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More sex videos emerge as Umno runs out of ideas
Published:  Mar 27, 2013 8:10 AM
Updated: 1:02 AM

YOURSAY 'Unlike the Umno of its founding fathers, the party today is morally bankrupt and has to resort to thuggery, racism and sex videos to stay in power.'

PKR: Nurul Izzah, Khalid to be implicated in sex videos

your say Pukalenthi: It's sad to see Umno being so desperate with their cheap political tactics. Why can't they come out with new and good policies?

We are not porn lovers. We want to see changes in our country's economy. I hate BN and Umno for this cheap and low moral act.

HYL: How come it is illegal for us to buy or access pornographic videos or websites but is legal for BN to release porn-like videos? BN should be charged with peddling pornography.

Anonymous #71627369: Show all the videos they want... my vote goes to Pakatan Rakyat. Malaysian has to end this despicable regime.

Amoker: Ask for debate, it is not Malaysian culture. But screening sex video tapes is?

BOYCOTT MSM: They keep on releasing videos because people don't believe them anymore. It is just going to backfire on them.

Hacks: We should kick Umno-BN out from the country's administration. Let them focus on pornographic and slanderous videos. Who knows, maybe they can win Hollywood awards.

Fernz: Filmmakers, please collect all the sex tapes and use them as stock shots when doing a sex-plosive box office hit on an unnamed country in South-East Asia.

JMC: That is their way of campaigning. The people are not stupid and will not be convinced by their filthy tactics any more. Such unethical tactics will only backfire.

Anticorruptleaders: Malaysians and Sarawakians asked for Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud to be investigated for corruption as alleged in the Global Witness video, but Umno refused because it too is corrupt.

Umno may be also busy now manufacturing a video showing Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim allegedly approving or signing logging concessions in Sarawak and receiving bribes from it. Every problem in Malaysia is Anwar's fault , according to Umno and Taib.

Umno and BN have no more plans and visions for Malaysia. Their capabilities are now limited to manufacturing and distributing sex videos because their minds are only centred on sex, sex and sex.

Versey: This only badly reflects on Umno, it is running out of ideas to woo voters and having to resort to gutter politics. The videos only serve to remind people of the Umno ministers and their sex scandals.

WTF: No real issues, only interested in other peoples fantastical sex lives?

While Pakatan brings issues of corruption and treason to the rakyat's attention, BN brings homemade grainy videos of people who are pretending to be Pakatan leaders.

AngryBird: This is how Umno-BN members slander their own race. I wonder whether Islam teaches and encourages its followers and believers to slander their fellow Muslims?

Rahman: A pre-emptive lie from PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution. Anwar should come out now to affirm or deny Papagomo's video clips.

Versey: Remember the doctored photo of Penang CM Lim Guan Eng's son? Who did it?

Clever Voter: Sheer stupidity and shameless if the BN leadership thinks this will help swing the votes. Indeed, the reverse will happen. Public tolerance has its limits.

Truly Malaysian: Malaysia, as a country believing in God and morality, must be better than t his. We must fight gutter politics and it is an embarrassment to all Malaysians living in this country.

Heavywater: More sex videos? Why not get the real one from MCA chief Chua Soi Lek ? I heard there are VCDs or DVDs available out there? Come on, who cares about sex scandals when there are scandals involving millions and billions of ringgit.

Whatsup: Umno-BN are not even qualified to be the opposition - otherwise, more such filth will be continuously produced by their ‘production' team as it seems they are not capable of constructive and serious arguments.

Jean Pierre: If I am allowed an expression, it is a toss between 'LOL' (laugh out loud) and 'Sigh!'.

CSI13: BN will bankrupt the nation. BN is already bankrupt with ideas. No surprise that they had to resort to this dirty, stupid tactics. The people are too clever to fall for their outdated stupid tricks.

Apa Ini?: How low can they go? Can these guys come up with anything else than sex videos? Are Malaysians really so addicted to sleaze?

Can't people see what upright and exemplary wife and children Anwar has and how the man soldiers on in spite of years of slander and jail? Can any in PM Najib Razak's team boast of such a dignified family?

TehTarik: These Umno agents are a group of depraved sexual psychopaths. Unlike the Umno of its founding fathers, the party today is morally bankrupt and has to resort to thuggery, racism and sex videos to stay in power.

Nst: They just believe in sex, nothing but sex. They haven't got an iota of idea how to govern. The country is in a sorry state of affairs because of them.

Let us change the fate of our beloved country by way of the 13th general election. The next generation will be grateful to all of us even if we are not around.

Good Men: Anyone would think that the opposition politicians are doing nothing but having sex all the time. I think I might have to fill in an application to join PKR tomorrow.

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