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Don't give in to tyranny of the majority
Published:  Oct 17, 2013 10:27 AM
Updated: 3:40 AM

YOURSAY 'Umno is in fear mode, and that's never been a better time than now to push hard. Remember, they are the minority.'

Perhaps it's time for church to desist

your say, Yoursay Proarte: The church has no choice but to appeal to the Federal Court where hopefully rationality will prevail. This is on the assumption they are independent.

'Caesar' in the biblical context refers to the 'the law of the land' or the 'state' and abiding by 'Caesar' does not mean Christians should condone or accept irrationality, discrimination, subjugation or evil.

The Appeal Court judges have come up with a ruling which is not based on logic or Quranic teachings. It in fact has resulted in Christians now worshiping in fear as the courts have criminalised them.

What is the position now of the Malay Bible which is widely used in Sabah and Sarawak? Allah is the Holy God of the Malay Bible. Surely the corollary of the judgment is the illegality of the Malay Bible and this surely would constitute persecution of the Christians in Malaysia, which is unconstitutional and immoral.

The judges have given Malaysia a bad name and made Malay Muslims appear to be ignorant of their religion and unjust.

LogicalMalaysian: We do not have to resort to aggressive postures like that we saw with those Muslims who turned up in the court on Monday but we will be Umno's headaches and pain until it recognises that we refuse to be pawns when they fight among themselves for greed and power.

One thing is for sure - the hornet's nest that the Court of Appeal stirred yesterday is not going to make a peaceful Malaysia. If the Muslims think that they have won, by the same measure they have lost a peaceful Malaysia.

The simmering undercurrents has ignited a division, not a crack, and this division has long lasting and far reaching consequences.

Frustrated Malaysians are going to increasingly air their frustrations in the international arena and the time for international intervention and poking their nose into our internal affairs is fast becoming a reality.

Vijay47: Right now the score may be Christians, 0, Lions, 1, but I disagree with opinion writer Terence Netto that Christians should give up the fight since appeals are futile and judicial decisions are foregone conclusions.

The church's road has never been smooth, often having to face extremism and injustices. But these challenges are the cross we have to bear. Over the years, Umno has used its might to slowly tighten the screws against non-Muslim faiths.

Just look at inter-religious harmony and freedom now and what we enjoyed even 30 years ago. If we quietly surrender, that would only encourage the fanatics to continue in their mission to subjugate Christians and the others.

If lose we must, let us at least go down fighting, the likes of Umno must never be given a free hand or a blank cheque. Yes, non-Muslim Malaysians had our Judas in Ling Liong Sik and S Samy Vellu but we cannot yield.

Even with the court conveniently giving its decision during the fervour of Umno elections. Umno again saves the day?

Haveagreatday: I beg to differ, Terence. The rights of the minorities have been trampled over the years because each time those in a position to oppose such actions backed down in deference to their political masters.

Yes, we know in such a politically-sensitive issue, the rakyat cannot expect the Federal Court to rule on what is just and fair. Witness the Perak power grab legal saga. Yet, the issue must be ventilated.

We whose rights have been violated must make known our anger and disgust over such bullying actions. We should not desist.

EugeneT: I am with you, Terence. It's not about religion but use of religion for political power. So why play into the hands of Umno by continuing to go to court?

This legal battle by the church is fodder for Umno and their band of bigots to exploit for their own agenda.

God doesn't need defending, by the way. What's in a name? If God be true, by whatever name we call him, he is still God. Turn the other cheek as we have been taught and let these 'defenders' of their religion stew in their own sickness.

Don't Christians believe that righteousness will ultimately prevail?

Headhunter: Terence may be right that the churches should not pursue further but put the case to the back burner for the present until such time in the future where the rotten BN is replaced with a fair and truly representative government.

We all know what the result would be in view of the judiciary being staffed with Umno goons who can't see justice further than their own nose and career prospect.

For all we know, this case may be the catalyst that spur Sabahans and Sarawakians that it's time they consider going independent and free themselves from a regime full of racists and bigots that not only leached on the people but are determined to destroy the harmony and peace they worked so hard for.

So let it be and let it simmer until it boils over. The Christians will not take it lying down.

SusahKes: If Martin Luther King had applied this line of reasoning, then America would have never ended segregation or see a black man become president. Abraham Lincoln would have never emancipated the slaves, and bad bums will continue to lord over justice.

Here we are, always so good at quoting Edmund Burke about good men doing nothing and letting evil triumph... are we prepared to do that again?

We might as well tell S Ambiga and Bersih to forget rallying because the Election Commission is not going to change; or we might as well ask Malaysian voters to not bother voting.

Umno is in fear mode, and that's never been a better time than now to push hard. Remember, they are the minority.

MockingYou: Wrong, Terence. This country is not Muslim but secular ruled. We know who subverted and brainwashed the majority. Let the Federal Court to decide and whatever judgment be the once and for all.

It's easier to chart our way forward from a fixed point instead of rueing the "what if's?" a few years down the road.

Mohican: Yes, I fully agree with Terence. Archbishop Murphy Piakam should not appeal further to the Federal Court to grant it the pleasure of engaging itself in legal acrobatics once again. Just get along doing what has been the norm all these years.

Paul Warren: But Terence, when someone insists on riding a slide that has spikes along its path, isn't it our duty to ensure that at the very least we ease it for them?

Taking it to the Federal Court will enable the highest of the Malay Muslim elite to show what they are made of, whether they will be ruled by the people in Jakim (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) who wrote last Friday's sermon or if they will be true men.

That way by the time they finish the ride they will all be bloodied so badly in the sight of everyone in the world. and maybe that is what they need.

SteveOh: ‘Render unto Caesar' quoted out of context and analogy used wrongly. Caesar in the form of Jewish authorities and Roman government forbade the Christians to preach the Gospel. Did they comply?

Standing up for the truth is what the Catholic Herald is doing and expediency and political opportunism should not be at the expense of truth.

Rngsc: Terence, you must finish the quotation. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's."

We must always stand up and fight for what is right and just. The Appeals Court's decision is neither just nor right. So it must be appealed till as far as possible until justice prevail. Because it its God's, not Caesar's.

Toonarmy: What is Umno going to do to enforce the Court of Appeal ruling? Put an Umno police officer in every Christian home to ensure 'Allah' is not uttered?

Do that and I - a non-believer of Jesus Christ - will offer Christians who use 'Allah' in their prayers a place in my home for them when they wish to pray. So what is Umno going to do?

Anonymous #44199885: I disagree. It is time for Malaysians to stand up to right wrongs whatever their race, creed or religion. To not do so is to give in to extremist elements in our society, elements that should be vanquished if Malaysia is to see another millennium as a nation.

Our forefathers migrated to this country in search of a better life for them, their children and future descendants and worked and gave their loyalty and life for this country. Dare we to do any less.

We cannot let such an unjust decision remain on the books as a decision of the Court of Appeal stands as a precedent for irrational grounds for delivering decisions affecting the rights of citizens under the constitution.

This is not a case where we should turn the other cheek. Moderate Germans failed to do their all to halt Nazi Germany and people the world over paid the price for their failure. We must not fail to fight this evil. The church is duty bound to God and man to appeal this decision.

LTM: I don't agree with you, Terence. With our country's judiciary, if this goes unchallenged, it becomes case law and others will use this as a basis for their judgment and action. This would mean further and systemic reduction of the sanctity of our constitution.

How then will the minority live with freedom and dignity? This is the tyranny of the majority and it's not right.

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