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Home minister, so they are terrorists now?
Published:  Mar 12, 2013 8:06 AM
Updated: 4:03 AM

YOURSAY 'It is really a big turnaround - from Muslim brothers to terrorists. And who is to be believed now, the home minister or the Sabah CM?'

Putrajaya defends terrorist tag for intruders

your say LittleGiant: It is shameful that it took so long for the government to officially term the Lahad Datu "intruders" as "terrorists".

Weren't these intruders armed to the teeth when they entered the country under highly dubious circumstances and posed a direct threat to the sovereignty of the state? Didn't the government realise then that they were terrorists?

And our Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein was cocky that the "intruders" were " neither militants nor terrorists ". The government's assessment of these "terrorists" was wrong from day one of their illegal entry into the country.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: I refer to the news reports of Feb 18 in which Hishammuddin flippantly declared that the Suluk invaders "were not terrorists or militants".

Fast forward three weeks, eight dead cops and scores of dead invaders later, the government is still trying to manipulate and dictate the public's perception of its bungled response to the invasion.

Malaysian Born: I agree totally with the sentiments expressed that they are terrorists and that the reference of ‘sultan' is giving them unnecessary credibility.

However I object to Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman giving directives to the press. All he should do is make sure all representatives of the government use the proper references when speaking to the press and perhaps explain why, if asked.

By giving his statement referring to them as terrorists and providing an appropriate designation for their leader, his purpose will have been served when he is asked to clarify. The media is not a propaganda organ.

Sali Tambap: It is really a big turnaround - from Muslim brothers to terrorists. And who is to be believed now, the home minister or the Sabah chief minister?

Kairos: Finally the eyes of the Sabah chief minister are opened. What took him so long? Two issues blinded him and the rest of the Umno leadership.

Firstly, they were Muslims. If they were non-Muslims, they would not have been received so cordially in the first place. Secondly, many of the Suluks in Sabah have blue ICs, courtesy of our ex-premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

So the fear of reprisals or the uprising spreading to the Filipino Malaysians living in the area clouded the judgment of the police and military chiefs.

Now, after so many days and more importantly, after the brutal killings of our soldiers, our political leaders suddenly realise that the so-called intruders are demon-possessed and hell-bent to kill our troops and grab our land.

I suppose it's better late than never. What really stands out in this whole saga is that our premier has not shown the strong leadership needed in this hour of crisis. To compound matters, the PM is surrounded by incompetent ministers.

Thinking: The Philippines said they are not terrorists but only that they commit terroristic acts.

Whatever it is, they came to kill our people. So call it what you want, they must be tried by Malaysian law.

Hyde Tetsuya: Let's just let the Sabah RCI (royal commission of inquiry) take its course before jumping to any conclusion.

Besides, the proceedings have been postponed due to the unwarranted development in Lahad Datu.

I suggest instead of creating more speculation, we ought to keep our boots on the ground and our people in the affected areas in our prayers. Let's hope that it will all come to a quick end.

Durio Zibethinus: Now that they are terrorists and the leader is not the sultan, Malaysia should stop the RM5,300 annual cession payment to the Sulu ‘sultan'.

Starr: What a contradiction it is to compare this with Hishammuddin's initial description of the Suluk intruders as "neither militants nor terrorists"?

Now, Musa Aman insists that they should be referred to as "terrorists". Has he got the power and jurisdiction to override the caretaker home minister?

If Musa has, as the chairman of the state security commission, then is he prepared to take full responsibility for the security lapses along the eastern borders and resign?

To instruct the media corps to change the way these intruders are addressed is an attempt to control the media. It clearly shows the character of the man.

Truth Really Hurts: As many of them have blue ICs, should they be referred to as "domestic terrorists" instead?

Serena Peters 2b14: If Putrajaya labelled the Sulu sultan's army as terrorists, then it also means that Malaysia is a terrorist-sponsoring country, for we trained and supplied them with arms to destabilise Mindanao.

Cannon: From "fellow Muslims" to "terrorists". This flip-flop takes the cake.

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