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Let the barbed wire in Dataran remain
Published:  May 2, 2012 8:48 AM
Updated: 11:10 AM

YOURSAY 'Let the gov't wire it up to the maximum. It should stay as a reminder to the rakyat of our struggles and the values we stand for.'

Ambiga: Bersih kept its promise, but cops didn't

Bumiasli: The police have shown us many times that they are not intelligent but are very brutal. They are slaves to the government.

The former IGP (inspector-general of police) changed the police to what it is today. We need a new government with a new head of police and an entirely new police force.

What we have now is a dangerous government with gangsters and hooligans assisting them to create fear among the public. Let's change that. Any day now the GE is nigh.

Prepare: Ambiga, the police are there to protect law and order and do not answer to Bersih but to the law-abiding citizens of this country who did not go out on that day to protest.

If the police were not to handle it the way they did, the lawbreakers would become bolder.

Talking about other countries, I will send you scenes of the police in Greece, London, US, France, Turkey, India, Lebanon, and many more countries that not only throw tear gas, but also run along with baton and rotans to beat up the protesters, and some scenes of the protesters on the ground with five or six cops beating them up.

By the way, thousands of protesters are more dangerous than a few with guns. So I don't go with the unarmed and peaceful bull that people here are trying to portray Bersih 3.0 as.

Mob1900: The police never lost control, it was what they wanted, to execute the plan to break the barricades with their agents and blame Bersih for it after beating hundreds of unarmed civilians.

And now look how quickly the inspector-general of police and the Home Ministry absolved the police of all responsibility of hurting and injuring victims with their statements and notices.

Clever voter: There will always a security issue given the sheer size of the turnout. Although the police were outnumbered, they could have been more defensive.

Restoring order isn't about beating someone on the head and firing tear gas. This is a disgrace.

Justice Pao: The Malaysian cops never meant to keep their promise. They were instructed by Umno to unleash violence on the protesters even before the gathering.

Look at the way the police tried to prevent the evidence from being shown - the censorship of BBC and Al Jazeera news, destruction of the journalists' cameras and memory cards, and allegedly getting provocateurs to disrupt the assembly.

It was part of PM Najib Razak's and Umno's plan to renege on any promise they made. Never trust Umno and their hired guns (the police).

Anonymous_40c3: Let the government keep Dataran Merdeka and wire it up to the maximum. It should stay as a reminder to the rakyat of our struggles and the values we stand for.

This will be the focal point of our struggle for a better nation. So to the authorities, please keep Dataran Merdeka guarded and wired up as it depicts what you are.

Onyourtoes: Police on duty had no name or service number on their uniforms. They abused the protesters and behaved like thugs.

Since when police in uniform and on duty do not have to display their names or service numbers? Is this by coincidence or by design?

Those arrested had racial abuse hurled at them. Are the police now an extension of Perkasa?

Then, people gathering far away from the barricades were shot with tear gas repeatedly, and many almost passed out.

Many chose to stand away from the barricades knowing their own frailties - some were old and some with young children.

Can you imagine no warning or time was given for them to disperse. We were lucky the crowd was orderly, otherwise a stampede could have easily occurred.

Picture Fu: In future, Bersih should register all the attendees and have a number printed on the T-shirt, just like in a running race or big walk. We can then count accurately the number of participants as well as being able to trace the culprits who spoil the event.

While Bersih 3.0 has shown to the world the outrage of Malaysians, it is important to have Bersih 4.0 in the kampung so that the folks in the villages know what is going on and understand what the city folks are doing.

The Bersih message must be conveyed in simple terms to the village folk so that they understand the issues at hand. Bersih is not about toppling the government but to ensure fair and clean elections.

Change of government in future must be done in a smooth and peaceful manner, just like in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the western democracies.

The government must be held accountable and if a government is incompetent, it should be replaced through the ballot box and not by violent means.

Mushiro: It is very obvious that the intent of the police, Home Minister Hishammuddin, PM Najib Razak and Umno was to cause maximum chaos and then pin the blame on Bersih.

A crowd of more than 250,000 just in Jalan Tun Perak, will surely take about two hours to disperse.

Closing the LRT stations at Masjid Jamek and Dang Wangi was a very cruel move by the government. So was the firing the water cannons and tear gas into a packed crowd.

This is definitely not a ‘Rakyat di Dahulukan' government. This is a government which plans to cheat big to win the election and stay in power by fraud.


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