Playing the trust card in treacherous times

"A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody." - Thomas Paine


One has to wonder why the Umno narrative of ‘nambikei' (trust) is aimed squarely at the Indian community. It is as if Umno spin-doctors realise that this particular form of propaganda would not play well with the other two dominant communities.

As one Umno strategist told me, dividing the Indian community is easy since the political terrain is hostile to the Indian community with parties either dismissing the Indian vote or taking it for granted.

However, unlike some I am not too concerned with the Indian vote. Either it will shift back to the ruling regime because the propaganda works (with enough goodies thrown in) or it will play a significant role in ensuring the Pakatan Rakyat coalition sustains the status quo or even better comes into power - this depending on if Pakatan and Hindraf play well together...

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