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NFC chief Salleh, your story's a lot of bull
Published:  Aug 27, 2013 9:23 AM
Updated: 3:52 AM

YOURSAY 'We don't need clarification, just pay back what you have taken and all the people who have made comments in Malaysiakini will be happy.'

NFC clarifications 'nothing to do' with Shahrizat's bid

your say Tikusmati: In Malaysia, we all know it is not about skill and experience but who you know. National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) chairperson Mohamad Salleh Ismail: it is a fact that you have no experience nor skills in implementing the said project.

So, who do you know to get the RM250 million loan/grant? Since now that I know you, can I get a RM1 million loan to do something that will benefit the rakyat (really, there will be no benefit to me)?

Mob1900: Don't worry, NFC chairperson, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has your back covered.

Black Mamba: Whatever the explanation, Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil is still part of Salleh's family and that perception is bad enough.

This is similar to the death of a Mongolian woman where no amount of swearing in religious institutions will vindicate the perception of the public.

The same applies to the five suspects who were eliminated without being taken alive. Perception can only be erased when the accused party immediately comes out to testify the truth, and not months later.

Yoda: Who cares what your clarification, Mr Shaharizat? I have been paying income tax through compulsory deduction on my salary for many years, and even my mother demands I pay her back the money she loaned me to tie me over the bad times.

So we don't need clarification, just pay back what you have taken and all the people who have made comments in Malaysiakini will be happy.

Bad Head: Their skins are thicker than a cow's skin. They don't know what is shame.

Smallbigblob: Clarification... ha-ha-ha, just before the Umno general assembly. I hope the Wanita wing will not elect a tainted head, just like MCA did a few years back. That will spell the beginning of the end.

Sodom Me Sodom You: Shahrizat dimenterikan, Rakyat dilembukan. Malaysia, the land of Endless Possibilities.

Bash: This is similar to the trial of former Chinese politician Bo Xilai. He claimed he didn't know about his wife's dealings and that she is insane. Will Salleh take this approach, too?

NFC lodges police report against two PKR leaders

CiViC: Mohamad Salleh is not only not grateful for not being in jail by now, but yet has the audacity to claim slander?

Oh please, what the heck is wrong with these people? BN, look what you've done? Not only have BN bred and fed crooks but also given them so much arrogance to throw allegations against others.

Pacific.rim: Thank God for PKR politicians Zuraida Kamaruddin and Rafizi Ramli, who acted as whistleblowers.

If not for their swift action, the government may have injected more funds into NFC. Where MACC failed, these two persons alone have successfully brought this impending disaster to a halt. I wonder how many cows you have in the ‘kandang' now, Salleh?

Bash: Misappropriation of company funds is fraud. What more if public monies are at stake. Does Salleh know no shame, or does he think with the right connections he will get off scot-free?

Wira: NFC is the recipient of the grants and goodies from National Feedlot Centre. If the auditor-general questions the National Feedlot Centre on the irregularities surrounding the monitoring and disbursements of those goodies to NFC, who do you think is the guilty partner to those irregularities?

Now let's see the police springing into action over that report made by the husband of the Wanita chief in Umno.

Lover Boy: The NFC scandal was triggered by the Auditor-General's Report. What Rafizi and Zuraida did merely was to trace a money trail as to where the money went. It went to expensive Mercedes Benz, and condos in Singapore and Bangsar.

This man is shameless and what can we say about the wife? Shares the same room with this man and she does not know what her husband and children are doing? You expect Malaysians to believe that?

Malaya: I didn't steal but just took it without permission. So I am suing you for saying I stole.

Ib: Malaysians are feeling so ashamed of our corrupt ministers and corrupt ministries and corrupt police that we don't even feel like flying the Malaysian flag on Merdeka Day.

Not Confused: He is the recipient of over RM168 million in taxpayers' money and what has he got to show for it? Now he has the audacity to act all hurt and maligned. Get a life - better still leave the country - Singapore would be your best bet.

Yellow Bird: Indirectly, are you (Salleh) saying the people in the ministries who froze your NFC accounts are idiots?

Toonarmy: Only in Bolehland can a thief file police reports against whistleblowers for exposing his criminal activities.

Upset: Let's sing a song. I see the cows grazing... I see the condos rising... I see the Merz racing, and now let's all join the cows dancing. Moo... Moo... Moooooing.

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