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NGO activists stopped, while terrorists free to roam
Published:  Nov 1, 2012 10:07 AM
Updated: 2:57 AM

YOURSAY ‘The authorities never used the abolished ISA on these real terrorists. Instead, the authorities used it on their political rivals.'

Terrorists in our midst, admits Hishammuddin

your say Jedi_Who: Wasting time persecuting and hounding Bersih , Suaram and the opposition with police resources, and calling them security risks by detaining them at airports while allowing dangerous terrorist elements to enter and roam freely in Malaysia.

Please resign, home minister. Hishammuddin Hussein has screwed up the security of our country just as Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has screwed our education system, whilst Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has brought our country to the brink of bankruptcy.

Yet stupid people want to vote for them again.

20121221Disaster: The authorities never used the abolished Internal Security Act (ISA) on these real terrorists. Instead, the authorities used it on those whom they considered were their political rivals.

LittleGiant: The disclosure by the home minister's that "many" terrorists are using Malaysia as a transit point is shocking.

It implies that the government is well aware of the terrorists movements through the country but it will not do anything to stop the terrorists because the government believes that Malaysia is not their target.

So, does it mean that our government is willingly allowing free access to these many terrorists and not bothered about what harm these terrorists could do to other countries? What kind of government policy is this?

It is ridiculous to say that suspects are kept under constant surveillance and authorities would pounce on them only when they make Malaysia or Malaysians their target?

Is this how our government plans to nip terrorism in its bud? The country is already suffering enough from huge corruption scandals. Just one incident of terrorist attack in the country is all that is needed for its already fragile economy to be destroyed forever.

Bluemountains: Why are you not arresting the terrorists if you are already able to identify them? They can't be friendly terrorists, right?

Jaguh: Judging from Hishammuddin's statement, what he is actually saying is that Malaysia exports terrorists and also 'welcomes' foreign terrorists to our shores.

Why don't we nab them, even if they are suspects? Do we only arrest them after they commit something dreadful? Don't they understand the term ‘nip it in the bud'?

Abasir: The minister never fails to amaze us. He knows they are terrorists, he knows they are moving in and out freely and all he is doing is... nothing.

Ksn: Hishammuddin, what are you talking about? From your statement, the terrorists are moving in and out of Malaysia, making our country their transit point, and you know about them.

I am under the clear impression that the crusade against terrorists is a global one, that Malaysia is fully cooperating in the fight to annihilate terrorists from the face of the earth.

Are we not a partner in that fight against those who mercilessly kill innocent people for no sensible reason? Have you shared your intelligence with the international community?

Are you saying that as long as we are not targeted, you give them safe passage and allowing them the use of Malaysia as a transit point?

iKn.w: Does Malaysia have a home minister with such calibre of being unable to do anything if he knows terrorists are moving in and out of Malaysia?

If our secret police are incapable of apprehending them, call for help from Interpol, simple as that.

Yet he speaks with such ignorance. How can we have a government that rules for 55 years, and still have a home minister who talks without using grey matter?

Whatsup: Mr Home Minister, do you know what you are admitting to? You openly said that these terrorists were "under close surveillance" and you did nothing to apprehend them, but instead accused Bersih and opposition of terrorism?

And you knew about the two home-grown terrorists who were apprehended in Lebanon, and yet you did nothing? Are you waiting for them to strike before you apprehend them or only offering the affected countries your cooperation and expertise after these terrorists have struck?

KSD: Foreign terrorists are welcome in our country just as long as they do their stuff elsewhere.

They are most welcome to use our country as a rest and relaxation destination as well as hold planning meetings and so on. After all, we are working hard to grow our meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) sector.

They bring in much needed foreign capital and spend at hotels, food joints and other places. They're also pretty useful as showpiece captures when Malaysia need to score some points with the Western world.

I'm sure that Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen will be calling Hishammuddin to congratulate him on his ministry's brilliant tactics.

Fair&Just: The terrorists are already in our midst. Yes, there are so many foreigners, especially those highly suspected ones, here and yet few security checks at the entry points - sea, land and air.

You should focus on your primary duty on home security instead of zooming in on the NGOs and opposition members. You shall be fully responsible for any terrorist-related mishaps.

Righteous: We have known they are amongst us for some time now, we call them Barisan Nasional politicians. They use fear to control us.

Hopeful Doc: They were under surveillance? Nothing done until lives are lost? What kind of explanation is this?

The blood of the dead are on your hands too if this is your tactic. Why can't these people be arrested under the so-called ISA for posing a national threat if you already know they are terrorists?

And instead innocent Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members were arrested for having T-shirts in their possession (seen by the home minister as a national threat). Unbelievable!

Veritas Et Aeuqtias: Coming soon: Malaysian passports blacklisted. All Malaysians will be presumed guilty. We will have to apply for visa for entry to any country. Syabas Umno.

Anonymous$&@?: As usual, the assurance from the home minister is lame and borders on absurdity.

In other countries, any known terrorists are deported or locked up to prevent any untoward incident from happening. Here in Malaysia, they are free to move around with the excuse that they are closely monitored.

If that was the case, how were Al-Qaeda operatives able to recruit innocent college students into their terrorist network to carry out their dirty work?

This bungling home minister has got his priorities all wrong. ISA is used to detain NGO activists and opposition politicians while overseas terrorists are spared.

Hishammuddin should work with the tourism minister to do a campaign to woo the terrorists of the world to make Malaysia their operation base.

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