YOURSAY 'If Sirul could have been framed for Altantuya's murder, the next question to ask is who could have framed him?'
Court: Sirul could have been framed for Altantuya murder
The more of what was revealed by the judges in the Court of Appeals, the more confused we become. What does it all mean when they say that the second accused, corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, could have been framed?
So with that, the killer/killers of Altantuya Shaariibuu are still out there free? Many appeared to be at fault - particularly the police, who for the last six years since 2006 have wasted taxpayers' money and time on a wild goose chase to come up with nothing.
Their suspects were found not guilty due to certain ‘mistakes' or ‘non-actions' (meaning dereliction of duties) not just by the police, but also the Attorney-General's Chambers and the High Court judge.
Whatever it is, the people's court has pronounced the police, AG's Chambers and the judiciary, in the mildest term, guilty of gross negligence.
Magnus: Since the attorney-general (AG) has decided to appeal to the Federal Court the appellate court's decision to acquit both Sirul and chief inspector Azilah Hadri rather than opt for a retrial, I guess one will have to wait and see what the Federal Court's conclusion will be.
If the Federal Court upholds the appellate court's decision in toto, then Sirul and Azilah will remain acquitted on the charge for murder.
But due to the finding of the mistrial in the High Court, the AG will have no option left other than to send the case back for a retrial and recall other relevant parties involved, including Abdul Razak Baginda.
The Court of Appeals judgment also infers that there was real or feigned incompetence, complicity, collusion and/or perjury by state officials in what seems to have been an attempt to pervert the course of justice.
That is a damning inference, and one that led to the conclusion of a mistrial and the quashing of the convictions obtained in the High Court.
Onyourtoes: If Sirul could have been framed for Altantuya's murder, the next question to ask is who could have framed him?
Kim Quek: Read Sirul's chilling confession of the cold blooded murder, recorded in a cautioned statement on Nov 9, 2006, and form your own conclusion whether the two accused did or did not kill the girl.
I think few have doubts that these two executed the deceased, and even fewer have doubts who ordered for the execution.
This latest Altantuya trial disaster, coming on the heel of the spate of blanket rejection of Pakatan Rakyat's election petitions on frivolous grounds and without even hearing them, has really brought Malaysia's system of justice down to the gutters.
When the latter has collapsed as it appears to be the case now, what is there to look forward to with regards to the nation's political and economic future?
Wira: When the High Court justice told us that motive wasn't important in Altantuya's murder trial, we knew the conviction would not stand if the appeals court were to judge honestly and fairly.
What now is the closure for the victim's family? The top suspects were untouchable. They still are.
Odin: A fat, short, balding Martian, who is a Muslim and has been given instant Malaysian citizenship on condition that he voted for Umno Baru at every general election, ordered the killing and the blasting of victim's remains with C4 plastic explosives, as well as the removal of the record of the victim's entry into Malaysia from the Immigration Department's computer system.
When the foul deed was discovered and knowing that a trial would be held, he used his Martian powers to cause all parties involved to say and do things that defy all logic by Earth's standard.
By the way, he did not know the victim as he has so sworn in a mosque. But why would he have wanted to do all that if he did not know the victim? one might ask. Well, the answer is utter simplicity - the possibilities in Malaysia of any ordinary as well as extraordinary things happening are endless.
That's why the Champion of Double-talk's slogan of "Endless possibilities".
Star Wars: One must understand the workings of the court to know why the two accused were freed on appeal. In all trials, there are bound to be evidence in favour of the accused and evidence against the accused.
It is really up to the judges whether to harp on the evidence in favour of the accused or evidence against the accused. If the judges want to free the accused, they would harp on the evidence in favour of the accused. However if the judges want to convict the accused at all cost, they would harp on the evidence against the accused.
While there is evidence to show that:
1) Both the accused led the police to the scene of crime.
2) Altantuya's earrings were found in the room of one of the accused.
3) C4 explosives were used, the judges choose to harp on the fact that the prosecution failed to call one witness.
Clearly the judges were only looking for evidence in favour of the accused to freed the accused.
Absalom: I don't know about the technicalities of law but whether it is the murder or intentional misdirection of justice or the motives behind these acts, all people involved in these are criminals, and probably the ones who block the true course of justice are the worst of the lot.
One day they may all meet in the fires of hell where they can celebrate their victory by deceit over a barbecue.
Fairnsquare: The legal process has found that the evidence was insufficient to prove that Azilah and Sirul had committed the murder and indicated the possibility of conspiracy by someone in the police force to frame them.
These two appellants could have been wrongfully jailed. Either due to lack of understanding of the process or sheer stupidity, many feel that is was wrong to free them.
We should be sympathetic to them and demand the police investigate those witnesses not called to testify and those discharged. The real killers must be caught.
Franklyspeaking: Will Altantuya ever get justice? A retrial is a must since it is clearly "this ugly and horrendous episode" has suffered "misdirection".
This time no stone should be left unturned until the culprits are brought to justice, even if it involved those at the highest levels.
The Mask: What I don't understand is that if there were clear-cut case of misdirection, why wait for seven years and allowed the two poor ‘innocent' men suffer in jail?
On the other hand, Azilah and Sirul might not have been in jail at all for the past seven years as their faces were covered every time they appeared in public.
Anonymous #94432660: So if two men are acquitted, shouldn't the police ask themselves the question, "Who is the killer?"
Cantabrigian: Funny that the judges could make such inference that there could be some hidden hand framing Sirul, but at the same time totally ignore that there are serious questions need to be asked about the whole murder and the story behind it.
Endless possibilities, zero accountability.
Toonarmy: This has been a very well-planned sophisticated scheme. Perhaps someone might want to make a movie out of this and use his or her creative licence to conclude what the majority of Malaysians already know?
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