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Gratitude ain't nothing but resentment misspelled

" The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation." - Bertrand Russell

COMMENT Since pro-opposition media (solely) do not inform my political stance and since the general election is creeping up on us, I thought I would just address an issue that has some currency in pro-establishment circles and is a very overt propaganda tool of the current regime inflicted on Malaysians.

The issue is one of "gratitude" and before I go further, the usual caveat applies. I write as a pro-opposition supporter who speaks on behalf of no one but himself. On this subject, kudos to Universiti Utara Malaysia law student KS Bavani for declaring her political sympathies outright and not having to do the uncomfortable explaining when pro-establishment types unearth her political party leanings.

kl112 rally people's uprising multiracial crowd story If you are going to take stands against the status quo or against conventional pro-establishment ideology, credibility demands that everyone is aware of the platform you are speaking from (if any).

I do admit though, I cringe whenever local leftist point to good old "Che" as a source of inspiration. Surely, Parti Socialis Malaysia (PSM) can come up with relevant and perhaps geographically correct icons for their young adherents and I do not necessarily mean Rashid Maidin, whose ideology is often willfully confused with socialism.

However, back to "gratitude". Every time Umno hegemony is threatened, this old canard is dug up and thrown in our faces...

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