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In ex-PM vs ex-PM spat, Dr M should zip his lip
Published:  Aug 24, 2013 8:57 AM
Updated: 7:55 AM

YOURSAY 'He singlehandedly destroyed the fabric of Malaysian society, public institutions and the civil service and fostered a culture of corruption, cronyism and race-based politics.'

Dr M: If Pak Lah so good, why the disastrous GE12?

your say Slumdog: Dr Mahathir Mohamad is still a vindictive and twisted old man who continues to blame everyone else for his spectacular failures as PM.

His only form of defence is to attack. He hasn't lost his reliance on the use of sarcasm whenever he is cornered or lacks the ability to logically or rationally defend his actions.

He has singlehandedly destroyed the fabric of Malaysian society, public institutions and the civil service and fostered a culture of corruption, cronyism and race-based politics. Mahathir is the last person to mock his successor, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Pemerhati: When Pak Lah (Abdullah) became PM, the people had the perception that he was Mr Clean and consequently things would change for the better.

But it turned out he was just as corrupt as Mahathir. Just like Mahathir, who had Vincent Tan as a corrupt crony, Abdullah had Patrick Lim and there were other corruption scandals including some that involved his son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin.

Thus during the 12th general election many people decided that since Abdullah was no different from Mahathir as far as corruption was concerned, it was time to dump Umno and vote for change.

Franco: Dear Dr M, you can twist this issue any which way you want, but Pak Lah also holds the record for delivering the best election results BN has ever got - i.e. in GE11 - something you cannot ever match despite your 22-year reign.

The only reason for the turn of event in GE12 was because you kept interfering. Pak Lah may not suffer the setback in GE12 if you had retired gracefully like first PM Tunku Abdul Rahman did.

You could not stand when Tunku criticised your administration and you were vengeful against him - you did not even grant a state funeral or declared a public holiday when our ‘Father of Independence' passed on.

Such is your character - full of venom. You have driven this country to the ground and you are still at it. Can you just shut up and retire. You have outlived your shelf life.

Cala: What is the crux of the problem faced by Abdullah? Cronyism, rent-seeking and patronage. The very culture inherited by Abdullah from Mahathir.

And now Mahathir has the audacity to take poor Abdullah to task. I guess the sun must have risen from the west.

Ipohcrite: Pak Lah inherited an Umno that was a monster of Mahathir's doing, and unfortunately, although he did some good things, Pak Lah was certainly no monster-slayer.

The GE12 results was a harbinger of the rakyat's dissatisfaction of the way Umno, and by extension, BN, ruled this nation so badly and unjustly.

Kingfisher: Sly and conniving Dr Mahathir has once again failed with his selective memory in dismissing one of the strongest mandate that people accorded Abdullah in 2004 by way of shaming his own bad governance.

Abdullah's failure in a significant way was due to his inability to put right the dismal socio-economic policy/legacy left behind by Mahathir.

Fair Play: Truth be told - no doubt Pah Lah had caused BN to lose its traditional two-third majority in Parliament for the first time in GE12. But Najib didn't do any better in GE13.

One thing for sure, Pah Lah wouldn't be the one to cause Malaysia the likely possibility of going into sovereign bankruptcy. Is that the reason why Dr M is so venomous in attacking Pah Lah? History will the final judge.

Swipenter: Dr M, Pak Lah failed miserably because he did not fulfill his promise to the rakyat to change the many policies initiated by you for 22 years.

It was a very difficult task to undo the damage caused by your policies - institutionalised racism, dogmatic religiosity and bigotry, pervasive corruption, cronyism, nepotism and a culture of non-accountability.

Sadly Pak Lah also could not extricate himself out of Umno's way of doing things. The people saw what was happening and they decided to unseat Umno from Putrajaya in order to save the country from ruins.

And the fight will go on till victory. Maybe in GE14, we will see Umno sitting in the opposition bench for a change.

ACR: Enough, Mahathir. Would you use the same line now against Najib? He has done worst at GE13 than GE12. Bloody hypocrite.

Pak Lah gave freedom of the media, of speech and of association. While he did these, he did not clamp down on you.

If only he had exercised his authority as PM and arrested you for sedition for all the problems you were causing his administration, the right-wingers in Umno controlled by you would have been put in their place and the public at large who see you as the source of all things wrong in Malaysia (from racism, to corruption, to the mess in the judiciary, to stifling of individual freedom) would have thrown their support behind him.

Pak Lah, of course, was wrongly guided in the Hindraf 5 issue which cost him many votes as well. These were the only reasons GE12 turned out the way it did, because you were not sent to jail and the Hindraf 5 did.

Son of PJ: Rather ranting on his own blog, my only wish is Mahathir would take time to read comments on issues involving him in Malaysiakini .

Endofworld: So funny, he must be too senile to realise that he was the one responsible for the election outcome then.

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