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Umno thrives on sowing fear among Muslims
Published:  Oct 17, 2013 9:30 AM
Updated: 3:41 AM

YOURSAY 'Islam in Malaysia under Umno-BN is not a universal religion but merely a political commodity to be traded off for power and influence.'

'Muslims who query Allah verdict risk being infidels'

your say, Yoursay Disbeliever: You mean Muslims who questions the Court of Appeal ruling on the ‘Allah' issue risk being a kafir (infidel) or an apostate? This is like saying the Court of Appeal is God and the ruling is a commandment from God.

Is this how the Islamic authorities ensure complete loyalty - by instilling fear among Muslims? I am just curious to know whether this is the stand of Islam throughout the world or only Islam as practised in Malaysia?

Faz: Islam in Malaysia under Umno Baru-BN is not a universal religion but merely a political commodity to be traded off for power and influence.

The standard operating procedure (SOP) is to threaten the Muslims with infidelity with mainstream media spinning like a top to spread fear among the lesser-educated Muslims. The actual religion of Umno Baru-BN is money and greed.

Imraz ikhbal: Sura 29:46 "And dispute ye not with the people of the earlier scriptures (the Jews and the Christians) except in a manner that is best, save for those who inflict harm upon you, but say to them, ‘We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one and it is to Him that we submit'."

Sura 6:115 "The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who heareth and knoweth all."

The aforesaid are two authentic verses of the Holy Quran and they are self-explanatory even to the non-Muslims. According to the Holy Quran also, anything stated to the contrary is from Satan.

The word "infidel" by definition stems from gross defiance of Allah's command. To forbid the Christians from using the word ‘Allah' and claiming exclusivity over it is a direct defiance of the Quranic verse 29:46.

I leave it to those discerning to determine who are the evident infidels and Satan in this case.

Daniel: This is the normal modus operandi to cow the moderate and sensible Muslims into submission. They are usually less vocal and after a threat like this, will keep quiet lest they be branded an infidel.

I know of some who conform because of the fear of being branded and stigmatised as infidels. As for PAS dewan ulama chief Harun Taib, thanks for confirming my fears. I will know now not to vote for PAS when the time comes.

Malaysiawatch: The religion must be so frail that even a dissenting view can render one an infidel. This is one man's opinion only and hopefully more Muslims will openly discuss their religion.

Fairnsquare: Former Johor mufti Mohd Nooh Gadut shows that he is primitive in his thinking. Clarifying a court decision and interpreting it is what education and progress is all about. Furthermore, it seems like the ‘Allah' decision is more about pride rather than belief.

Now, with the government's clarification that the judgment only applies to Catholic weekly The Herald , and not the usage of 'Allah' by all non-Muslims, it means that other religions can and will be allowed to use the word.

The threat against the moderate Muslims by this primitive advisor who discourages differing opinion will discourage intellectual development. Since he is intellectually underdeveloped, he will not be able to understand this. Johor is a progressive state and does not need such threats.

Fair Play: As invariably the case - using the fear factor to cow their faithfuls into submission. An enslaved mind only leads their community to develop a siege mentality in the process.

According to the former Johor mufti's line of reasoning, there appears to be more infidels in Indonesia and the Arab world - the cradle of Islam - as these countries have no problem at all with non-Muslims using the said word in their daily life.

Speechless: To prove his credentials, Nooh should quote actual verses from the Quran which specifically bans non-Muslims from using the word ‘Allah'. Otherwise he is just blowing hot air.

To call Muslims who disagree with the Court of Appeal ruling infidels without offering evidence to support it demeans the position of a mufti. Perhaps Nooh should consult his more learned Muslim brothers in the Middle East for advice.

Brahman: I would prefer to be called a kafir, an infidel, when I question the Court of Appeal's judgment that do not make sense than be labelled ignorant to logic and the principles of human rights. We are not sheep to be lead to slaughter.

Does the former Johor mufti label the citizens of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as infidels too for questioning the decision? Or the members of PAS? Please don't use religion as a weapon to beat the rakyat down, those days are over.

Hang Tuah PJ: Remember, the three judges are not even Syariah Court judges. Their judgment is not based on Islamic jurisprudence so who are you threatening as infidels if we do not agree with what the three judges ruled?

JBGuy: This is much ado over nothing. So many other serious issues to be addressed and semantics seem to be topmost on the mind of these shallow-thinking individuals.

Malaysia is on the verge of, or already is, a bankrupt nation due to corruption and mismanagement, yet these Islamists are myopic on those issues. Shame on them.

Anticonmen: God is the one supreme intelligent soul who pervades and sustains the universe. Without him, nothing exists. Just like our individual soul that pervades and sustains our entire body.

We as individuals can also be called by many names but we are still the same one person. Likewise, different humans, cultures and civilisations call God by different names but he is still the same one supreme soul for all mankind.

So, why argue? Why fight over a name which is only a word?

Changeagent: Infidel applies to the greedy and corrupted ones who are trying to strangle and control the weak. Corruption and greed must be condemned as it goes against Islamic beliefs.

Aaaargh!: Oh, what a state of affairs. Three court judges have decided the name of God. And now questioning it is not allowed?

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