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It's herd mentality at Wanita Umno meet
Published:  Mar 25, 2012 9:44 AM
Updated: 6:43 AM

YOURSAY 'They are all crowing about bangsa, agama and negara and yet seem unable to distinguish between right and wrong, honour and disgrace...'

Najib tells Umno Wanita: Back Shahrizat as your chief

your say Goliath: The NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) scandal is a daylight robbery. The government's money (which is the people's money) that is loaned to NFC is meant to benefit the people. But only four persons benefitted from it.

Who are they who are so powerful that the government would loan the money to them, if not for someone else who is in that party and is a federal minister. Of course, she will never be found guilty because we can never find proof.

Trueglitter: The outrageous display of open defiance and insensitivity by PM Najib Razak in supporting Shahrizat Abdul Jalil as Wanita Umno chief at Friday's gathering despite her family's involvement, and her husband been charged for misappropriation of public funds, is an act deserving the rakyat's condemnation and anger.

No way in a decent society would one have a premier like our own to have the atrocious audacity and couldn't-care-less attitude towards the rakyat in emerging openly with his blatant display of selfishness and unconcealed desperation when he staunchly reiterated his expectation of the wing's support in view of the imminent GE.

The PM is expected to know better by sheer virtue of the high office he holds and his obvious inability to distinguish between right and wrong in his prime-ministerial decision-making would clearly subject him and the whole country to international mockery.

Anonymous: It will be utterly foolish to believe that Shahrizat did not have anything to do with NFC and its operations with her entire family in the NFC's management.

Was Shahrizat treated like an outcast by her own family that her husband and children did not tell her anything or did not consult her about NFC's operations and affairs?

Unless the PM can proof, beyond any doubt, to the country and to the whole world that Shahrizat did not know anything about NFC's affairs, he should get her to relinquish all her political positions immediately.

A honourable PM should be honourable in his deeds and actions.

VChange: Her date of expiry as a senator is taken as resignation, but how on earth anyone of such calibre be appointed in the cabinet?

Najib was chairman of the high-impact project and Muhyiddin Yassin was the agriculture minister. They certainly know how to do "I help you and you help me".

This is the way politics has been going on in Bolehland, and it must be changed or the country will become a third world country again.

Clever Voter: What kind of society do we live in where a leader endorses the crime of his subordinate?

Yes, she is not guilty, yes, she is not involved directly, yes, there is no proof of her involvement in the RM250 million scandal, and yes, she is to be supported.

Yet ask any layman on the street, and hear the answer. Only voters who are either deaf and dumb or those who are beneficiary of this crooked deal will say ‘yes, she is okay'. I rest our case.

SMC77: Pakatan Rakyat should go to villages and share this news with the rural folks. I cannot imagine Najib will condone Shahrizat's alleged corruption publicly.

This can only prove one thing - Najib believes he needs the support of Shahrizat more than the middle-ground voters. And since Najib doesn't need the support of middle-ground voters, let us put our votes behind Pakatan and send BN to hell.

Quigonbond: What this demonstrates is someone has enough dirt on other Umno leaders that her position in the party is secure.

The two probably reached an agreement, a quid pro quo, where one retires from executive position in the government in exchange of retaining a position in the party.

It also demonstrates yet again BN's bipolar disorder where it sometimes may not be okay to be seen as corrupt/tainted in government (depending on the degree of expose and room to bullshit out of trouble), but it that's okay within the party.

Spinnot: I help her. She helps me.

Show of force for Shahrizat at Wanita meet

Kairos: Whatever happened at the Wanita Umno gathering is a classic example of herd mentality. It is a common psychological phenomenon. The only difference here is that it involves brainless women.

How is it conceivably possible for 8,000 human beings to be so deluded and brainwashed that they are prepared to support and even die for a corrupted selfish leader who only cares about making use of her position to enrich herself and her family?

The women there have no cow sense or what? To think about it, maybe they don't.

After all, they have been so cowed into submission by her inflammatory rhetoric at the Umno General Assembly, that all they can do is to slavishly ‘moo' 'yes, yes, we are all behind you, even if you are corrupted'. What a load of bullshit.

Vijay47: What a shameless bunch - one moment they are all crowing about bangsa, agama and negara and yet seem unable to distinguish between right and wrong, honour and disgrace, treasure and trash.

From the word go, Shahrizat's entire conduct and course of action was one that should have made any member of Wanita Umno hang her head in despair and disbelief. Yet we have them gathering in their thousands to salute a leader who is, for want a better word, a downright thief.

You can all slice it any way you want, colour it any hue you choose, but you cannot run away from the fact that Shahrizat was party to gross betrayal of her position.

Some will attempt to justify their stand by saying that party is different from government. At the end of the day, they could be right, bearing in mind that both are represented by Umno.

And Najib has again confirmed to all, not that confirmation is required, that he is no different from the rest of his herd. 1party, 1philosophy, 1Malaysia?


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