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On Utusan, Khairy defends the indefensible
Published:  Aug 27, 2013 8:24 AM
Updated: 4:43 AM

YOURSAY 'Utusan is the mouthpiece of Umno and Najib is the head of Umno and he is saying that Utusan can print anything that contradicts Najib.'

Khairy defends PM for not taking Utusan to task

your say Abasir: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin reiterated that Utusan Malaysia's headline (Apa lagi Cina mahu?) was wrong, but this was not endorsed by the government.

This ex-fourth floor boy should stop assuming that all Malaysians are both stupid and blind to not recognise the umbilical cord running from Utusan to the PMO (Prime Minister's Office) and the Umno Supreme Council. So please spare us your indignation, boy.

Bystander: As a country leader, PM Najib Razak not taking Utusan to task for such racial-inciting statements is amounting to endorsement of same.

He should at least state his stand (or BN's stand) to ease tension and resentment felt by the non-Malays. The home minister should give Utusan a stern warning even if it is a ‘sandiwara'.

Louis: Got that? Najib knew that Utusan's headlines were wrong, but did not want to do anything about it.

When your children misbehave and do the wrong thing, would you, as parent, ignores it? This is what Khairy is implying. Only a lousy parent would allow the children to go on misbehaving.

Similarly, only a lousy and stupid leader like Najib would allow Utusan to go on doing the wrong things without reprimanding its management.

NewMalaysia: What is the point of having 1Malaysia slogan when the PM did nothing when Utusan openly insulted and humiliated the Chinese community. Are you saying it is alright to for the races to insult one another?

Anonymous #68219004: Politicians always talk with forked tongue and Khairy is a classic example. If Najib as the PM really believes in 1Malaysia, he should not have made the statement about ‘Chinese tsunami' in the wake of GE13.

As the PM, he has the power to censure, if not charge, Utusan with sedition and closed it down. But he said and did nothing.

Justice Seeker: "Who are you as politicians to get angry at people for not voting for you, it's crazy," said Khairy.

Right on the spot, YB. One of the fundamental principles in the electoral process is "A voter can vote anybody he/she likes, and nobody can question that."

It reflects Utusan's stupidity and ignorance of this principle.

Vijay47: Khairy, did you think that we really expected an opportunistic political chameleon like you to come out and say, "Yes, the prime minister was ill-advised in both referring to the election results as a 'Chinese tsunami' and for not condemning Utusan for its obviously offensive racist headline"?

Incidentally, since when did "discernible swing" become a synonym for "Chinese tsunami"? With all your pedantic twists and turns, two vocations in the circus await you when you and Umno are kicked out of government - you can either be a contortionist or The Slippery Snake-Man.

Swipenter: KJ, you are nothing but just a chameleon, changing colours and playing to the gallery depending on your audience.

Utusan is the mouthpiece of Umno and Najib is the head of Umno and you are saying that Utusan can print anything that contradicts Najib and he just let them be.

Secondly, vernacular education/schools regain popularity and importance when the Umno-dominated government began to the Islamise, racialise and politicise education under Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Pre-1970s vernacular was actually suffering from a lack of students and interest from non-Malay parents, particularly at secondary level. They all wanted the schools to be multilingual and we (Malays and non-Malays) were all happy with English-medium schools.

Perhaps Mahathir can't resist Lee Kuan Yew's ‘Learn Mandarin' campaign in Singapore. Since then our education standards and quality has gone down south, but down south the little dot is excelling in their education system.

Iiiizzzziiii: Rhetoric, and more rhetoric. The country is going down the dumps. After more than 50 years of Independence, what has Malaysia achieved?

The greatness of a country is a direct reflection of the leaders' vision. From this perspective, the past and present bunch of leaders have failed the people.

Malaysia has been blessed with so much natural resources and yet its debts is piling up. We are not moving forward either. So where has all the country's wealth gone to?

Changing the present bunch of leaders is not an option. A change must be from the ground up so that everything starts afresh without the negativity embedded in the present system of governance by those self-serving leaders.

Not Convinced: Khairy obviously hasn't heard of the idiom "Two wrongs don't make a right". His excuse for Utusan for running racist headlines was that the Chinese newspapers were doing the same.

If that was the case, the government should have taken action against these errant Chinese newspapers. The last time I checked, the Home Ministry was controlled by Umno.

OMG!!: Utusan and the Umno racists' outbursts have gone overboard and the fact is that the ruling elite has not reined them in. Instead they are defending them and this goes to show that they are all racists to the core.

Geronimo: After discriminating, marginalising and exploiting the non-Malays for so long, we should be asking "Apa lagi Umno Baru mahu?"

In any case, we will tell you what we want. We want just to be left alone to pursue our own happiness. Is that too much to ask of the leaders in Umno Baru?

CiViC: KJ said: "Najib could have gone back after the election and say look, we did not get the Chinese support so let's forget about 1Malaysia and focus on people who supported us."

Yes, he didn't say that. But he and his gang are just doing it.

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