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Ambiga, continue to fight the good fight
Published:  Aug 23, 2012 8:39 AM
Updated: 4:29 AM

YOURSAY 'You may be vilified and harassed by some dishonourable and selfish people but the majority of Malaysians will always be thankful to you.'

Ambiga to quit as Bersih co-chair after GE13

your say Lamborghini: Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga, I salute you for your courage and selflessness in fighting tirelessly without fear and favour for the rights of the ordinary Malaysian.

You may be vilified and harassed by some dishonourable and selfish people but the majority of peace-loving and patriotic Malaysians will always be thankful to you.

Continue to fight the good fight in the areas of your passion and expertise. And may God bless you and watch over you.

Boiling Mud: Madam, you have come a full circle and become a symbol for electoral reform. Would you consider staying on as the co-chairperson for the good of this country?

I believe most Malaysians are always there to walk with you all the way in our road to liberty and justice.

RR: Dear Ambiga, besides conversion and women's rights issues, you should also champion the citizenship issue for stateless people, particularly the Indians who are born in this country yet are not citizens.

Some are even grandparents, without permanent jobs and living in abject poverty with children not being able to attend schools. All politicians have failed in this area miserably.

Sodom Me Sodom You: Madam, we need you to continue the march. It is only the beginning and even if Pakatan Rakyat takes over, they would still need to be monitored. I pray that you will reconsider your decision. Malaysia needs you.

Peacemaker: Next, Ambiga to Parliament. We need such a fearless and sensible voice to be heard in the House for the sake of the people.

Anonymous #62163581: I feel sad to see Ambiga go - even if I understand there are other causes, and worthy ones, to fight.

It took a long time for her followers to understand what a civil society can do. Bersih got us galvanised. Ambiga was an essential part of lighting the flame.

Now we can only hope the flame remains inside each Bersih supporter to sustain the awareness she helped light. She has chosen to let someone else pick up the baton of leadership, and make a gracious exit. Thank you, Ambiga.

Matsalleh1: I can understand the dismay at the news that Ambiga plans to quit after GE13, but she is throwing out a challenge. Malaysians, you want change? Go for it! Don't sit at home admiring others who act.

With all respect and affection, and based on nearly 20 years here, I have to say there is an immense lethargy amongst many Malaysians, including the "right thinking" ones.

Hey, the Malaysia you want won't be delivered to your home like Domino's Pizza! Don't rely on one leader. Arise from your armchair and get involved.

The situation, if it is heartfelt, creates a new leader(s).

Anonymous #06659895: Please don't quit Bersih. When Pakatan takes over Putrajaya, Bersih can be a third force to make sure its manifesto is implemented.

If BN wins without implementing the eight demands, we must stand united come what may.

Anonymous #09239123: Dear Ambiga, BN can't be buried in GE13. I hope you can reconsider this decision. There's no one else who can fit into your role in Bersih, especially in the lead-up to GE14.

Akar: Madam Ambiga, I don't fault you for your desire to move on beyond Bersih 3.0 given the ill-treatment you received from BN-related media and people.

I salute you for the courage and conviction you showed in discharging your responsibilities. I pray and hope you will remain active in public life fighting for human rights and justice.

You are the best candidate for the EC (Election Commission) chairperson or CJ (chief justice).

Anonymous_40c8: If Pakatan forms the next government, I hope this new government will make her a judge, senator or law minister.

Then she will play a bigger role in making this a free and fair country for all, and getting rid of rent-seekers and corrupt politicians, and bringing to justice all those who abused their power when they were running the country.

First on the list is an ex-prime minister.

Queenie: Thank you, Ambiga. I knew your father and he was a man of honour and gave his all for the nation. You carry good genes and many in the ruling regime and their ‘kakis' - in particular the EC - will be glad to see the back of you.

Know what? They feared you.

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