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Dr M throws Ibrahim spanner in Najib's works
Published:  Apr 9, 2013 10:25 AM
Updated: 4:18 AM

YOURSAY 'If he bows to Mahathir and Ibrahim, Najib stands accused of having betrayed the non-Malay parties and their supporters in BN.'

Malaysia needs more Ibrahim Alis, says Dr M

your say Astounded: If Perkasa really has 400,000 members, why does its president need to contest under a BN ticket?

He can very well contest under Perkasa or as an independent. Funding will not be a problem as a one ringgit contribution by each member for Ibrahim's campaign will amount to RM400,000.

If truth be told, Ibrahim is now in dire straits. His days as an MP are numbered. Umno will be too embarrassed to let him campaign under a BN ticket and PAS would have nothing to do with this katak (political frog).

No wonder his patron is looking so glum. There is a limit even to Najib being two-faced. Ibrahim and 1Malaysia are mutually exclusive. They cannot exist side by side. No amount of spin can explain this paradox away.

Bye-bye Ibrahim Ali, good riddance. Spend all your time with Perkasa. You don't have to attend the parliamentary sessions anymore and the MPs do not have to listen to the garbage that comes out from you.

Black Mamba: Who needs more Ibrahim Alis when we have one legendary Dr M who leaves behind a multitude of negative legacies for all to suffer?

Aries46: This looks like another of former PM Dr Mahathir Mahathir's schemes to undermine Najib and BN at the 13th GE in order to achieve his family agenda to elevate his son Mukhriz by demanding the Pasir Mas seat for Ibrahim.

He is provoking Najib on one hand and challenging the non-Malay parties in BN who have openly objected and condemned Perkasa's extremism and its backdoor role in Umno.

This is the acid test for Najib. If he bows to old sly fox Mahathir and frogy Ibrahim, Najib stands accused of having betrayed the non-Malay parties and their supporters in BN.

If he puts his foot down and tell the racist patron and his running dog president to go fly kites, Najib will be accused of betraying Perkasa's so-called 400,000 racist members who are also believed to be aligned to Umno.

What will it be for Najib, who is known to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds?

James1067: What an example both Dr M and Ibrahim are setting for the future generation. - one who opened our borders for the enemies to come in, another who hopped from party to party to ensure his personal survival.

John 3: 16: I agree with the old man that Malaysia needs to be saved. After so much damage has been done to the country and its people by the ruling regime, something has to be done to correct the situation.

Ibrahim Ali certainly is not the man for the job for reasons just too many to be listed out. Top of the list? He is just too stupid.

Dark Knight: Mahathir has shown the devil he is. He is so scared of a Pakatan Rakyat victory and has decided to go for broke. After all, in the event of a Pakatan victory, this evil man should be brought to justice.

Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim should forget about not bringing the BN crooks to answer for their years and decade of abuse. He should now boldly declare Mahathir and Umno will be brought to their heels for their abuses of human rights and gross mismanagement - financial or otherwise - of this country.

Ghkok: Mahathir has made one of the most irresponsible statement that has ever come out of a politician's mouth in Malaysia by giving support to a racist supremacist group.

It's as if George Bush is supporting the Ku Klux Klan. It's okay to campaign for BN - he has every right to do so - but to support a racist supremacist is highly irresponsible and almost bordering on treachery to the nation.

Mohd Khamis Mazlan: We Malays must ensure that Mahathir, Ibrahim, Mukhriz and all the rest who have robbed and raped our nation should not only be kicked out of Parliament but should be jailed for all their atrocities.

Onyourtoes: Mahathir, you should send your son to contest in Gelang Patah, after all he wants to be the next PM, right? So please do it, why ask Johor MB Abdul Ghani Othman?

Not Confused: If the racist, arrogant and downright nasty little guy with a big mouth but no brain is the saviour of Malaysia, then the country is truly a pariah amongst its neighbours and is doomed to fail as a harmonious and peaceful country.

I had zero respect for this odious little man, and now that arch-dictator Mahathir has praised him to the sky, this made him equally odious. The pair of them represent all that is wrong and bankrupt in this country - bankrupt of ideas, bankrupt of any common sense and bankrupt of any credibility.

I am speechless at such total disconnection between these two little Hitlers and the rank and file right-thinking Malaysians of all races. God help us if BN actually wins the looming election.

Tholu: What does it say about Mahathir when he openly extols a disgustingly insolent and vengeful human being who with his low intelligence constantly stokes racial and religious antagonism and hatred among the various races as a saviour of this country?

Ibrahim has on many occasions threatened the painstakingly nurtured peace and harmony now prevailing in this country.

Nobody doubts that he would have long been charged and put behind bars for sedition if the authorities had not been bias and if the law had been applied in a fair and even-handed manner.

Well, like they say: ‘Birds of a feather flock together.' Satan befriends Satan and Mahathir befriends Ibrahim. There are no two people like these two God-cursed diabolic creatures who are wreaking havoc and untold and irreversible damages to the social fabric of this nation.

Cala: By consenting to be Perkasa's patron, Mahathir is using the ultra body as his wall of defence by creating the ingroup (him and Perkasa), and the outgroup (those who oppose Perkasa).

Thus, in the event that Mahathir is dragged to a court of law, he can count on Perkasa to lend him the moral support. View from this perspective, he needs more of Ibrahim, not anybody else.

Swipenter: Mahathir you have forgotten that you once said you would not go near to a person like Ibrahim Ali. Now Ibrahim is a savior and you would like to campaign for him if he is to contest in GE13 on a BN ticket.

You are totally a person without scruples and 100 percent a man of expediency.

ForTheNation: And this guy used to be our PM? For 22 years? Dreadful.

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