them to a safe Islamic country. But which one?

Not the United Arab Emirates (UAE), of course, since these religious liberals had the cheek to express that Allah is for all. Dear oh dear!

Since UAE's The National claimed , "Walk into a church in Cairo, Baghdad or Beirut this coming Sunday and you will hear the name of ‘Allah' invoked", PSD will have to relocate their students from such shockingly liberal Christian-friendly Muslim nations as well.

How can Muslims and Christians be equal in countries Iraq and Egypt? Shocking, how absolutely dreadfully shocking.

Only Malaysia is the only one bastion of Islam, the rest must have been taken over by the Pope and the Christians...

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