" The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holders lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately." - Bertrand Russell (Sceptical Essays)

COMMENT There are no complexities in the ‘Allah' issue except the simplicity of craven agendas of political parties desperate to hang on to power or desperate to claim power. As always, when it comes to Islam, outrage is nearly always manufactured.

Only this time, after a period of cessation, the outrage was manufactured by the DAP. I have already discussed the politically inept manner in which the DAP chose to handle this issue through its party's Christmas day message.

The fact that the Selangor sultan has decided to intervene, thereby fostering the perception that Islam again is under siege (sic), points to the perilous endgame that Umno wishes to play and the opposition alliance (which should know better) seem intent on joining...

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